Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ice Cream and Smoke.

Yesterday, when I got back from youth group, I was too tired to blog the details so I shall do them now.

Youth group (girls): 8pm at Gen's house to practice for the dance item, which no guys helped in so....
Youth group (guys): 8pm at Justin's house to whatever.
I got there at about 8:05/8:06. When I knocked on the door, he was like "let's go" and they hopped in the car. I was like 'huh?'-expression. (they is Warren and Eddy)

We were going to the city and the discussion going on in the car to the city was:

Bubble Tanks Arena
Various career options
Various future accommodation options
My rubber band ball

To sum it up I explained (mainly to Warren because he was most interested) the differnt weapons you can get in bubble tanks arena and stuff.
We talked about (more later) different courses.
My rubber band is now a nice size. Not huge, about 1.4x the diameter of a tennis ball but mine is pure rubber bands.
We talked about where we will stay in the future, the price, how many people. We actually discussed this more once we left the car and walked around the city where Justin (my lifegroup leader, if you don't already know) told us where he used to stay and stuff.

We walked through Melbourne uni discussing future courses and comparing universities.

When we walked through those veranda (however you spell it) areas of the cafe where a lot of people smoke, it made it even harder for me to breathe. I mean, TODAY I have:
1. A sore throat
2. No voice
3. Even more coughing up phlegm.

Speaking of phlegm, it used to be a dark green colour, now it has chunks of red phlegm. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. It's like dark red, maybe even a bit brown. The majority of my phlegm is still dark green though. :)

So the smoke made it even worse. But that's okay. Because we got ice-cream later. :D Thanks Justin!

Two scoops: Coffee and Choc chip.

Was delicious.

On the drive back there was a discussion. To summarise the statements it was like this:

Me: Do you think downys (those who suffer from down syndrome) are humans?
Warren: DUR!!!
Me: No really. I mean I don't believe they're not humans, they're just less of humans. For example if I was to walk up to a doctor and say "How many chromosomes does a human have?" He/she will say "46 in total" Then if you ask how many chromosomes a downy has he/she will say "48" with logic, downys aren't human.
Warren: That's just one characteristic of humans.
Me: How about ten toes? Humans are meant to have ten toes, if they don't, they're still human, just not as human.
Warren: What do you mean, NOT AS HUMAN!?!
Me: Well humans are meant to have ten toes-
Warren: But what if they don't? What if humans evolve into having 12 toes and everybody with 10 toes die out. Then some guy says "Some 'scientist' said humans are only meant to have 10 toes. What a retard" in the future.
Me: Prove we will evolve into 12 toes.
Warren: Prove we won't.
Me/Eddy: DNA contains coded instructions on what to do.
Me: Your DNA will instruct your cells at a certain stage of fecal development to release a poison to kill cells, which will make four cuts through your foot, hence, five toes. If there is a NEGATIVE GENETIC DISORDER, you may have 12 toes. Even if your wife has 12 toes too, your kids have just as much chance of having 10 toes as a child another child whose parents both have 10 toes.
Warren: Don't talk back. I was right about my elements theory.
Me: That's because it's physics and you do physics, me and Eddy to bio, and toes is BIOLOGY. When it comes to biology, listen to the biologists, not the physician.
Warren: Without physics, there is no biology.
Me: Without biology, there is no Warren.

We had another discussion inside Justin's house about the elements idea. In which Warren got owned on several occasions. His theory was ok though. Just had a couple of flaws.

Warren and Eddy got picked up. I called my dad. I got picked up. I got home. I slept.

PS: The acronym for Ice Cream and Smoke is ICAS. (Maths inside joke). :)

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