Thursday, August 5, 2010



Ben is still alive, and if my facts are right. He will be for a long time. Did you know that cockroaches:
-Can survive 30 days without food
-Survive 30 minutes underwater
-Survive on just the glue from the back of a postage stamp
-Can survive multiple times more radiation than humans
-Have a much more significant chance of surviving an atomic bomb than humans
-Are 3x cleaner and more sterile than humans
-Are sexy

This is WHY I recommend you, GET A COCKROACH.

On a side not, I've been really sick lately. Yeah. Like coughing whole week. Sometimes I cough out phlegm. I love that word. PHLEGM. I love the silent 'G'. That's my favourite part. :D PHHLLLLEEGGGMMMMMM.......=D

Yeah. Today I found it hard to breathe. This is bad. It does NOT feel like asthma. But I don't smoke. So yeah. This is weird. :/ I'll probably wake up coughing like crazy, if I'm still alive.

I'm going to go watch some random movie kung fu clips. That should cheer me up. Although I'm far from depressed. I'm actually REALLY happy with the direction my life is going in at the moment. But everytime the rollercoaster goes up, it goes down. However, there are people in the rollercoaster with you to go down with you :) And everybody knows that going the fun part. :D

I love my life.

I hope you love yours too.

If you don't, keep reading my blog. It SHOULD make your life get better sooner or later.

Bye. :)

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