Monday, August 30, 2010

Jazer and Dexter

Jazer and Dexter
At the park
I made rape jokes
Near the park

We did parkour
At the park
We did handstands
At the park

Jon Tan didn't come
To the park
He was studying
Not at the park

I fail at rhyming. So I'll continue with regular sentences. Was at the park with Jazer and Dexter. Jazer wanted to go jogging but I didn't feel like it. Jon Tan was meant to come, I think. I'm not sure if even knew about the jog. But he was at Joel's house, studying for methods. I studied at my house and Dexter and Jazer studied at Dexter's house.

Speaking of studying, I spend my recesses and lunchtimes at the library studying now. Just do. Because I'm sick of socialising (hence "appear offline") and sick of being tackled pointlessly.

Okay, not sick of socialising, but sick of certain aspects of it. Some people will know what I'm refering to. So that's why I just study in the library. Socialising is fine, but in this case, it's annoying.

So Jazer didn't want to go jogging by himself (Dexter didn't want to go, he had 'soccer' shoes on), so they raced around the park then Dexter went to play soccer. I jogged with Jazer to the other park to show him potential parkour spots. He beat me there of course and then after that, I jogged home and he jogged to Jon Tan's house to get his backpack then he went home.

Oh, the title is chosen because it rhymes. See, I like rhymes. They're nice. :)

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