Monday, August 2, 2010

Wez' party.

After church, my mum drove me to Glenny where I bought Wez' present, his favourite drink from happy cup - Yam milk tea with pearls. Then my mum drove me to Wez' house to drop me off. After letting myself in Phil said, 'Knock pleaseeeee!!' and sent me outside again. I walked out, knocked the door. Phil said, 'Hey guys! Cattermole's here' and then opened the door for me. >_< LOOOL!

The party was 12pm-5pm. I came at 12:40pm and left at 5:35pm.

Probably the most anti-social party I have ever been to. (y)

TV one: XBox360 four-way-splitscreen multiplayer deathmatch. Forgot the game though. I didn't really play on this at all. So yeah, no meaningful comments here.

Laptop: Chat Roulette. Most of us crowded around here to watch random 13 year olds slouch on their bed with their headset on looking for girls and skipping past us, a chick who strip-teased for us, masturbating penises, random guys which we motioned for him to masturbating penis motion while chanting over and over: WANK, WANK, WANK, WANK, WANK!! A random vagina in front of the webcam and random girls here and there which we asked them to 'show us their penis' or we decided to be nice and engage in boring smalltalk in which they skipped over us within 3 minutes. Funny stuff. We give them the finger. If they give us the finger. We give them Hoppo's man tits. WIN!!!

TV two: Playstation3 One player Need for Speed (NFS) one/two missions each, then change person. I spent quite some time here watching other play and playing myself. Good game. :)

Desktop computer: Gary's Mod. One person at a time. Quite boring to watch. Probably the most antisocial electronic device there.

Random chips, drinks, lollies, etc were provided with five (or was it six?) pizzas arriving within the first third of the party for us to NOM on.

The worst thing was WezUng kept freaking eating all the damn pizza. >_> What a noob.
That's the lowlight of the party. Highlight would be Chat roulette or walking to the nearby park to set off a sparkler bomb (which I peed out).

I actually didn't pee it out. But everybody was like 4 metres behind me and standing spread out and it wasn't that I didn't want to pee but it just felt awkward with everybody just STARING at me and I just could NOT pee. I mean I wanted to but the urine was just not exiting the tip of my penis. Awkward? Yeah....Hesitant? Yeah.

After it was stomped out, I think it was weeman (might have been Phil) put a piece of dogshit onto the red hot pieces of metal. Once everybody left, I relieved myself (Hey, I needed to go and it was conveniently placed there.) After peeing on it, the cracked dark brown turds turned into soft, moist, light brown lumps of defecation. The smell of urine (but mostly dogshit) filled the nearby atmosphere, accompanied by an exponentially increasing thickness of white smoke.

The cake was nice. It was some chocolate/something else swirl cake. It tasted nice. Really nice. But not orgasmic. No, not orgasmic.

Even though Wez' birthday was 1st of July and his party was 1st of August. Happy birthday, nevertheless.

Congratulations Shana. Your first chat roulette session. 8========>

More blogging....

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