Thursday, August 5, 2010

SAC overload.

Not really. But a lot of SACs. Start of the day began with a double period methods SAC. 100 do a giant SAC on....probability. =.= This was particularly handy as I didn't study one bit (nor did I bother to do my homework) for all the probability chapters, units, exercises and questions. I didn't even know how to do nPr and nCr on the calculator until 30 seconds before the SAC (I asked Yeremia opposite me on the table.) Why it was so helpful? Because I had a unit 4 psychology SAC to study for that week (and the previous week too). But why probability?


You know it's true. It has to be. The acronym makes pie. PIE!! Who doesn't love pie? (8)Piee...piee....wonderfull pie....cook it, eat it, it's PIE!(8)

Lame, I know. But it's true. Pie is nice. You know it's true. The acronym makes pin. Who doesn't love pins?
(8) nothing....including sleep(8)

Pins don't eat, nor do they sleep.


Penis. Speaking of penises, today at lunch after the public speaking (which was actually okay. Matt Julius spoke, some other guy that kept bagging random groups of people spoke, yeah) there was a fundraiser for India (because Christian schools MUST help India >_>) and I was there buying random stuff when some year 7 kid with pink cheecks, a weird voice and goes to chess club came out and was like "Do I know you?" "How would I know? I saw you in chess club once and yeah, that's about it" He went on, to say "How old are you?"
To which I replied, "Umm, 16. Why?"
"Whoa. You're like double my age"
"-_- So you're telling me you're eight?"
"Yeah. I'm in year 7 because I'm too smart for my age." (He looked like, sounded like and IS a retard. And he cheated with Joel Wu when he played chess with him in semester one. He is NOT eight. But I made a joke anyway.)
"So your penis is like, THIS BIG?" *thumb and index 1cm apart*
"WHAT?!?! NO!"
Then he braggingly did this:
"At maximum length it's this big *thumb and index 7cm apart*
Maximum That obviously means erection. He has a 7cm erection... Either he's a retard with a small penis or he's a liar with a small penis.
And for bragging about his small penis, he's a retard. Which means.

a) He is actually 8 years old and is a retard with a small penis.
b) He is not 8, a retard, a liar and has a small penis.

What a tardface. Literally. You should see his face. LOLOLOL.

So I bought some food. Annie took one of my 25cent doughnut thingies. Her excuse was "Because I feel like a third wheel with ben and Lingling". Oh yeah, sure. That's perfect to take my food. But I didn't actually care, it was just 25 cents anyway. Oh, and pretty much straight after she just walked off back to Ben and Lingling. How....convenient. -_-

I just stood around Natalie and Melissa. I forgot what we talked about, it was just for a minute. Then we went to the library to study and stuff. Natalie went to her locket to get stuff. I had a chemistry practical SAC next period, so no point studying for that, you can't anyway. Unless you can't read. Then you can practice reading. But If I couldn't read, I wouldn't be able to type. So by you reading this, you know I can type, therefore read, so I just went with Melissa to the library. We walked in and the tables were re-arranged differently and it was empty except for a few adults. And it was quiet. Then I remembered, "Oh yeah. My brother had the day off because of primary parents teacher interviews" He spent a good portion of the day Bubble-Tanks-Arena'ing. So me and Melissa went to the vicsom room (AT1) where we sat around other Viscom people and chemistry people. (yeah, I know. They were studying chemistry, but for the test next week, not the prac. sac). Three random people from Saint Andrews came in.

I just say with Melissa and helped her with ideas for her project and that was about it. Natalie never came. I guess she never found us. :/ Oh well. She follows my blog. And now she is reading this, and knows the story In fact, HELLO NATALIE! :D

The bell went, I left, and headed to chemistry.

Chemistry SAC was boring. The groups were alphabetical. It was funny because Ilynn Han and Jane Hsu got each other. (H) (they, sit with each other normally anyway) (speaking of Jane. It is her birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANE! :D)
Song Jing Khor, Jason Kim and Natalie law got each other. (K/L)
And Boulous, Christina and Euan almost got each other. (B/C)
But the groups were Roshana, Me and Matt Boulous in one group.

Yeah..I'm with Boulos. >_>
Had I known I would have been in a group with him, I wouldn't have taken chemistry as a VCE elective. But I didn't know. And I was stuck with him. I didn't really do much the double, at all. Just...yeah.

Came home, had piano lesson. 'twas okay. Oh yeah. For those wondering about Ben. I haven't fed him in ages and he's been in that tiny bag for a while not (The bag is the size of a tennis ball and is compeltely empty).

I'm gonna go check on him right now. Until the next post, HANG IN THERE!

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