Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fourty-Three strikes again!

Four minutes to go, till internet is gone. I'm gonna go wrap up my chemistry studying and go watch One Piece.

And would you look at that, fourty three posts AGAIN for the month. How INTERESTING!!

Some say it's 'forty three' (without the 'U') It's FOURty three not FORty three. First learn how to spell four, and trust me, I OF ALL PEOPLE WOULD KNOW, it's my favourite number.

So yeah, even though on english SAC's I would write, 'forty' I know deep down it's 'fourty' but screw them all. Screw Mr Bates. His name sounds like masturbate.

Till next year,
Good Night August.

Athletics Day

I'm not doing anything.
I'm not going.
I'm going to Joel Wu's house.
I'm going to study chemistry, psychology and methods with him.
I'm going to pay for the chips.
I'm going to not be in the hot sun.
I'm going to get something done.
I'm going to publish this post.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day One - Ten things I want to say to ten different people

"I love going shopping with you! You're always there through tears and giggles. I'm so glad I met you! I can't wait to see you again! xoxo I LOVE YOUUUU xoxo"

No. That's boring.

Joel - Yo whaddup. I'll pay for the chips next time....can't be tomorrow because of atheletics day. Can't be Thursday because of piano lesson...Can't be Friday because of my youth. Or maybe Friday will be okay. Well it's either Friday or early next week. You're probably my best friend, Mmmmm, yeah. Oh that reminds me, I need to practice with you some time. I'll treat you to chips, we walk to your house and then practice. Then we can study chemistry or biology or some shit, because psychology is boring and methods is just....solo.

Jazer - You are pro. Piano, freerunning, parkour, I don't know what, but....you're pro. REALLY pro. And you're a ladies man. ;D And because of me...you're a little dirty-minded now.

Audrey - Never thought one of the people I'm most perverted with will be a girl. Well I did, but not so soon! =D You're awesome 'n' I can talk to you about anything, A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G! Bahahaha. Talk to you later on msn. :)

Ji Hyung - Suppppp Korean. Even though you ditched me in English for General Maths Advanced, I can't stay mad at you....because I injured your back the other day. Yeah, sorry about that again. Your food taste awesome! It's fun swapping foods with you. Because your Korean food never gets old. And hearing you speak in Korean, pray in Korean, even SWEAR in Korean, man! Sounds so awesome, I can't wait to hear you orgasm in Korean!! Just kidding.

Jon Tan - You left General Maths Advanced to be with me in English. :D We share the same name, taste in music, suburb in Australia, suburb in Singapore, and some interests. It's fun talking to you about stuff and walking home with you, and hanging out at the park nearby. You are my english buddy, my walking home buddy, my park buddy, my Skype buddy (talk to him the most nowadays on skype), my BREAD buddy! xD Bread taste nice. It tastes better when it's fresh. It tastes even better when it's free. It tastes even better when it's actually meant for homeless bums, but we take it anyway. But even that doesn't taste as good as eating it with somebody else. (Poor homeless people, we're eating your charity bread.)

Wez - Even though you spend so much time with Shana, it's alright, so long as you don't ditch parkour. :D Because if you do, I'll rape you. And then kill you. And then rape you again. And then eat you. And don't think your ribs won't be used as analling devices, they very much will be! Apart from that, you're a good parkour instructor, and friend. :) But if you ditch parkour, I really will rape you.

Ian - Favourite cousin! :D Can't wait till I can see you again at the end of this year. So lucky; the day I arrive at singapore, is the day you finish Army. You taught me Chinese Chess, and you're over 1.9m tall. When I see you again, I shall punch your big muscals and then we can eat at the hawker centre, while playing chinese chess.

Justine - I will never forget the day I met you. You're so awesome. I'm comfortable when I'm around you and can just be ME. You're also the only girl that's seen me fully naked, within the past year. ;D You're awesome.

Daniel - Supppp brother. You're blog is funny, despite having only one good post. But that's okay, because you're awesome in real life. I love how witty you are! Seriously, you are gonna be frickin' awesome by the time you hit high school. And I love spending time with you, you are the most awesome sibling I have ever had.

Angela - Sup Beetroot. Even though you're not as awesome as Daniel (you know he's more awesome than you), I want you to know that I was joking when I said I peed on your towel. So beetroot, I know you may not like that nickname but don't worry....it's just a nickname. I love that no matter how much crap you take from me, you don't get angry. Well not permanently angry. I shall get you GIGABYTES upon GIGABYTES of anime for your birthday. By the way, when IS your birthday?

10 Days.

I don't want to end up like those people who blog heaps then get bored and stop, I want to keep blogging, till the day I die. Well, maybe not, or maybe? :D

Anyway, this is something to counter one piece's influence on my absence on blogging.
Gonna try this ten day thing, at least then I'd have one post per day for the next week and a half.

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five plans for the future.
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two things that make you smile.
Day Ten: One confession.

....plus, it seems fun. :)

Looking forward to tomorrow. :D

One Piece

So on Friday I jogged to David's house. I grabbed about the first 60 episodes of one piece off him.

See, I wanted to start an anime but I don't want any anime, I want to make sure it has a good number of episodes and it has to be GOOD.

I'm not an anime freak, so there's no point in watching heaps of short animes.

So I chose the number one anime in the world - One piece.

And OHHHH it's so addictive. It's dragged out, and takes forever, but it's really good, has super duper quotes, and...is very, oh so very, awesome.

So I got in on Friday, watched 10 episodes (4 hours) on Friday, 10 episodes (4 hours) on Saturday, and 10 episodes (4 hours) on Sunday. But that was because it was like weekendy and Friday, I had no youth group.

Weekdays, I'll probably limit myself to 1-3 episodes a day, because of work. If I have no work, 4-5 maybe. But not ten.

I watch them with my brother, so yeah. He's lovin' it too.

This explains the lack of posts recently.

Jazer and Dexter

Jazer and Dexter
At the park
I made rape jokes
Near the park

We did parkour
At the park
We did handstands
At the park

Jon Tan didn't come
To the park
He was studying
Not at the park

I fail at rhyming. So I'll continue with regular sentences. Was at the park with Jazer and Dexter. Jazer wanted to go jogging but I didn't feel like it. Jon Tan was meant to come, I think. I'm not sure if even knew about the jog. But he was at Joel's house, studying for methods. I studied at my house and Dexter and Jazer studied at Dexter's house.

Speaking of studying, I spend my recesses and lunchtimes at the library studying now. Just do. Because I'm sick of socialising (hence "appear offline") and sick of being tackled pointlessly.

Okay, not sick of socialising, but sick of certain aspects of it. Some people will know what I'm refering to. So that's why I just study in the library. Socialising is fine, but in this case, it's annoying.

So Jazer didn't want to go jogging by himself (Dexter didn't want to go, he had 'soccer' shoes on), so they raced around the park then Dexter went to play soccer. I jogged with Jazer to the other park to show him potential parkour spots. He beat me there of course and then after that, I jogged home and he jogged to Jon Tan's house to get his backpack then he went home.

Oh, the title is chosen because it rhymes. See, I like rhymes. They're nice. :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Parkour at Ourpark

Notice how parkour and ourpark are VERY similar? Yeah. So this is how it goes. Me, Jere and Jon (Tan) were going to meet at the park nearby our house (except for Jere, but he took a bus in) to do parkour, stretches, exercise and maybe go for a jog later. At 11am.

However, I had to go doctors for some quick checkup thing to do with my chest, so we postponed it to 12pm.

The quick checkup ended up with me getting an X-Ray.

Lady: "Take your shirt off"
Me: (In my head: Usually that's what I say) *takes shirt off*
Lady: "Step over there"
Me: *steps over there*
Lady: "Turn around so your back faces me"
Me: *laughs inside at the similarities of what she is saying and a rapist* *turns around*
Lady: "Breathe in, Breathe out"
Me: (In my head: Aren't I already doing that) *deep breaths*

And so on and so forth.

My X-Ray looks quite O.K. So in two weeks I get to find out if there is anything wrong with me, which there shouldn't be. Then my doctor shall fill in my form and I get the thumbs up for donating blood. YES!

So I got home and jogged to the park. Nobody there. It was 12:05 so...where was everybody?

I swung on the swing for about 10 minutes and still nobody. Ah well...I'll go home and then go check if they said anything.

I got home and checked skype to receive the message from Jere, "I'm going to be at Jon's house. Come get us when you're ready" It was sent to me about 2 minutes after I left the house. *sigh*

I jogged to Jon's house, collected them and then we went back to the park to do parkour and stuff.

I got to learn new stuff. :) Like swinging from a higher bar down to a lower bar with both hands. Or horizontally, both hands.

Back at Jon's house, we (just Jon) cut Jere's hair. Not bad too. :D

Then we burned a massive clump of hair when Wez came over. It smelled like shit. Horibble horrible smell.

(The format of this post is terrible)

Jere took the bike to charcoal chicken to get extra large chips while the rest of us went back to the park to resume parkour.

Jere came back just before Jazer arrived.

We ate chips.

We kicked bark at each other.

It started to rain.

We went back to Jon's house.

We practiced breakdancing (I'm worse at it than the structure of this post)

I got picked up.

I went to parent teacher interviews.

More details in next post.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


So I'm watching my brother get his haircut and I'm like "I need to pee" but I was too lazy to walk over to the bathroom there to pee. So I opened the door and walked outside. So I walked down the road and now I'm busting. I was about to pee on the side of the road when I noticed the car near me had somebody in there looking suspiciously like an undercover cop (tinted windows, uniform). So I decided not to, I walked back into the room and got my haircut. Then peed when I got home.

Oh, the haircut. Just normal. Nothing fancy.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


My heart was broken.
Didn't even talk to me face-to-face.
Not even a letter.
Or an email.
Or an offline message.
I woke up with that empty space next to me,
Not dumped, ditched.

Yes, my pet cockroach, escaped his box. DAMN! How? I don't know.

Well I cleaned up my room and I found him while vacuuming. Take this, BITCH!

R.I.P. Ben.

Think twice before leaving me next time. >=D

Eventful day.

This is in reference to yesterday, Wednesday, the 18th of August, 2010.

Double English. We finished watching this video which contains footage from world war two (WWII) and interviews with Holocaust survivors.

It sounded bad-ish, most of it, I guess.

The 'worst' part that affected me was when the German general offered bread to any Jew which can play the violin and please him. So this old mand (Jew) went up and played a 'beautiful sweet piece' (probably in minor key) that the Holocaust survivor said he had never heard anything so beautiful. The general didn't like it and had his army men use a pipe to beat the old man's head in till blood and brains were splattered across the floor.

Wow. Those assholes. A musician is AWESOME!!

On the topic, I'm going to rant about war and war crimes. So this is how it goes. You raid the village/city/town. You kill the men. Take the children prisoners. You loot everything of value. And you rape the women. Logical right? How about don't kill unless you need to (if they're armed or pose a threat) and then after any raping, you cut them up and take their organs. And blood. And bones. I mean, why gas them? Why shoot them? Why burn them? It's better to harvest the organs, it's more productive, right?

Music...Methods, by now, I forgot.

P.D. we had cake. Hooray! :D cake!
There was a chocolate covered cake and a mud cake (chocolate through). The chocolate was meant to represent our Christianity and we were either only acting Christian on Sundays, in public, etc. Or we were actually Christian. I'm neither. I'm like not chocolate on the outside and full of chocolate chips on the inside. Go figure.

Then blood donation. So excited for this. $43.75 for the maxi taxi ride there with David, Beth, Cara and Rachel.

The hospital covers both-ways taxi rides. The cab driver apparently gave himself a tip. LOL! Well why not? 2 or 3 dollars won't hurt. Plus, they're only 16 year olds.

Taking the questionaire was funny as a lot of the questions had to do with male-to-male sex and prostitution. They worded everything nicely.

Sex worker = Prostitute
Blood or any other bodily fluid splashed on/in the eyes, nose, mouth, open wounds.
In other words, a cum facial.
Sex with anybody who may have done any of the above (there was a longer list above) = Getting drunk

Anyway, David was the only one out of us that could take the blood test. I couldn't because 'I took antibiotics 5 days ago and it has to be at least 5 days ago. Which they changed to 'more than five days' once I told them it WAS at least 5 days ago.'


We got free food and drinks. I had a big M - chocolate and some cheese and biscuits. It was nice. :)

We took two taxis back to WCC. Because....it's too hard to get a maxi taxi again.
It ended up being like what? $100 for 500ml of David's blood. That's expensive.

Anyway, when David was giving blood, I watched him. The nurse is like, 'okay I'm going to stick the needle in, turn your head the other way' *David turns his head* *I stare attentively*. *Nurse pushes needle into David's arm*.

Nothing came out. "We're going to try the other arm"
This time, blood came out. She said if the ml/min drops below 30, to clench your fist and it will go up. It went down to 17 so David clenched his fist. I told him I would buy two chocolates off him if he got it to 100. So he clenched like crazy, flexing his fingers. He got it to 92. So I told him I'll buy one if he gets it to 95. He kept going, he got it to 94. But that's okay, I'll buy one anyway.

He claimed it went up to 95 or 96, meh. I believe him, I'll just buy one.

So yeah, No blood for me. :( Or more correctly, for them. However, I am planning to go another day. (They tell you if you have blood cancer, diabetes, your blood type, HIV, AIDS, etc)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Melbourne University Open Day - Parkville Campus

So instead of going to the third (and last) day of my church conference - 'victory', I went to the Melbourne University open day at Melbourne University with some people.

At the train station, I arrived and looked for Nat and Joel. After finding neither of them, I stood with Jazer and talked with him. I bought my Daily Concession Zone1&2 for $5.60 and then realised I should've just bought the Daily Concession Zone 1&2 Sunday Saver for $3.10 Not so bad, I could just save the former ticket, right? Yeah...well, the machine gave me $2.40 change, not $4.40 change it should've given me when I put it $10 for the ticket. It stold $2 off me. Stupid metro...

Nat and Joel still hadn't arrived when the train was leaving. Just before I got on, I saw Eunice standing there. I asked her if Nat and Joel were here yet, she said 'no'. I stepped into the train to see if they were there (at the time it seemed the logical thing to do). Then I contemplated leaving with Mikey, David, Jazer, Dexter. Wait, Dexter? Why isn't he waiting for Natalie? Ah that's okay then. Anyway, Nat and Joel have each other to keep themselves company, so should be all good. And they have Eunice too. OH CRAP! Eunice! She will be waiting by herself.

[doors close]

D: Oh well...poor Eunice. Then I felt guilty, especially because I knew Eunice wasn't getting on. I found comfort by reminding myself Dexter ditched too.

I considered getting off at the next stop but I was too lazy so I just...kept going. =D

Sorry Eunice...

Talking with Jazer and David all the way up to Melbourne Central. There, Mikey, David, Justin and all the rest of them went off to the Uni. Me, Jazer and Dexter hung back waiting for the others to arrive.

We talked and I went to coles to buy 2 chocolate bars.

Then Natalie, Joel, Eunice and King Yi arrived. (King Yi is Natalie's friend who goes to some art school). She is in year 10 and has a major lisp. But that's okay. Lisps are funny. LIISSSPPPP. xD

As we approached Melbourne University, there was a stall giving out Open day guide booklets in those thin cloth bags. I took one and put into my backpack to refer to later.

Jazer, Dexter and King Yi went one way. Me, Joel, Eunice and Natalie went the other. Instead of going to biomedicine like we planned to, we went to KFC because Joel was really hungry. We got all stars + upsize drinks + upsize chips + upsize potato/gravy. $15. I paid for $5.

It was nice....

Afterwards, we walked all the way down the street then realised we past it so walked all the way back. Many times volunteers that were handing out guides in bags gave to me. Each time I put it in my backpack. I ended up with four or five of them. Lol.

Biomedicine was good. No. Was great. IS great. WILL BE great. I found out pretty much everything I need to know and now am convinced it is what I want to do. Enter... 95. D:

I've already screwed psychology over (scaled down) and....music I suck at practical which means I need to score highly on methods, chemistry, biology and english to get a good enter. STUDY! >=D

If I fail, Monash Biomed. is 92.7 or something.

After that, Nat wanted to go shopping so the rest of us (me, Jazer, Joel, Dexter, King Yi, Eunice) followed her.

We ate more KFC and ummm Jazer found out I eat my chicken bones and all. :D

To save me the time of thinking how to make full flowing sentences I'm going to list the highlights/key events in no particular order

1) Me buying those 3Dimentional-looking placemats
2) Losing them at KFC and getting them back
3) Free popcorn and nutrient water
4) Watching King Yi rage at Joel becaus he called her Roger
5) Calling King Yi Roger because we can't remember her real name
6) "I don't like KFC. It's oily and fat" "YOU'RE OILY AND FAT!"
7) The chocolate bars...they were nice...
8) Talking with Jazer about choices
9) Jazer needing to pee like 5 times throughout the day
10) Finding out heaps about biomedicine
11) Masturbating at the back of a $2 shop discreetly
12) Seeing Dexter and Natalie do more than just talking in public

Back at Glen Waverley station the time was 6:10pm. The busses that go my way leave at 6:05pm and 6:44pm. :(

So I called my dad and he picked me up.

Fun day. I want more chocolate.

Oh, and by the way, number 11 was made up.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Church Conference, 'Victory'. Day two.

So yesterday I went to day two of the church conference. But first, I had chemistry tuition.

Learned about pH and stuff, which is actually REALLY helpful. You see, I was meant to have my chemistry test last wednesday but I was sick. So get to have it this coming Wednesday.

And because I would've failed because I didn't know anything, it's REALLY helpful that I get a week extension since I learned so much at Chemistry tuition. Anyway, the depressing thing was just that night. I felt better that day.

For the morning, I went to the youth session. Four church centres, total youth: 8.
Super fun. Donut eating, rich list and treasure hunt.

For lunch, me and my family, Ying, Ying's mum and Uncle Joseph, went to this Vietnamese restaurant where pretty much the rest of the conference went to.

The wait was long for the food but the food was nice, I guess, so it's okay. Afterwards I headed down to IGA with my brother to get some drinks as the drinks were majorly overpriced in the restaurant.

Went back, sat through two more sessions. Then....went home.

It wasn't as bad as I thought. Was okay, actually. Probably won't go to next year's conference. Maybe I will. I'll see what happens.



This is useless. Usually when I submit a negative post I submit 1 or 2 positive ones along with it so that it dilutes the negativity and the depressing aura of my blog but right now...nothing is coming to mind. So I'm gonna go. And play plants versus zombies. Then sleep.

Sorry about the depressing nature of these posts, I'll see what comes to mind tomorrow.


Friday the 13th

Yeah, I know it's technically Saturday now. But Friday the 13th probably has been one of the worst days this year. Okay this year has been pretty shitty, but in the past few months, there is a good chance that today was one of worse days I've experienced:

-Feeling shitty

I hate my life so much right now. I know I said this is in the last post but I don't want to go to the conference tomorrow. It's not that I dislike Churchy things. Do I?

I don't think so...? Hmmm. I'm not spiritually dead, maybe a little spiritually dry or something. Ugh...I hate this.

Maybe I should sleep....

Ugh...Religion. What is it about this that has....faded recently. :/

Church Conference, 'Victory'. Day one.

So my church has this annual conference about this time of the year, with its other three centres around Melbourne:
-Waverley centre (Me)
-Darebin centre (Coincedentally the suburb it was held in)
-City centre (The centre that hosted it)
-Frankston centre (I got nothing to say)

Today at school...meh. Went to the city with my mum and brother (my sister was 'sick' what a phony. A GREAT BIG PHONY!!) to meet my dad in the city for dinner. The place we were going to go was closed so I had to go without dinner.

When we got to the place, (Darebin Town Hall) I noticed and appreciated the olden architecture. I really like that stuff. The cement, the wood. It's so nice!

So I walked in and sat down.

Throughout the first half of the night I realised my entire youth group (except for Ying) didn't come along. Then I questioned myself, "Why am I here?"

I looked at the booklet I was given titled "Triumph" with the main theme of "Victory". "Over what?" I hear myself asking myself. Let's assume, for these purposes, Christianity is 'true' or 'correct'. Is the end times HERE and we are victorius? If so, over what? Satan? Weren't we victorius like two milleniums ago?

And if not end times, then what? Well I guess the next ten sessions would answer my questions. Too bad I fell asleep. Maybe I was tired (poor sleep), maybe I was hungry (next to no food the whole day), maybe I was bored (Nobody there with me), maybe I had lost interest (maybe....). So I got up and left the room.

I left the building too.

Looking down a street of Melbourne City, I had a revelation.
It sprung up from this red cathedral-looking building I saw. Not firetruck red, but maroon-ish bricks. You know, with the steeples and the windows and the walls...well anyway. I thought to myself, if I gave myself my whole lifetime. I could never build that. To gather all the materials, plan it out and build it. I'm probably can't even do it with a group.

Look at how many more buildings there are. Look at the shop strip. I could get a couple of part time jobs on each shop and live off the money off that. I wouldn't, of course. Or maybe I could own a my own small business there and live in an apartment. How depressing. My whole life confined in that small area. I would hate that. Well it would depend. And this is where the depressing feeling came in.

What do I want out of life? Like really. Do I want to leave my house and live in the city or move to another country/city? Do I want to study elsewhere (Probably not).

What priorities am I going to give my future?

So many factors....I never really think about these things. :/ Well I do, but it's just a daydream of grey haze, not really meaningful thinking. Well rarely, if any.

*sigh* So depressing....=[

Blegh. And this is meant to be a victorius church conference. I guess the revelation was just suddenly realising how big the world is and how significant I am.

I went inside again and went to the kids area where I just did nothing but help get down helium balloons from the roof and give it back to the 5/6 year old kiddies to play with until they let it go again. :/

Then the session ended and there was supper. The nachos were soggy, the breadsticks were burnt, the rest was nice I guess.

Damn, I just made this post depressing. >_>

I suck so much,
I'm going to end it soon.

Not my life, although at the time of the revelation I felt like dying. I didn't feel like killing myself, that would be too inconvenient. But I felt like just blinking out of existance. I blinked. Nothing happened. I guess that's a sign I was meant to exist. I've dealt with depression before, so it shouldn't be so hard getting over this, it's just really inconvenient right now. I really don't want it now. Any other time, just not now. You suck depressing feelings.

Yeah, I actually meant the post - I'm going to end it soon.

I'm so NOT looking forward to going tomorrow. Eight sessions. I thoroughly regret signing up. But hey! Maybe I'm blind and the victorious will let me TRIUMPH over these depressing feelings. Pfft.

I'm going to bed. Oh wait, I'm already in bed.

I'm going to youtube.



Back from my church conference, with nobody (well technically people are online but nobody I talk to) online, and having a revelation and brooding over things feeling a little depressed, what better thing to do than get a good night's sleep? I'll tell you. Pull an all-nighter blogging even though you're sick.

Nah, I'm getting better and it won't be an all-nighter but I WILL be blogging a lot tonight.

So without further ado (is it a do or ado? I'm pretty sure its ado. In fact, this is the first time I used that word in my life. I've never used it on physically (paper) or virtually (computer) before. xD) let's get blogging!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Oh yes, aren't you cool! Aren't you intelligent!

No really, that adds so much more colour to your song, your language, your insult.
It shows how COOL you are too.

If a word has an odd meaning and has little use for it. And then if you use it in perfect context, then that is a word well used. Well done. Well spoken. Well chosen. You, sir, have a good vocabulary. However, if you use a word that has a broad definition and then use it all the time, you're stupid. You can't think of any better word. The perfect example is the word, 'Fuck'.


Fuck (verb): To have sexual intercourse with; "Go away, you fucker", "Hey, wanna fuck", "I fucked your mum", "I swear I saw her fucking him!!" (Three tenses)

Fucking (adjective): A negative word, definitely, but the definition is unclear. Probably to show one's hate toward something (the noun it's describing; "You're a fucking retard"

Fuck (noun): 'care'; "I don't give a fuck", "What the fuck?", "Do I look like I fucking give a fuck?!"
(Last one uses the previous definition too)

Fuck (verb): 'hate'; "Fuck you!"

Fuck (verb): To make a mistake; "I fucked up"

Fuck (noun): I don't even know how to describe this; "Fuck off!"

There are SO many definitions for the word, 'fuck', it's just lame when somebody uses it. Especially multiple times in a sentence: "Oi! Fuck you! Do you want me to fucking come over there?! I'll swear I'll fucking beat the shit out of you, you fucking piece of shit"

Fucking piece of shit? The use of the word shit, although disrespectful, is stupid. Use a different word. One that doesn't randomly offend somebody but picks out a characteristic of their physical appearance or personality and mocks them offensively.

Maybe 'fuck' can be used to show anger and seriousness. But it shows stupidity too. Well in my eyes it does. Maybe not so much stupidity but small vocabulary.

Then there are those who not only show their small vocabulary but either typo it, for example, 'fucken'.

Then there are those who want to say fucking but don't want to 'swear' or be 'mean' so they use freaking or frigging instead. Well guess what? Fucking means to have sexual intercourse with, frigging means to jerk somebody off. So "FUCKING HELL" is 'hell having sexual intercourse' and "FRIGGING HELL" is 'hell wanking somebody off'

Freaking....not so sure. But it's the combination of my "Biff" post-concept (abbreviating and changing a word many times) and "Fuck" post-concept (small vocabulary)

People who use 'fuck' reguarly are almost as bad as people who use the word 'biff'.


Go read some books or go to trolling websites more and learn better ways to insult and describe things, you illiterate retard.

A couple of things going on.

1. Remember how Ben went missing? Well I put him into a plastic zip bag and tightened it. He got out somehow >_> I found him INSIDE a closed contained, how weird is that? Ben is a ninja, 'Ninja Ben' :D So I put him back in the bag, he didn't seem to be moving very much. So I got a tissue box, cut off the top face, put in some bread and a toilet roll for mental stimulation. He managed to climb up the inside of the roll then do a parkour cat leap from it to the edge of the box and then climb out. I put him back inside and sealed the box with cling wrap to prevent this from happening again. He is a ninja.

2. Youtube changed the look of the 'replay, share, etc' stuff that comes up when the video you're watching finished. Just thought I'd share that.

3. I started listening to to Bullets by TUNNG. Good song, good band, they are. C=

Thank you Mr Johnson for introducing me to this awesome song.

Chillin' with Ji Hyung.

So this was yesterday, I forgot to blog about it (sorry Ji Hyung...)

After biblical studies (which is more like religious studies) we learned about the different variations of Muslim. It was VERY interesting. I could listen to Mr. Murphy for hours....LOL!

My favourite part was the (forgot the name) Muslim Group that just smokes pot and gets drunk so they FEEL like they're communicating with God. HAHAHAHA!

Anyways after that, I went to Charcoal Chicken with Ji Hyung. It was raining. I shouted the chips with gravy then afterwards we went to foodworks and he shouted the ice creams. (It stopped raining by this point). We finished the ice-creams just as his bus came and then as he got on, I walked home.


That's all I guess....xD


Slept in.
Arrived at school at 11:30.
(Skipped ball sports)
Felt too lazy for psychology so hung out in the library with Eric and Ji Hyung. I taught Eric this pen and paper game Warren taught me, :D It was fun.
Went to Chapel.
Chris Lim's brother, Collin Lim was selected and labelled with:

And other things.

It's funny how the acronym it makes is F.I.R.S.T.N. Don't know what N means...

Then had lunch. I did some music theory in the library then went outside to write some stuff then....the bell went.

And now it brings us to my double music period: The main part of this post and where and what most of the content is about.

The double started off as the piano players (Me, Hans, Jazer and Shirin) and Mr Johnson being the judges for the Senior Solo Piano MusiQuest pieces. It was a toss-up between Benaya from year 11, Lauren Chan from year 10 and Sherwin Chen from year 10. Due to our agreement to keep silent on the results, opinions, etc, I won't mention.

After that, we did song analysis. But before that, there (as always) is an insult battle between Hans Zhang and John Wan. Hans owned, as usual. Because John always copies the insults. It was funny. ^_^ John Wan gets so pissed, LOL!

I got the most points for the music analysis. YAY! And won some lollies I shared with the class then ate the rest.

Then I went home. :)


So listen up. Last night I was like making my bed and just before I tucked myself in, I said goodnight to Ben, my pet cockroach. "Good night Ben" But he didn't say good night back. So I said it once more "Good night, Ben" He still didn't reply. I checked the box, he was gone! He escpaed, I was too lazy so I left it. The next day I found him under a book cover lurking around my desktop.

Now I'm just happy he's back.

I'm so tired. I'm going to sleep. Good night.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I saw this on some year 9 (or was it year 8 or year 10?) girl's facebook wall-to-wall with some other random girl in my school. It was in the context, 'yeah, they're my biffs' or something like that.

BIFFS. One may ask him or herself, what the hell is that?

It goes like this.

Best friend. "She's my best friend"
Best friend for life. "She's my best friend for life"
BFFL. "She's my BFFL"
Biffle. "She's my biffle"
Biff. "She's my biff"
Biffs. "They're my biffs"

Seriously, Best friend I can understand, best friend for life I can understand, BFFL, yeah, that's just an abbreviation. Biffle...getting unecessary now....Biff. Not needed, at all.

Pluraled? You can have more than one best friend for life. Let's just take the one 'biff'. FOR LIFE?? Do you REALLY think that your whole clique of 6 or 7 will be you friends for life? No. Not just that, BEST friends for life?

You're crazy. Stop relying on temporary emotions, I've had enough of that.

I guess it just shows the evolution of generation Y msn-speak. :/

ily xx (I love you *kiss*kiss*)


I was talking to X just now and she used the word 'PWNT'. Pwnt....what a funny word. Really.

This is obviously another way to spell 'Pwned'. Pwned does NOT mean pawned or something like that. It started when somebody on a forum typo'ed owned and pressed p instead of o (next to each other on the QWERTY keyboard). So they said pwned instead of owned.

To me, this is how I disguinish pwned from owned.

Owned is when somebody has some misfortunate event occur against them, usually because of somebody else.
Pwned is when somebody has some misfortunate event occur against them, usually because of somebody else. But greater than owned.
Fail is when somebody has some misfortunate event occur against them, because of himself/herself.

Take a look at these examples:

Your best friend punches you in the face, breaking your nose. You just got owned. The next day a rapist rapes your wife, stabs you in the torso seven times and you die of blood loss. You just got pwned whereas your wife only got owned. 2 months later, your wife finds out she is pregnant. Double owned! 5 months later, (7 months into the pregnancy) Your wife drops her glass of orange juice. That glass just got owned. Your wife slips on the spill and break her arm. You wife just got owned for the third time in this story. She lands on the baby and the baby dies and miscarriaged. The baby just got PWNED! Or as X would put it, PWNT.

Good evening.

PS: For those of you wondering what ever happened to the wife, she was in such a state of shock she stood there for a couple of moments. The neighbour saw it through the window and flykicked through the window shattering it (that window just got owned) Then the neighbour, acting upon his own sense of judgement, stuffed the dead baby down your wife's throat suffocating and killing her. Your wife just got PWNED! (or PWNT).

Note: Even though all examples of PWNT involve death, this doesn't need to be the case. If the random had cut off all your wife's limbs with a carving knife but your wife survived somehow, she still would've been PWNT.

Now, have a good evening.


Went to the doctor yesterday, got 5 tablets. One per day for five days. I'm feeling better already so I went to school today. Also, I used logic to help me. One reason why I don't go to school is I always feel the worst and feel so sick and have triple the intensity in all symptoms, when I wake up.

Simple. Don't wake up. Don't sleep. Last night I pulled an all-nighter. And it worked. I felt great. Right now I feel sleepy, exhausted and high. Lololol.

But yeah.

All that coughing isn't that great but I guess I'm getting better and better for every second that passes. No, not really. Every hour? Yeah... no. Every 4 hours....YEAH!


I want to go. I just don't want to go with him.

Listen to yourself.
Put yourself in his shoes.
Stop being so inconsiderate.

Jack's party

My brother's party was 2:00-4:30
Jack's party was 6:00-11:00

Joel Wu (and his mum) picked up Jon Tan, then me, then Jazer and then we were off to Jack's party. I still didn't get the name OR the age of the girl who answered the door at Jazer's house. She looked about seven though....or maybe nine. Yeah...probably nine, or ten? I don't know. Maybe I'm just upping the age so I don't feel guilty. But in all seriousness Jazer, if you're reading this, I never planned in doing anything to or in your family friend/relative. I just....yeah. :D

I got Jack some chocolates, and an apple.
Jack: Why'd you get me an apple?
Me: Because I can't eat it, I have braces.
Jack: But I have braces too.
Me: It's your problem now. >=D

Jack proceeded to make a hole in the apple, fill it with sparkler dust and blow it up.

A wise decision.

Jack had a minifridge out the back FULL of cans. Very nice. (Y)

The bonfire moments were funny. Weeman and Phil....yeah, I'm not going to mention but those at the party would remember. I almost got raped, sparklers were thrown at everyone. Dim sims were hit into the pool, Weeman urinated into the fire and we all threw heaps of random stuff into the fire.

The rest of the party included lighting Hoppo's sparkler bombs which failed miserably because he failed to tell us he already tried them and so the lighter sparkler was already burned. Hoppo failed. But I guess that's okay, as he was the only one who provided us with sparkler bombs anyway.

We went to a nearby grassy parkish area to set them off. We went to the park in one group and then when we got there, it wouldn't work. Half the group wandered off somewhere else, the other group (Jack, me, Hoppo, Phil, Thomas and some others)
took our tops off while walking through the park and when we got back to the house to get the lighter/knife (to cut away some plastic to get to the sparkler stuff) we headed back to the park.

Once again, in two groups, I saw the other group and called them over to watch the sparkler bombs.

We lit all three then ran back to watch. The first one went off, PSSSSSHHHHHHH....the second one went off, PSSSSSHHHHHHHHH....we saw there was a fire, so we went up to it to urinate the flames away. Just before we whipped out our penises, we saw the third one beginning. We all ran far away. PSSSHHHHHHH. The third one went off.

After the three sparkler bombs, Jack and some others went back while me, Wiggie, Jazer, Jon Tan and a few others stayed back talking and then walked back.

When we got back, the others were around the bonfire. We watched Anchorman. Is that what the movie was called? Something like that.

Funny movie.

Jon Tan's mum brought me, Jazer and Joel Wu home. Fun party. The end.

Daniel's party.

Happy birthday brother.

He turned 11 on the 7th of August. Been caught up with....things recently so haven't been blogging much. So here goes:

There was about 6 or so of his friends at his party. I was the chief audio manager for the pass the parcel project and I was the executive manufacturer for the pinata project.

Yeah....I pressed the spacebar on my laptop a couple of times to pause/resume the song.

The food was alright, as typical primary party food goes.

The kids were loud, annoying and noisy. Luckily I was in the comfort of my bedroom, skyping/msning away to my friends. ^_^

Happy 11th birthday bro.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


'breakfast' means to break the fast. As in, you fast for the whole night and then you 'break' it by eating.

Well I just ate breakfast. At 12:30. Too lazy to cook lunch, parents are going out for lunch, so I ate breakfast. Oh yeah, I just woke up. Not at school, because I am sick. I'm going to see a doctor at 3:10pm.

Next post...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ice Cream and Smoke.

Yesterday, when I got back from youth group, I was too tired to blog the details so I shall do them now.

Youth group (girls): 8pm at Gen's house to practice for the dance item, which no guys helped in so....
Youth group (guys): 8pm at Justin's house to whatever.
I got there at about 8:05/8:06. When I knocked on the door, he was like "let's go" and they hopped in the car. I was like 'huh?'-expression. (they is Warren and Eddy)

We were going to the city and the discussion going on in the car to the city was:

Bubble Tanks Arena
Various career options
Various future accommodation options
My rubber band ball

To sum it up I explained (mainly to Warren because he was most interested) the differnt weapons you can get in bubble tanks arena and stuff.
We talked about (more later) different courses.
My rubber band is now a nice size. Not huge, about 1.4x the diameter of a tennis ball but mine is pure rubber bands.
We talked about where we will stay in the future, the price, how many people. We actually discussed this more once we left the car and walked around the city where Justin (my lifegroup leader, if you don't already know) told us where he used to stay and stuff.

We walked through Melbourne uni discussing future courses and comparing universities.

When we walked through those veranda (however you spell it) areas of the cafe where a lot of people smoke, it made it even harder for me to breathe. I mean, TODAY I have:
1. A sore throat
2. No voice
3. Even more coughing up phlegm.

Speaking of phlegm, it used to be a dark green colour, now it has chunks of red phlegm. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. It's like dark red, maybe even a bit brown. The majority of my phlegm is still dark green though. :)

So the smoke made it even worse. But that's okay. Because we got ice-cream later. :D Thanks Justin!

Two scoops: Coffee and Choc chip.

Was delicious.

On the drive back there was a discussion. To summarise the statements it was like this:

Me: Do you think downys (those who suffer from down syndrome) are humans?
Warren: DUR!!!
Me: No really. I mean I don't believe they're not humans, they're just less of humans. For example if I was to walk up to a doctor and say "How many chromosomes does a human have?" He/she will say "46 in total" Then if you ask how many chromosomes a downy has he/she will say "48" with logic, downys aren't human.
Warren: That's just one characteristic of humans.
Me: How about ten toes? Humans are meant to have ten toes, if they don't, they're still human, just not as human.
Warren: What do you mean, NOT AS HUMAN!?!
Me: Well humans are meant to have ten toes-
Warren: But what if they don't? What if humans evolve into having 12 toes and everybody with 10 toes die out. Then some guy says "Some 'scientist' said humans are only meant to have 10 toes. What a retard" in the future.
Me: Prove we will evolve into 12 toes.
Warren: Prove we won't.
Me/Eddy: DNA contains coded instructions on what to do.
Me: Your DNA will instruct your cells at a certain stage of fecal development to release a poison to kill cells, which will make four cuts through your foot, hence, five toes. If there is a NEGATIVE GENETIC DISORDER, you may have 12 toes. Even if your wife has 12 toes too, your kids have just as much chance of having 10 toes as a child another child whose parents both have 10 toes.
Warren: Don't talk back. I was right about my elements theory.
Me: That's because it's physics and you do physics, me and Eddy to bio, and toes is BIOLOGY. When it comes to biology, listen to the biologists, not the physician.
Warren: Without physics, there is no biology.
Me: Without biology, there is no Warren.

We had another discussion inside Justin's house about the elements idea. In which Warren got owned on several occasions. His theory was ok though. Just had a couple of flaws.

Warren and Eddy got picked up. I called my dad. I got picked up. I got home. I slept.

PS: The acronym for Ice Cream and Smoke is ICAS. (Maths inside joke). :)

Friday, August 6, 2010


Real bad. I can't remember if I've ever had this kind of cough. It feels like chesty cough. Oh, and if you haven't realised yet. It's 10:18am and I'm not at school. Too sick. Well I could go if I wanted to but I'd be coughing like all day and leaving the classroom every 2 minutes or something.

So this is what I've done so far today:
-45 minutes of piano.
-Fixed my long pole. That's right. I fixed it! :D WOOOO! I also duct-taped the two ends so any edges wouldn't cut my brother anymore, you know, since it's getting a little rusty. I don't think I've actually cut my brother with it before (if I have, it would have been accident) but because the edges are edgy, they have scratched him, didn't draw blood though. (accident :D)

Speaking of my brother, tomorrow it is his birthday. And I've got the perfect present. :) I WOULD put it up but some person that might hate me or maybe just for lulz will tell him or sabatage the present. So yeah, I'll tell you once I give it to him.

And another thing. I've just discovered how awesome the 'shuffle' button is when combined with long playlists. :D I know, I'm like what? 20 years in the past? Oh, and on VLC media player, it's called 'random' makes sense, right? I accidentally hit the 'R' key (I found out later) and then my songs went all over the place (the playlist contains my favourite songs of the past couple of years).

So I don't have to listen to the same thing over and over. I know, I'm really behind in technology but yeah. Discovering this kind of stuff makes me happy. :)

Like that time I discovered Skype. FREE skype-to-skype calls. xD

Or that time I discovered USB sticks. Everybody called me a retard but it's so awesome. You can rewrite them like thousands of times.

Then there was that time I discovered the stretchiness of my foreskin. MAN! That was a good day. Had so much fun.

Or that time I discovered that you bleed more when your veins get cut. That wasn't a very great day. It was rather messy. But still something I'm proud of discovering.

Then there was that time I discovered how much fun fire can be. Like it spreads so fast. I burned so many of my things. Just for the fun of it. I thought I might be a pyromaniac but nah. I'm not. I just like fire. A lot.

Or that time I discovered carpet. Like I always walked on it. It was merely there to keep my feet warm or whatever. But then I slept on the ground and it was REALLY good. Very comfortable.

Then when I re-discovered my bed, SOFTER THAN THE GROUND!

Then I discovered USB mouse. You can just PLUG IT IN AND TA-DA! You can even plug TWO IN! WHOAAA.

Or that time I discovered I can change the colour of my piss by controlling how much water I drink. I stopped drinking water for like 1 week and it was freaking dark orange. On top of that, it had 1 inch of sediment at the bottom of the bottle (Yeah, I peed in a bottle). It was pretty disturbing. I had drunk so much it was saturated. O_O. That's weird. Powder coming out my penis....that's for old men having sex. Not for pissing teenagers.

Or that time I discovered the stretchyness of the anal sphincter. Not my anal sphincter, however. That was the day I was goatse'd. Goatse.cx Well at least that WAS the URl adress. It's gone now. Just google, 'Goatse' and knock yourself out. ;D
For those of you (hopefully all of you. I mean none of you. :D) who didn't visit it it's just some (russian?) guy using his hands to hold open his anus. Did you know that a group of people surfed through hundred of gigabytes of gay porn and they eventually found goatse. They found him by matching the mole pattern on his ass with the mole pattern of the pornstar. Goatse started with fingers, buttplugs and now he can fit a freaking bedpost (10cm diameter) up his anus. So hardcore. >_>

How do I know this? I encyclopediadramatica.com 'ed it. It's not that I'm into this kind of stuff. I was just searching up random shock websites to get my friends when I came across this and then as there were no pictures on the webpage (except the occasional one or two on the side depicting it). So I read the story of goatse. Plus I'm me. Cattermole. It should be expected of me to know this kind of stuff.

.....or that time I discovered blogging. Which was April the 4th. My first post. Probably one of the better things I discovered. (Except for stretchy foreskins. As in, if you are a girl and readnig this, let me tell you. They. Can. STREEEEEEETCH.)

And if you're a guy then should know ;D and if you haven't tried, TRY! And if you're circumcised then LOL! Jew. :)

And if you're not Jewish but you are circumcised, you have missed out on one of the greatest pleasures of this world.

I rest my case. Good day to you all. I hope you don't become sick like me. *nods seriously*


Thursday, August 5, 2010



Ben is still alive, and if my facts are right. He will be for a long time. Did you know that cockroaches:
-Can survive 30 days without food
-Survive 30 minutes underwater
-Survive on just the glue from the back of a postage stamp
-Can survive multiple times more radiation than humans
-Have a much more significant chance of surviving an atomic bomb than humans
-Are 3x cleaner and more sterile than humans
-Are sexy

This is WHY I recommend you, GET A COCKROACH.

On a side not, I've been really sick lately. Yeah. Like coughing whole week. Sometimes I cough out phlegm. I love that word. PHLEGM. I love the silent 'G'. That's my favourite part. :D PHHLLLLEEGGGMMMMMM.......=D

Yeah. Today I found it hard to breathe. This is bad. It does NOT feel like asthma. But I don't smoke. So yeah. This is weird. :/ I'll probably wake up coughing like crazy, if I'm still alive.

I'm going to go watch some random movie kung fu clips. That should cheer me up. Although I'm far from depressed. I'm actually REALLY happy with the direction my life is going in at the moment. But everytime the rollercoaster goes up, it goes down. However, there are people in the rollercoaster with you to go down with you :) And everybody knows that going down...is the fun part. :D

I love my life.

I hope you love yours too.

If you don't, keep reading my blog. It SHOULD make your life get better sooner or later.

Bye. :)

SAC overload.

Not really. But a lot of SACs. Start of the day began with a double period methods SAC. 100 minutes....to do a giant SAC on....probability. =.= This was particularly handy as I didn't study one bit (nor did I bother to do my homework) for all the probability chapters, units, exercises and questions. I didn't even know how to do nPr and nCr on the calculator until 30 seconds before the SAC (I asked Yeremia opposite me on the table.) Why it was so helpful? Because I had a unit 4 psychology SAC to study for that week (and the previous week too). But why probability?


You know it's true. It has to be. The acronym makes pie. PIE!! Who doesn't love pie? (8)Piee...piee....wonderfull pie....cook it, eat it, it's PIE!(8)

Lame, I know. But it's true. Pie is nice. You know it's true. The acronym makes pin. Who doesn't love pins?
(8)Pins...eat nothing....including sleep(8)

Pins don't eat, nor do they sleep.


Penis. Speaking of penises, today at lunch after the public speaking (which was actually okay. Matt Julius spoke, some other guy that kept bagging random groups of people spoke, yeah) there was a fundraiser for India (because Christian schools MUST help India >_>) and I was there buying random stuff when some year 7 kid with pink cheecks, a weird voice and goes to chess club came out and was like "Do I know you?" "How would I know? I saw you in chess club once and yeah, that's about it" He went on, to say "How old are you?"
To which I replied, "Umm, 16. Why?"
"Whoa. You're like double my age"
"-_- So you're telling me you're eight?"
"Yeah. I'm in year 7 because I'm too smart for my age." (He looked like, sounded like and IS a retard. And he cheated with Joel Wu when he played chess with him in semester one. He is NOT eight. But I made a joke anyway.)
"So your penis is like, THIS BIG?" *thumb and index 1cm apart*
"WHAT?!?! NO!"
Then he braggingly did this:
"At maximum length it's this big *thumb and index 7cm apart*
Maximum length...eh? That obviously means erection. He has a 7cm erection... Either he's a retard with a small penis or he's a liar with a small penis.
And for bragging about his small penis, he's a retard. Which means.

a) He is actually 8 years old and is a retard with a small penis.
b) He is not 8, a retard, a liar and has a small penis.

What a tardface. Literally. You should see his face. LOLOLOL.

So I bought some food. Annie took one of my 25cent doughnut thingies. Her excuse was "Because I feel like a third wheel with ben and Lingling". Oh yeah, sure. That's perfect to take my food. But I didn't actually care, it was just 25 cents anyway. Oh, and pretty much straight after she just walked off back to Ben and Lingling. How....convenient. -_-

I just stood around Natalie and Melissa. I forgot what we talked about, it was just for a minute. Then we went to the library to study and stuff. Natalie went to her locket to get stuff. I had a chemistry practical SAC next period, so no point studying for that, you can't anyway. Unless you can't read. Then you can practice reading. But If I couldn't read, I wouldn't be able to type. So by you reading this, you know I can type, therefore read, so I just went with Melissa to the library. We walked in and the tables were re-arranged differently and it was empty except for a few adults. And it was quiet. Then I remembered, "Oh yeah. My brother had the day off because of primary parents teacher interviews" He spent a good portion of the day Bubble-Tanks-Arena'ing. So me and Melissa went to the vicsom room (AT1) where we sat around other Viscom people and chemistry people. (yeah, I know. They were studying chemistry, but for the test next week, not the prac. sac). Three random people from Saint Andrews came in.

I just say with Melissa and helped her with ideas for her project and that was about it. Natalie never came. I guess she never found us. :/ Oh well. She follows my blog. And now she is reading this, and knows the story In fact, HELLO NATALIE! :D

The bell went, I left, and headed to chemistry.

Chemistry SAC was boring. The groups were alphabetical. It was funny because Ilynn Han and Jane Hsu got each other. (H) (they, sit with each other normally anyway) (speaking of Jane. It is her birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANE! :D)
Song Jing Khor, Jason Kim and Natalie law got each other. (K/L)
And Boulous, Christina and Euan almost got each other. (B/C)
But the groups were Roshana, Me and Matt Boulous in one group.

Yeah..I'm with Boulos. >_>
Had I known I would have been in a group with him, I wouldn't have taken chemistry as a VCE elective. But I didn't know. And I was stuck with him. I didn't really do much the double, at all. Just...yeah.

Came home, had piano lesson. 'twas okay. Oh yeah. For those wondering about Ben. I haven't fed him in ages and he's been in that tiny bag for a while not (The bag is the size of a tennis ball and is compeltely empty).

I'm gonna go check on him right now. Until the next post, HANG IN THERE!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

For the sake of it.

As I sit here, studying methods, skyping with friends and the occasional round of bubble tanks arena. YES, BTA is out. I think it came out a couple of months ago....July? Well it's awesome. Google it. It's be hero interactive. I'm lovin' it.

The game, not McDonalds.

So as I sit here, I realise, 'today I have not blogged yet' well that's not really a problem on it's own as I don't NEED to blog. But then again, if I want to maintain a healthy active blog (which is weird since at the moment I need to maintain a healthy active body, which I'm going to go for jogs with Jon Tan and Joel Wu to do it. xD) then I need TO BLOG. The same principle goes with piano, bible reading, masturbating, methods, any other subject, shitting, breathing and of course, sleeping. If you want it to be maintained, to it often and well.

I kind of feel ashamed of myself, that my priorities are going to my blog, but oh well. I may as well get on with it.

So today my classes are all insignificant, compared to what I had period 5, my unit 3/4 Psychology SAC. Well in music, 'Auralia' has gotten so boring, it's just like....REALLY boring. Words cannot describe how boring it is. Oh wait, I think I did a post on that, yes I did. 'Boring' is a good word to describe it. It's not killing me, and I can do it with ease, it's just boring. Simple word, perfect word to use. There, there's a word. :D (The gayest 3 lines on my entire blog).

So I listened into the year 12 chord progression dictation. One, One, Four, One, Five, Four, One, Suspended fifth, Seventh, One. Blah blah blah....

VERY interesting. And I'm not saying that in comparison to the auralia although it is ESPECIALLY interesting in comparison to the auralia. (To those who don't know what auralia is, it's simply a program that tests you on pitch, rhythm, chord, anything to do with music in any way. Very good program. Very boring when you sit there by yourself for 45 minutes). I'm saying it because it was, genuinely interesting.

PSYCH SAC. The last part. And this is where I'm in the shits. Because this is how it goes. We had a psychology experiment which took up one period. We are given three more periods to write up the experiment in the form of an ERA (I should what this stands for since I'm doing Psych 3/4 but I don't...I accelerated and I'm lazy. Oh wait I think I remember....empirical research analysis. Is that it? Meh.)

I found that out today. Three periods to write. I read on the sheet earlier on that week, "Four periods for this task" and assumed it was four periods of writing up. How perfect. FOUR. But it was not perfect. Oh no. It was very unperfect as three is very un-four-like. On the double yesterday I compelted about 55% which is more than 50% which means I'm on track. I'll just do 25% today and 20% on the last period and I'll be done. Yesterday, when I handed in my thing the teacher was like "Tomorrow go to S9, your last period". WAIT...WHAT?!?!

So here I am today, In S9, with other psychology 3/4 students that missed out on a class period due to the chemistry aquarium excurstion, HHD (Health and Human Development) students and physics students. I don't know what they were doing. Just some tests and SACs, probably.

I wrote non-stop. I had to cover almost half of the rest of my SAC in 50 minutes. The pages I used for writing ended up being nine. A good 4 pages of that was today. 50/4 = 12.5 minutes per page. My hands were hurting so much, I....Actually they weren't hurting. They were just tired from writing furiously for 50 minutes. It was liek I was in detention, but I didn't notice the strain. I guess I was too busy concentrating on something that will affect my ENTER score to notice unimportant things like that - The human body.

While on this topic, let me explain one of my philosophical views.

Let's say a friend, acquaintance, sibling, relative, husband or even pet of mine tripped over, and cut himself/herself while falling through a window, shattering it.

The human body will recognize the bleeding, send of certain cells to scab, heal and repair itself. It will send over white blood cells to consume any small fragments of glass to destroy it, etc. The window is not so sophisticated. It is just a window. And without it the room will get cold. So repairs are neccesary. This will cost money, unlike the awesome human body. I'd be more concerned about the property damage, regardless of who fell through and who owns the property, philosophically. In reality...I would laugh then help up the injured, then mourn for the broken glass.

After the SAC (which I completed, double-checked and was satisfied with what I had done), I went to charcoal chicken with Joel Wu where we shared some chips and a drink. Halfway through, some bratty asian kid about 6 or 7 years of age, I think, came in, in his primary school uniform, whinging. He ran over to the drinks fridge and motioned for his mum to get him a coke. "Sorry honey, No coke."

He made such a big fuss, it was approaching the point where it was more annoying than background noise. He didn't speak english, and I couldn't recognize any chinese, if he was speaking in a dialect. He was speaking gibberish. "Aeeaegheoeaoggghhhhguhghbibbubwehh" In my head, 'Yeahhhhhhhhhh....He's probably special'. Speak of the devil, guess what Joel Wu said out loud? You guessed it! (Or if you read his blog at stupid-latin.blogspot.com you would know anyway so it wouldn't REALLY be a guess, now would it?) "I think he's a BIT special." I looked at Joel, staring at him trying to communicate 'His mum is right behind you'. Joel didn't understand. So I focused my eyes into the distance behind him while angling my head a little bit to imply where I was looking at. Then back at him. Then back into the distance. Repeat. He didn't get it. So I moved my hand noticeably but down low pointing in his direction then once he looked at my hand, he looked at me. Then I looked into the distance. He turned around. "OHHHHH" "Meh." That's Joel for you. xD

The mother probably thought the same thing anyway. LOL!

After charcoal chicken, Joel's dad took me home as it was raining. Thank you Mr. Wu. :D

Then I did my usual shyte.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Peter Chan is a homosexual

Jon.* says (9:20 PM):
*You homosexual.
PC says (9:20 PM):
*yes, well
Jon.* says (9:20 PM):
*You said yes.
*You just agreed you are a homosexual.
*I'm so putting that on my blog.

That's all.

Songs I like

Thinking back to old conversations, it made me (in my head) smile, frown, feel like shit, laugh. Memories. There's something about them that feels magical. Nah JK. That's just the greatness of humanity. Well anyway somebody once told me, "Why don't you just talk about normal things." o which I replied "Like what? What is 'normal'" "I don't know! Like talk about what music you like and stuff." (something along those lines)

So here I am. At the moment, these are the songs I'm listening to (I listen to about 50 other songs but these ones I listen to over and over again): <--Lol, frowny face.

Plants vs. Zombies - Roof theme (Might learn it after my SACs if I'm still interested)
DCX - Flying High - DJ splash (speed) (this one has been for like 2 years, I love it)
Cascada - Everytime we touch
Daze - Sea of Love - DJ XStylez fast mix
Groove Coverage - God is a girl
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - King Dedede's Theme

The other songs are trance songs, piano songs, orchestral songs mainly. With a couple of exceptions which I may post in later posts.

Wow. After this post, I feel surprisingly 'average' As in the average person. And even more surprisingly, it feels better than average. It feels like I'm posting an everyday normal post. Nah. That's nothing to do with the post. It's to do with my perception...WELL, I'm off to prepare for my last period for my unit 4 psychology SAC, Good Night fellow music-listeners. And if you don't listen to music, then good on you for masturbating 24/7. And if you don't masturbate, good on you for being a tree to provide us humans with oxygen. And if you're not a tree either, then suck my dick. And if you're not a vacuum either, then good on you for being so handy to sharpen my pencils. And if you're not a pencil sharpener then screw you for making this world a shitty place. And if you're not Mexican, then that's a relief to know no Mexicans read my blog.

But in all seriousness, if you are Mexican, that's great. I haz Mexican followers. :D

I failed.

Only 7/10 posts yesterday but then again, 7 posts in one day isn't that much of a fail. I mean, in percent, that's 70% which is WCC equivalent of a 'B' which the school says is 'good'. Yeah, what's with that?

"Hello. My name is Waverley Christian College and this is what your grades mean.
90-100% = A+ = Outstanding
80-89% = A = Excellent
75-79% = B+ = Very good
70-74% = B = Good
65-69% = C+ = Satisfactory
60-64% = C = Satisfactory
55-59% = D+ = Needs improvement
50-54% = D = Needs improvement
45-49% = E+ = Unsatisfactory
40-44% = E = Unsatisfactory
0-39% = UG = UnGraded = The onlt 'fail' grade.

A 70% is good? No. A NINETY percent is good.
A 60% is satisfactory? No. A 75% is satisfactory.

Maybe our school being 'white' and 'Christian' wants to not hurt people's feelings and be nice to the lesser intelligent. I'm not being racist but Asian schools like the ones in Singapore and Malaysia are stricter, more hardcore, to the point and not so sensitive. Meh. Well no time to blog today. Need to study for the last period of psychology SAC tomorrow. Good night blogspot. Have a good one.

Monday, August 2, 2010


So today I woke up, showered, got ready for school...JUST KIDDING! I don't have school. I'm going to the aquarium. :D

Today, I tracksuited-up!

Arrived at Glen Waverley at 8:40 (like they asked me to) and bought a zone 1&2 all day concession ticket. Then I went on....THE TRAIN!

That's right, a train. It's not that I've never been on a train before. I have. Many times. But they're just so...fun. Awesome? Maybe. Not literally but figuratively awesome! Seriously. Like when you go over bridges and you look out the window straight down and you can't see the track. Especially if you're moving across a highway, it feels like you could fall down. Some of you guys will think I'm high but just imagine you're not in the same comforts of a fully safe train and let yourself feel terrified by the height and speed. You can look down on the ground zooming in front of your eyes. Or up higher at the relatively seemingly slower scenery passing your eyes. Or just keep your eyes stare at once spot in your retinal image and then make it all go fuzzy and then you hallucinate and everything starts spinning and....okay, so maybe I was a little high. But only because of sleep-deprivation of staying up to 2am the night before reading up on acids and bases, etc.

Once entered the aquarium there were red, blue, green and yellow lines on the floor (some thicker than others). If you follow the yellow one, you will reach the toilet :O 'follow the yellow brick road...to the dunny' LOL dunny...it's been a while since I've used that word - Dunny.

The aquarium itself was cool. Octopi (one actually but yeah), Japanese spider crabs, sharks, rays, fish, turtles and sea jellies (jellyfish). The octopus was my personal favourite because it has those suckers on it's tentacles and good move so swiftly and creepingly. Not creepy, but creeping. :D

After that, we went for lunch. I went to Macca's with Mong and Ji Hyung. Between us, 6 burgers, 3 soft serves, 3 waters, 1 soft drink, 1 chips.

On the train ride back, I slept mostly. We still had period 6, which is gay. It was English but we were watching 20 to 1, greatest survival stories. Or something. The order wasn't what I would have put it. Running from gunpoint to a nearby van isn't more hardcore than breaking and cutting off your own arm while drinking urine. >_>

Not a bad excursion.

More blogging....

Sadness overcome.

So the past week (last week) my blog views had a significant drop. What did I do wrong? Nothing, probably. The content is pretty much just as usual....

To add to the depressing mood, Ben, my pet cockroach died. Well I think he's dead. He's been in that tiny plastic bag for about 5 days now. I should check on him. Oh. And my spider died. But it was just a random spider I found which I chucked into the container where my past spiders sit dead at the bottom with their legs withdrawn to their bodies.

But I don't care about the spiders. I don't even name them. I care more about my blog than Ben.

Ben go suck my dick, you cocksuckingroach. See what I did there? I don't hate Ben at all, nor do I want him to suck my dick but I did that just for that reference. It's like cock-sucking and cock-roach. Hur hur hur....This is stupid.

When the ski trip people came back, my views resumed to normal acceleration. :D I guess I know where about 30-60% of my viewers are from now. xD You guys rock.

Point is, I have more views than you, Peter Chan. And a better blog name. And....Yeah. My sadness if overcame by the knowledge knowing my blog did NOT get abandoned. Hooray!

More blogging....

Wez' party.

After church, my mum drove me to Glenny where I bought Wez' present, his favourite drink from happy cup - Yam milk tea with pearls. Then my mum drove me to Wez' house to drop me off. After letting myself in Phil said, 'Knock pleaseeeee!!' and sent me outside again. I walked out, knocked the door. Phil said, 'Hey guys! Cattermole's here' and then opened the door for me. >_< LOOOL!

The party was 12pm-5pm. I came at 12:40pm and left at 5:35pm.

Probably the most anti-social party I have ever been to. (y)

TV one: XBox360 four-way-splitscreen multiplayer deathmatch. Forgot the game though. I didn't really play on this at all. So yeah, no meaningful comments here.

Laptop: Chat Roulette. Most of us crowded around here to watch random 13 year olds slouch on their bed with their headset on looking for girls and skipping past us, a chick who strip-teased for us, masturbating penises, random guys which we motioned for him to masturbating penis motion while chanting over and over: WANK, WANK, WANK, WANK, WANK!! A random vagina in front of the webcam and random girls here and there which we asked them to 'show us their penis' or we decided to be nice and engage in boring smalltalk in which they skipped over us within 3 minutes. Funny stuff. We give them the finger. If they give us the finger. We give them Hoppo's man tits. WIN!!!

TV two: Playstation3 One player Need for Speed (NFS) one/two missions each, then change person. I spent quite some time here watching other play and playing myself. Good game. :)

Desktop computer: Gary's Mod. One person at a time. Quite boring to watch. Probably the most antisocial electronic device there.

Random chips, drinks, lollies, etc were provided with five (or was it six?) pizzas arriving within the first third of the party for us to NOM on.

The worst thing was WezUng kept freaking eating all the damn pizza. >_> What a noob.
That's the lowlight of the party. Highlight would be Chat roulette or walking to the nearby park to set off a sparkler bomb (which I peed out).

I actually didn't pee it out. But everybody was like 4 metres behind me and standing spread out and it wasn't that I didn't want to pee but it just felt awkward with everybody just STARING at me and I just could NOT pee. I mean I wanted to but the urine was just not exiting the tip of my penis. Awkward? Yeah....Hesitant? Yeah.

After it was stomped out, I think it was weeman (might have been Phil) put a piece of dogshit onto the red hot pieces of metal. Once everybody left, I relieved myself (Hey, I needed to go and it was conveniently placed there.) After peeing on it, the cracked dark brown turds turned into soft, moist, light brown lumps of defecation. The smell of urine (but mostly dogshit) filled the nearby atmosphere, accompanied by an exponentially increasing thickness of white smoke.

The cake was nice. It was some chocolate/something else swirl cake. It tasted nice. Really nice. But not orgasmic. No, not orgasmic.

Even though Wez' birthday was 1st of July and his party was 1st of August. Happy birthday, nevertheless.

Congratulations Shana. Your first chat roulette session. 8========>

More blogging....

'awesome' and 'epic' are overused.

It is. The word 'awesome' is SO overused. This food is awesome. You're awesome. That shirt is AWESOME!!

Awesome means terrifying in majesty, or something along those lines. I doubt a shirt can TERRIFY you with its majesty.

There are many other words that are overused but awesome is probably the most overused.

Another one is 'epic'.

*bob trips over chair and spills his glass of water all over the floor*
OH SHIT DUDE!! EPIC FAY-ILL (emphasis on both syllables in fail).

That's not epic fail at all. It would've been funny to watch but that's not epic fail. He merely tripped over and spilt water. WATER. That can just wash off the floor. No. It will DRY up. Pfft.

Epic comes from the greek word, 'epicon'. It means something along the lines as greater in power and/or size. Quality or quantity or both, I don't know. But just generally greater than normal.

Not saying I dislike people that overuse them, I do it too. It is the consequences of such actions that bother me. When people just make a slight audible but meaningless noise originating from their throat and finally say, 'I...I don't know what to say.' or 'Words cannot DESCRIBE this song/crime/day/whatever.'

Words CAN describe it. You've just abused words' meanings for pointless things such as an above average tasting cake describing it as orgasmic. It is NOT orgasmic, you SO did not just orgasm and if you did, my respect for you has risen.

Yeah. Peace.

More blogging....

Dot Dot Dot...Dot....?

The correct use of the 'dot dot dot' IS 'dot dot dot', hence '...' However, on IM's such as Skype, MSN, Facebook Chat. Even blogging and emailing, three periods don't seem to do it for me. For me, I like a good four or five.

Maybe it's just me, but I feel more comfortable with it like that.


More blogging....

Posts per month.

April (37) (started on the 4th so not as many)
May (65) (All those Wing Chun updates, Baby Jokes, etc bumping up my post count)
June (43) (possible average?)
July (43) (probable average)
August (1) (so far)

And so my goal for this month is 50 posts but I want to try to get at least 43. Speaking of the number 43, I was in the year 12 common room just today getting my Psychology unit 3 exam result back. I got what I expected - B+.


Congratulations to Song Jing Khor on his (or your, if you're reading this, Song) A+

Tomorrow we haz unit 4 SAC. D: I need to study. So I'll make the rest of these posts quick (Just kidding, but I can try). Anyway, I saw Shona Tan, a youth friend in year 12 in the common room and I couldn't help noticing that her locker number was 43. I pointed it out and she said yeah. I said I like 43. She said why? I said 'Well I used to'. Now I have even more reason to - Average blog posts per month.

The original reasons were it (the number - 43) would just pop up everywhere and haunted my thoughts for many years. I would never get past level 43 in almost every MMORPG game I played. I would get to 43 and never get passed it. Now things are different (when I do (rarely) play the occasional (more like rare) MMORPG game)

But the number 43 doesn't haunt me as extremely or often anymore. And it does, it's more like a haze of negative memories. Not so traumatic.

More blogging....

Happy belated new month - August.

Sorry August, I forgot it was your birthday and so I forgot to blog yesterday. As an apologetic gift I shall blog TEN TIMES today. No joke. Let's see if I can do it. =P

More blogging....