Wednesday, August 4, 2010

For the sake of it.

As I sit here, studying methods, skyping with friends and the occasional round of bubble tanks arena. YES, BTA is out. I think it came out a couple of months ago....July? Well it's awesome. Google it. It's be hero interactive. I'm lovin' it.

The game, not McDonalds.

So as I sit here, I realise, 'today I have not blogged yet' well that's not really a problem on it's own as I don't NEED to blog. But then again, if I want to maintain a healthy active blog (which is weird since at the moment I need to maintain a healthy active body, which I'm going to go for jogs with Jon Tan and Joel Wu to do it. xD) then I need TO BLOG. The same principle goes with piano, bible reading, masturbating, methods, any other subject, shitting, breathing and of course, sleeping. If you want it to be maintained, to it often and well.

I kind of feel ashamed of myself, that my priorities are going to my blog, but oh well. I may as well get on with it.

So today my classes are all insignificant, compared to what I had period 5, my unit 3/4 Psychology SAC. Well in music, 'Auralia' has gotten so boring, it's just like....REALLY boring. Words cannot describe how boring it is. Oh wait, I think I did a post on that, yes I did. 'Boring' is a good word to describe it. It's not killing me, and I can do it with ease, it's just boring. Simple word, perfect word to use. There, there's a word. :D (The gayest 3 lines on my entire blog).

So I listened into the year 12 chord progression dictation. One, One, Four, One, Five, Four, One, Suspended fifth, Seventh, One. Blah blah blah....

VERY interesting. And I'm not saying that in comparison to the auralia although it is ESPECIALLY interesting in comparison to the auralia. (To those who don't know what auralia is, it's simply a program that tests you on pitch, rhythm, chord, anything to do with music in any way. Very good program. Very boring when you sit there by yourself for 45 minutes). I'm saying it because it was, genuinely interesting.

PSYCH SAC. The last part. And this is where I'm in the shits. Because this is how it goes. We had a psychology experiment which took up one period. We are given three more periods to write up the experiment in the form of an ERA (I should what this stands for since I'm doing Psych 3/4 but I don't...I accelerated and I'm lazy. Oh wait I think I remember....empirical research analysis. Is that it? Meh.)

I found that out today. Three periods to write. I read on the sheet earlier on that week, "Four periods for this task" and assumed it was four periods of writing up. How perfect. FOUR. But it was not perfect. Oh no. It was very unperfect as three is very un-four-like. On the double yesterday I compelted about 55% which is more than 50% which means I'm on track. I'll just do 25% today and 20% on the last period and I'll be done. Yesterday, when I handed in my thing the teacher was like "Tomorrow go to S9, your last period". WAIT...WHAT?!?!

So here I am today, In S9, with other psychology 3/4 students that missed out on a class period due to the chemistry aquarium excurstion, HHD (Health and Human Development) students and physics students. I don't know what they were doing. Just some tests and SACs, probably.

I wrote non-stop. I had to cover almost half of the rest of my SAC in 50 minutes. The pages I used for writing ended up being nine. A good 4 pages of that was today. 50/4 = 12.5 minutes per page. My hands were hurting so much, I....Actually they weren't hurting. They were just tired from writing furiously for 50 minutes. It was liek I was in detention, but I didn't notice the strain. I guess I was too busy concentrating on something that will affect my ENTER score to notice unimportant things like that - The human body.

While on this topic, let me explain one of my philosophical views.

Let's say a friend, acquaintance, sibling, relative, husband or even pet of mine tripped over, and cut himself/herself while falling through a window, shattering it.

The human body will recognize the bleeding, send of certain cells to scab, heal and repair itself. It will send over white blood cells to consume any small fragments of glass to destroy it, etc. The window is not so sophisticated. It is just a window. And without it the room will get cold. So repairs are neccesary. This will cost money, unlike the awesome human body. I'd be more concerned about the property damage, regardless of who fell through and who owns the property, philosophically. In reality...I would laugh then help up the injured, then mourn for the broken glass.

After the SAC (which I completed, double-checked and was satisfied with what I had done), I went to charcoal chicken with Joel Wu where we shared some chips and a drink. Halfway through, some bratty asian kid about 6 or 7 years of age, I think, came in, in his primary school uniform, whinging. He ran over to the drinks fridge and motioned for his mum to get him a coke. "Sorry honey, No coke."

He made such a big fuss, it was approaching the point where it was more annoying than background noise. He didn't speak english, and I couldn't recognize any chinese, if he was speaking in a dialect. He was speaking gibberish. "Aeeaegheoeaoggghhhhguhghbibbubwehh" In my head, 'Yeahhhhhhhhhh....He's probably special'. Speak of the devil, guess what Joel Wu said out loud? You guessed it! (Or if you read his blog at you would know anyway so it wouldn't REALLY be a guess, now would it?) "I think he's a BIT special." I looked at Joel, staring at him trying to communicate 'His mum is right behind you'. Joel didn't understand. So I focused my eyes into the distance behind him while angling my head a little bit to imply where I was looking at. Then back at him. Then back into the distance. Repeat. He didn't get it. So I moved my hand noticeably but down low pointing in his direction then once he looked at my hand, he looked at me. Then I looked into the distance. He turned around. "OHHHHH" "Meh." That's Joel for you. xD

The mother probably thought the same thing anyway. LOL!

After charcoal chicken, Joel's dad took me home as it was raining. Thank you Mr. Wu. :D

Then I did my usual shyte.


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