Monday, May 31, 2010

Methods study

Yeah, I'm just MSNing and BLOGging when I should be studying methods. Since I have so much to study. SOOO much. So I'm off. Goodbye to you all and goodluck with your methods exams tomorrow ;D


ps: If you're reading this, thank you and you're awesome but you really should be studying methods....just kidding, keep reading you slacker!

Music Exam

I am satisfied.

The first part was Aural /20
a) 10 Marks. Johnson plays 10 intervals, 3 times each. One mark per correct answer. Simple. I think I'm going to get 9/10, hopefully. I want at least 8/10 and least 7.
b) 10 Marks. Johnson has you sing 10 intervals to him and 1 mark per correct answer. I got 5/10. Others (I won't name who) got 5/10, 4/10 and 4/10. Freaking Jazer gets 10/10 >_> crazy intervallic singer singaporean malaysian parkouring chinese freerunning sexy pianist!

The second part was Theory /30
There were SOO many freaking questions. Had to write out like 20 different scales!!
Write down the name of like 80 or something intervals eg. Perfect 4th (P4) Augmented Sixth (A4) Major third (M3) minor third (m3) diminished 5th (d5) etc etc. 80 TIMES! -_-
Not only that but create like 25 different triads (perfect, minor, major or diminished) on a basenote.
Then we had to write like 20 key signatures down in BOTH clefs
just SOO much theory. Easy but too much. >_< Not one person finished all the theory.
Hopefully I will get 20 at least.

The third part was analysis1 (LOL ANAL!) /25
He plays 5 songs, once each. And we write down the era, form, style, composer and why it is that composer. 5 marks per song, x5 songs = 25 marks. Im gonna screw up badly here. If I can get 15 marks I'm lucky but I hope I can get at least 10, so yeah, let's say 10.

The fourth part was analysis2 (LOL ANAL AGAIN!!) /25
This part he plays one song three times and we write down era, form, style, composer, why it's that composer, and then 20 full sentences at least and 5 paragraphs at least on the song and it's features using technical musical terminology and language. *BIG SIGH*

I kicked ass. It was Beethoven's 5th symphony and I knew everything about it. WOOO!!
Because I played it before and studied it before it was a PIECE.OF.CAKE.

hehehe =]
I wanna get 24 marks for this but at least 22.
Let's just say 23.

8+20+10+23 = 61
61 marks out of 100. That's a 'C'
BLEGH! When you add it all up....I realise I just SUCK at music D:

nawww =[ And I was feeling so good about my music mark too....

I am not satisfied.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

100th POST!!

YAY!! It is my one hundredth post to my blog.

yeah.... Triple digits *half-hearted* WOOO!

Mmm.... That is all, haha.
I guess you could say 100 looks like a vagina. I couldn't. My perverted/messed up imagination is decreasing....yeah. Maybe it's just because I'm depressed at the moment.

YAY for 100th post, despite its unawesomeness,


Psychology 3/4 Seminar

Got to glen station at approximately 8-ish. Eunice's mum, Eunice and Natalie were already there. Now to wait for joel and song. Joel was picking up Song up but it was 8:05 and they weren't here yet.

Apparently (as we found out later) Joel's mum went to cook Joel noodles so she and Joel were running late. It was 8:08 and both of them still weren't here and the train was to leave at 8:10. 8:30 would be the next train. 8:09:00 and then I saw then walking across the road so I told them to hurry. 8:09:40 and they started to buy their tickets. We missed the train by 20 seconds and so we had to wait 20 minutes for the next one. Once we got into the train, we just listened to music and talked about random stuff until we reached Flinder's street station. Then we took tram to near-melbourne-uni.

We walked to melbourne uni and when we got there, there were 3 queues:
-"A through E" as he said many times (first name) which we discussed whether first name meant given name or surname, LOL (in the end, it meant given name)(Eunice)
-"F through N" (me, Joel, Nat) (by far, the longest line)
-"O through Z" (song)

When we got in, we had no freaking seats and had to sit at the back T_T I got sleepy, and must've microslept at least 20-30 times throughout the whole day. Ironic since we actually studied sleep in the seminar, lolololol.

For lunch, we went to this cafe place but me and Eunice already had packed lunch so we just ate that while Song, Nat and Joel ordered food. As we came back (late) we realised the 'Eateries' were within the campus. ARRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, Joel was told to "can you please shut up" by some white girl he had previously been (probably negatively) acquainted with, LOLOLOL.

Yeah, we just highlighted stuff and talked about stuff, yeah....

Good guy (y) good advise (y)
too bad he was super boring...
so he said I'm going at 4:00 and for the last half an hour some other person will come and continue, so we ditched :D

By the way, the WHOLE day I needed to go toilet so many time and really badly and each time held it in like super tightly ><"

In fact, right NOW I need to piss but I'm gonna neglect that till midnight, literally, I really canNOT be stuffed getting up to piss...

Anyway, we went to Macca's where I ran to the unclean toilet to relief myself then after washing hands, went down to buy cheeseburgers and leech nuggets off Joel. That's why he buys them, for us, really, he does.

Then we trained-I LOVE TRAINS!!!-to glen waverley where joel's mum picked me, Song and Joel up and then dropped me back home. Hooray for Joel's mum!

And now I'm at home. mmm.....

Goodnight fellow blog-readers and psychologists/psychology-studiers,

Friday, May 28, 2010


Just when I thought it was gone,
It returns.

I hate myself,
Why must I feel like this?
This is retarded....
Never again, I tell myself, so WHY?!?!

these things are not meant to be told

Screw this,
I'm going,



I LOOOVE exams, and I'm not just saying that because my english exam today went very well (My language analysis was SUPER good, my creating and presenting was good and my text response essay was average), but because I just love exams in general.

SAC's, assignments, pracs, tests, all these assessment tasks or assessments spread out throughout the year that have relatively small contribution to your final result. If you do well, it doesn't make a huge difference, if you badly, it doesn't make a huge difference so you need to do well on all of them to bring up your mark.

An exam, however, such high contribution (%) to your final grade yet in just 2-3 hours?! That's AWESOME!

I also love the only-have-to-come-to-school-for-exams timetable, that works really well.

The adrenaline rush feels good.

You just gotta hardcore study and ta-da, good grade.

Exams.....are the best. Just simply, the best.

If you didn't have exams, each of your assessments or tests would be worth like 5-10%
That's (n)

Well maybe it's just me, but I just love exams =]

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Baby Jokes 5

What do you call a baby with a shovel in its head?

What do you call a baby without a shovel in its head?

What do you call a baby with no arms and legs on your front porch?

What do you call a baby with no arms and legs nailed to your wall?

What do you call a baby with no arms and legs in your backyard swimming pool?

What do you call a baby with no arms and legs in the middle of the ocean?

Jonathan Tay in Methods

So this is how it went, I went up to the front to talk to Mrs Marks and then when I came back, Jazer and Peter were explaining something to Jonathan Tay, so I assisted them since I'm more 'familiar' with the topic Jon Tay needed help on:

Jazer: So you get the gigabyte (or something) which neutralizes it...

Jonathan Cattermole: Jontay, you don't get it. You know how it's b, right? Well b is for byte, 1000 bytes is a kilobyte, 1000 kilobytes is a megabyte and 1000 megabytes is a gigabyte, which is what Jazer was trying to explain. Now have a look at the question see the negative 2 and the positive 2? WELL..... if you add them together you get -2+2 which equals zero. And that is why it is neutralised. There is another method, the b in the denominator, since it is positive, we put it in the TREBLE clef, which is on b, the centre note, and that is another reason why it is neutralised. However, the -b in the numerator is negative so we put it in the BASS clef, which is two spots below the centre so we go -2 and ...that is why there is a negative two in the equation, get it? Also.... If you look at the note, you will realise it is a semibreve which goes for four counts and the what is the square of four?

Jontay: 2?

Jonathan Cattermole: And negative 2 as -2 squared is 4, as well right? Look at the question again, notice the positive two AND negative two? yeah...

Jontay: AHHH SHUT UP!!!

Procrastination D=

It's 5:43 and I haven't even started studying yet >_< well a little but not much at all (since I came home 4:15) so ugh.....I'm gonna try blog no later than 6 o'clock but I'd probably go past 6:00 so ummm let's say 6:15?

yah.....what to blog about.....I'm wearing wcc sports pants right now....and my awesome white/grey horizontally striped shirt....

I'm gonna move onto the next blog now...


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ip Man 2

Today I watched Ip Man 2. The fight scenes were better than Ip man (1) but the storyline not as good. Nevertheless, it was a GOOD MOVIE. =D

Yah...Can't wait till Ip man 3 comes out, I wonder what that will be about....=]
I won't post spoilers because there will be some readers of my blog that haven't seen it. However, I shall tell you this,

I'm going to study psychology now,

Apologies regarding neglection

Yeah.... today I had the second part (well first but chronologically second) of my psychology 3/4 SAC (school assessed coursework for those who didn't know what SAC stands for). Not going into any detail since it's ranking system and the other psychology 3/4 class hasn't done it yet. So....

Today I also had my biology SAC on homeostasis and behaviour. 12/15 for the multiple choice which is 80%. So let's hope that the short answer doesn't drop below 80%, I want an A =] It was alot easier than I expected haha. Had none of that thyroxin TSH or whatever things.

Yesterday I had the first part (or second?) of my psychology 3/4 SAC, and the 2nd period out of three to work on my english SAC.

I have an exam this friday and well...I have been and I am really packed with school assessments. SOOO...... I have neglecting my blog, sorry peoplz...

I shall try blog more, which is bad because of exams so I'll probably do 1-3 posts today and leave it till maybe one tomorrow and then one on friday night devulging into how horribly I did on my english exam that day.

Yeah....english exam....Bates is really slow, Lol...MisterBates xD
but yeah, Mr Bates strolls through the cirriculum, for example tomorrow we're doing the 3rd period on the Riversholm SAC. Thursday we go through ALL revision plus my oral, YES I HAVEN'T DONE IT YET >_> and then friday the exam D:

Bates is a good teacher, he is just a bit slow and behind in the cirriculum.

Yah....speaking of english exams....Ada's is tomorrow (and a whole bunch of other people from Balwyn) So yeah, good luck ^_^

and good luck to anyone else that has exams tomorrow.

You won't fail.

ps: and if you do, it's long as you can keep reading my blog, everything will be alright....jk, you'll die.LOL

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I love you

because you read my blog =]

Blogging requests

If you ever have any requests on what I should blog about or any questions about anything, everything, me, you, sex, etc, just email me at, message me on facebook, comment on a blog, formspring me. Actually the only ones I would check are facebook, email, and maybe formspring.... so don't comment on a blog, yeah, don't comment on a blog unless it's like COMMENT comment.

Ja...ask away.


Baby Jokes 4

How do you get 100 babies into a bucket?
With a blender

How do you get them back out again?
With tortilla chips

What is red, bubbly and scratches at the window?
A baby in a microwave

How long does it take to microwave a baby?
I don't know, I was too busy masturbating


Sitting at home, on my laptop, blogging while talking to 1 or 2 people on msn.
The world is quiet, my mum is out of the house so she isn't nagging me. My siblings are in the other room. The universe (regarding me) could not be more perfect right now.

Understanding the universe

The things (from a human individual's perspective) that are most important are social factors. How we (as a human individual) interact with the world around us. Even if you're 'unsocial' you'll still interact with the world and even if not that, You will think. And if you don't think, then I got nothing to worry about as you wouldn't be reading this post on my blog.

Sociology makes up what is important to us
Sociology is applied Psychology
Psychology is applied Biology
Biology is appied Chemistry
Chemistry is applied Physics
Physics is applied Mathematics
Mathematics is applied logic
and logic is something I excel at...=D

That's another reason why I took bio (refer to previous post)
So yeah, if you master logic (which is impossible but IF) then you will understand the universe (in everything that is logical) to those things that are illogical, too bad.....

Logic FTW

Why I chose my subjects

Mathematical methods unit 1/2
Chemistry unit 1/2
Biology unit 1/2
English unit 1/2
Music unit 1/2
Psychology unit 3/4

WELL, the reason I'm writing this post is because the other day in methods, Mrs Marks (our math teacher) got really angry at us and frustrated because alot of us were behind in homework (everybody but Catherine Yang....yeah....she's gonna rape us all on the exams D:) and she asked us why we chose methods and/or why we are so behind

Here are the following answers some said:
"I'm doing a 3/4 subject and I put more effort into that?"
"I had a spare slot and because I didn't do year 10 science I couldn't get into any of the sciences so I chose methods to fill it up"
"I wanted a math and methods was in the middle"
"I hope it doesn't offend you but I see methods as not as important as my other 5 subjects"
etc, etc...

so she accepted them all as reasonable answers. She argued some of course how methods 3/4 will be hell if you don't understand methods 1/2, etc, etc....
anyway, these are my reasons:
-I love graphs and methods is pretty much ALL graph (except some probability but that doesn't matter, probability is one of my favourite math topics)
-I use graphs heaps and want to learn more about them
-Methods is one of the pre-requisites for the course I'm thinking of doing
-I needed a math and I didn't really want to do GMA because of the difficulty nor GMB because of the.....well easiness, let's put it that way.
-Subnote: I found out some questions from their test, it was like "x-4=5 what is x?" I'm like O_O not only that, it was multiple choice. Then there was a diagram of an equalateral triangle, square and pentagon and said label the following polygons. I think this was one of the short answer questions. Year 4, much? and the "find x" is year 7. GMB is EASYYY and that's one of the reasons I might take further next year (I'll explain more later on)
-Methods is simply just the subject for me =]

Now for english.....:
-It's compulsory to do english or Lit or ESL, I don't qualify for ESL (english second language), and I suck at lit, well maybe not, but meh.
-I prefer english (over literature), the general stuff I want to learn. essays, creative pieces, persuasive techniques, those are things I want to learn.
-So yeah, I WANT to do english
-It's a pre-requisite for courses, aLOT of courses (Lit is accepted too but....yeah, don't want lit)

And chemistry....
-so fun, so awesome, so ME
-I'm better at chem than those are informational kind of subjects (bio, psych, business, economics, history) Chemistry is a PROCESS subject, you learn the method, the pattern, the rules, the formula's're good to go (like physics and maths) (another reason why I took methods) (I didn't take physics cause..well.....I don't want to do THAT kind of maths and I haven't got enough slots, so yeah.)
-I'm good at chemistry

Then biology....?
-Since I do psychology and chemistry, biology just fits in there (I'll adress this in my NEXT post) (come to think of it...since I'm doing like 10 posts in a row =D) So bio...fits in between chem and psychology and will help me understand the other 2And the other 2 will help me understand BIO. Plus, the cell and respiration and enzymes and all that stuff is AWESOME. Bio is a fun and interesting subject =]
-I was deciding between physics and bio...and chose bio because of the above reason(s)
-Bio is fun and interesting
-You learn about sex
-Sex is fun
-Learning about it I mean
-I mean having sex is fun too but that's not why I chose it

And now for PSYCHOLOGY 3/4!!
-This goes back a little bit to last year which I did NOT take psychology 1/2 but I took business management 1/2. I sucked at busman and I bottomed my class with 52% endyear. I know....I suck heaps. And so I was like busman 3/4 or....psych1/2 And I decided with psych1/2. Then I emailed (in the long holidays) Mr Rouse and was like yeah, I wanna change to psych 1/2, is that ok? "yeap, that's cool, there done, your switched" so I was like ALRIGHT COOL! then my mum was like "you're taking a 3/4 subject....YOUR GONNA DIE IN YEAR 12!" then she made like a heap of family friends to talk to me and convince me to do a 3/4 in year 11. One of them actually made sense and said some logical stuff and why it's better as it frees up a slot and lowers the weight on your shoulders (like decapitation except you don't die)
He's cool... and so I went with him and took psychology units 3/4. Then I found out joel was doing that too and was like "ah =] good choice, jon"
-It's fun, interesting and I really like it
-It's intersting, I really like it and it's fun
-I really like it, it's fun and it's interesting
-I needed a 3/4 subject and busman was a no-no so I took psychology 3/4

and finally MUSIC:
-The thoery is fun, interesting and I'm good at it
-Music analysis and history analysis is fun and I'm semi-good at it
-Practical I SUCK AT, but I CAN play piano so that's something, I'm grade seven by the way. (and thoery grade 3 but now probz 4-ish)
-I was thinking of pursueing a music career at that time

I'm most likely dropping music for further mathematics (GMB 3/4) next year. And just pick up further but I dont know...further isn't MY KIND of maths, still... :/
I got another 6 months to think about that, well not really as music 3/4 needs preparation but yeah. 6 months.

And that's why I chose what I chose, now for the next post... (if you're reading this like downways, from recentmost, to oldest, you're gonna read it in wrong order but oh well, =])

chesmitry FTW....

Chemistry tuition

Just got back from chemistry tuition: we just finished hydrocarbons....polymers, monomers and some year 12 chemistry 3/4 stuff. Teacher (eddy) is REALLY good and really interesting, awesome handouts, 9/10 recommendation (y)

Anyway, I think I'm dropping chemistry (tuition not subject) soon at the end of this term because even though he's cheap ($19 or $21?) I just going out, I think I can handle it, although I SHOULD stay in :/ meh.

Now I'm back and on blogspot....probably another 5 posts or so. I need more people to talk to on msn. blah. nah, it's cool. Just that no-one is talking to me at the moment -_- bleghhhhhhhh.



sorry...randomness :/

Yeah...chemistry is awesome, as So I shall say again in my next post, goodbye.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Happy Birthday LingLing.....And Eunice

Yes, it is Amanda Ling's birthday today, happy birthday birthday girl Amanda Ling.
And happy birthday to Eunice Choo too, while I'm at it, I cbs making another post (sorry Eunice....)

Ps: Eunice's birthday is tomorrow for those who didn't/doesn't/don't know.


I am refering to my music class at school today from 1:55-3:35, in M5 (music building room five) and the events that happened during that class. (double) (period 5 and 6).

SOOO... Johnson was late as per usual but that's ok. Anyway, he brought with him this whole thingy of coffee and drank it all and so he was super high the whole double xD

We played this game and the spots were as follows:

1st-Shirin-150 points or something, it was 100+ anyway
2nd-Hans Zhang-86 points I think?
3rd-John Wan-81 points (he scored 3 points for 95 minutes and in the last 5 minutes he got this bonus and got 78 points -_-)
4th-Jonathan (MEEE)-78 points
5th-Jazer -<78 points, I can't remember
6th-Jeremiah I think
7th-Isaac Young

but jeremiah and Isaac might be, it was like that.

Shirin got a packet of unopened jellybeans and Hans got a book of Torres Straight islander songs. LOL xD

I love that class, perfect way to end the day. (school-wise)

Looking forward to the next music class, johnson is awesome.

Sick Sister

My sister is REALLY sick, like staying home and sleeping super heaps and going doctor and her voice sounds retarded and crackly and whispery and vibratey, if you know what I mean.

She is coughing heaps and I feel sad for her :/

So pray for her, if you will,
Get better Angela, praying for you,

Get well soon.

I made a formspring

Today me, Natalie and Melissa and Dexter and Michael (although I think at the time Michael wasn't there) were talking in the locker bay at lunch. And somebody said 'We should all make a formspring" So umm yeah.....

I just made one:

I'm JonC4 and that is my formspring, ask AWAYY. anything and everything, random and serious. I was going to make a daily blog for you to post comments as questions but SCREW THAT, i haz a FORMSPRING now.

So visit it and ask awayyy......


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Baby Jokes 3

How do you make a baby stop crawling in circles?
Nail its other hand to the floor too

What's red, pink and sits in the corner?
A baby chewing on razor blades

What's green and sits in the corner?
The same baby 6 weeks later

What's blue, shiny and thrashes about the living room floor?
A baby in a plastic bag

What's purple and squeals?
A skinned baby in a bag of salt

What gets louder and louder as it gets smaller and smaller?
A baby combing its hair with a potato peeler

Everybody is sick

GAHH this sucks. So many of my friends/family are getting sick D:
for example:

-My dad

and a couple of others I can't remember off the top of my head, and MEEE D=
I think I might be getting sick... so sucks, just sucks so much.




So here is a list of words. Examine them. Read them. Say them out loud. Carefully look at each letter and the shape of the letter, the shape of the word. Look at how the word is spelt and the sounds within syllables. Look at the letters within sounds and how they contribute. Think of the definition of the word and say the word out loud 10 times. Soon, if you are like me, you will suspect the word is spelt incorrectly or just plain weird:


Baby Jokes 2

What's grosser than gross?
A trashcan full of dead babies

What's grosser than that?
The one at the bottom is still alive

What's grosser than that?
It eats its way out

What's grosser than that?
It comes back for more


Last night I was doing methods homework downstairs (my bedroom is upstairs) and then the next thing I remember is waking up, I was like WHAT THE HELL. I NEVER WENT TO BED?!?! HOW THE HECK AM I HERE?!?!

I went downstairs and my methods books and pencil case (and diary and calculator) were all in my schoolbag.

My mum said that she woke up at 4am and all the lights upstairs and downstairs were turned on. Weird... I don't remember doing that, seems illogical. Then again, I do psychology 3/4 so following that I must've fallen asleep while methoding, hit stage 1 sleep, then stage 2, 3 and then stage 4. Then sleepwalked my books into my bag, sleepwalked the lights on and sleepwalked to put myself into bed.



maybe next time I'll catchup all my methods so I don't have to do it the next day ;D

time for more sleepwalking...=D

Goodnight ;D

Wing Chun update 4

So I'm probably going to learn Wing Chun like not just short-term but long-term. So I need moneh (and I'm burning my parents' moneh pots as if I'm being used as a punching bag for Zakum....) SOOO, dropping all forms of tuition (methods, english, chemistry) and using that to pay for Wing Chun classes (most probably)

Also, I can triple kick now, I don't know what it's called and it's probably unrelated to Wing Chun but I kick about my neck/head height and then spin 180 and kick again with other foot and then finish with another 180 and kick a third time with 1st foot.

yah.... I also know how to spin quickly while running, actual foot movements.

Wooden dummy... probably not until I do a little bit more classes.
mmmm... that's all I can think of for now?


Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I ran a couple of errands today while walking home so I gave my dad my schoolbag to lighten the load on my back.

I forgot to take it out and so when he went to a meeting...he just got home (10:40pm)

So now I can start methoding and hopefully dont exceed 3am. I dont want an allnighter....

g'night ;D


Typical tuesday.....not so typical

I could go on about my day at school, etc and blabber on but I CeeBS so I'll just dot point it:

-English inclass essay sac went okay
-Chemistry oral presentation went GOOD GOOD. I think I spoke too fast and MAY have offended miss reed, oh well

So yeah, now to the main point:

So I'm sitting on the John doing my weekly business and this creature I don't know if it's that silverbeat or whatever or that earwig but its slightly smaller than a USB drive and it falls from the ceiling, bounces off my leg and starts crawling inside my pants. So I finished up my crapping and picked it up and flushed it down the toilet, *hur*hur*hur*
Edit: It's silverfish, thanks Joel Wu

Ughhh yeah, that's about it. And now....FOR MORE BABY JOKES! nah jk, well maybe, I have them but I don't want to use them all post after post... because then...yeah. Not EVERYBODY will see my baby jokes. And baby jokes are for the win. (FTW)

so yeah, probz not tonight, maybe friday or maybe tomorrow or somecrap like that...

Baby Jokes 1

What's funny?
A dead baby

What's funnier than a dead baby?
A dead baby in a clown costume

What's funnier than a dead baby in a clown costume?
A dead baby with down syndrome in a clown costume

What's funnier than a dead baby with down syndrome in a clown costume?
Two dead babies with down syndrome in clown costumes

What's funnier than two dead babies with down syndrome in clown costumes?
Two and a half dead babies with down syndrome in clown costumes

Monday, May 17, 2010


So it has come to my attention to adress the mistakes people make regarding depression.

No, depression isn't prolonged or long-term sadness, it is emptiness. The absence in the mind. It is when you are not pre-occupied or you feel nothing. If emptiness felt empty, oh THAT would be paradise, not because it feels like paradise but because everything you feel is tolerable. And because you feel nothing, nothing is tolerable, there isn't anything to tolerate and there will be nothing negative. No boredom, no sadness, no anger, no misery, just nothing. THAT would be paradise.

But no, when you have depression and you are full of emptiness, you do not FEEL empty. You feel useless, purposeless, meaningless, you question your own existance.
Depression is when the void in your mind, your emotions is filled up by such things, worthlessness and loneliness. This is ironic, as loneliness is accompanied by uselessness and worthlessness for the full 6 years of depression you suffer.

But the person feels these things. Don't get me wrong, when you are depressed, you DO feel sad, you can feel incredibly sad, but it is different from normal sadness, it is depressed. A feeling as if there is something missing, a hole you need to fill, but you are too useless to fill it, so the negative thoughts come in and fill that gap.

Although strong, those feelings can be overcome, no, not overcome as they are just a teporary fill-in for the emptiness. However, don't be fooled, if nothing comes along to replace it, these 'temporary' feelings will stay there and develop and more serious thoughts such as suicidal thoughts may develop. So no, overcome is not the best word to use, 'replace' is an adequate word in this case.

So next time you see someone that is depressed, talk to them, cheer them up, talk about anything, it doesn't take much to replace those feelings,

Thank you Ada Chan,

Jonathan Cattermole

Sunday, May 16, 2010


A list of those I look up to or respect, either or both (in any random order):

-Samuel Than (music)
-Mr. Johnson (teaching style
-Stalin (views and goals)
-Hitler (personal qualities:determination)
-Chopin (piano)
-Ian Jael (chinese chess, personality, sociological qualities)
-Matthew Julius (philosophy)
-Joel Wu (chemistry in practice)
-Yip Man (Wing Chun teaching and boldness)
-Bruce Lee (His philosophy and martial arts style) (I plan to be like him)
-A couple of others, if I remember who and more importantly if I remember to edit this post, I will edit those post below and add any extras, bye.

-Ada Chan (endurance and perseverance)
-My grandfather (fishing)
-Moses (his request to have someone speak for him)

Sunday Sundayness

so I woke up, as I do on sundays
then I got ready for church, as I do on sundays
then I went to church, as I do on sundays
and I talked to Warren, as I do on sundays
we talked about deep 'n' meaningfull stuff as we do half the time on sundays
then I ate lunch at church, as I do on sundays
then I came home, as I do on sundays
then I did 1 hour piano, as I do on most sundays

the next part will not be in the same format as the above, but rather, in a I don't know, uhhh uhmmmm some other kind of format xD

I watched doctor who, which.was.EPIC I love the weeping angels they are SO AWESOME >_< ^_^ =DDDDDD

seeing me and my bro's aran get stronger was also a + of my day

OH YES, that's right *remembers the thing he was going to say on his next blog*
Just a reminder, I will NOT be posting study/revision notes anymore, on this blog (not that I ever did xD)
main reason: other's +'s = my minus due to the VCE ENTER system of comparison
it's selfish, but it's logical. And unselfishness loses to logic in the race of survival. Of course, if you have no friends then you're surviving but are you REALLY 'living?' (philosophy xD)

solution: I study with friends. And we provide each other notes, becuase the minus the friend inflicts upon me is very small compared to the + i get from studying with them. And that is even more logical

friends + ENTER= WINNN

So yeah, anybody that wants to study with me, whether physically or virtually can. Your house, my house, msn, skype, library, school, some other location that is yet to be stated, doesn't matter. I study psychology 3/4, methods 1/2, music 1/2, chemistry 1/2, biology 1/2 and english 1/2. ^_^ anybody?

It doesn't matter what school you go to, So....YAH!

*girly gesture*: "call me"

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Spot the odd one out

Found it yet?
The answer is on the bottom of this post

"Spot" located in the title, it has a capital letter.

Wing Chun update 3

So I realised that the 8 foot (exactly) pole I have in my room that I use to turn the light off when I forget and I'm already in bed and saves me getting into that sleepy mood (it's an awesome pole that I keep next to my bed) is not JUST that but it can be the long pole I've been looking for, for Wing Chun

Wing Chun: 6 forms, one is the 'long pole' which is 8-11 foot long pole (although some can be 6-7 feet) and my pole is 8 feet long EXACTLY. xD WOOOH! and its adequate, for now.

Also, I'm probz gonna drop some tuition and take up Wing Chun classes. =D I found a good place and getting quotes, hehehee ^_^

I love my long pole. Also, wooden dummy, probz not for now, lol.

Other than that, worked out a couple of Wing Chun sequences, as usual. And I'm trying to stretch my legs and make them more flexible and more accurate, so my kicking is better.



Friday, May 14, 2010

you lied

to me.


It has been a while 'Mind of Jon' which I mean two days.

If the reason why you're reading this is because the blog is titled, 'Zoo' and you're hoping for some crappy soft-core-pornographic magazine then leave my blog and go watch porn, because this blog is not about porn.

HOWEVER, in a way it is ;D (some will know what I'm talking about already).
This blog is titled, 'Zoo' because Me, my friends in Biology, the rest of the people in my biology class that aren't my friends, and the other biology class, we ALL went to Weribee open range zoo for a biology excursion on 'reproductive strategies' AND the male lion was on top/behind the female lion shagging her with his penis in her vagina, they were copulating, they were having sex, they were reproducing, hence, the soft-core pornographic content. Although penis-vagina ANIMAL sex is rather hardcore....

If you haven't noticed already, that is my highlight of the day, seeing two lions get it on. ^_^ *tongue flickers in a rapidly wildly vividly sexually and penetratively way*

So yeah... we saw some random animals called barynx, onyx, onynx, onanynxynxyanxyanx or something, I forget the actual name. Giraffe (they had hybrids giraffes with REALLY hairy tails LOL), zebra (as we drove past on the safari vehicle we saw the zebra's massive penis hanging down (my arm length? or something, maybe a little longer...) When I saw the zebra.... I suddenly felt inadequate....)

Then there was the monkeys, the meercats, etc etc.

We got to touch a felt leathery
We got to touch a frog..... it felt half leathery half smooth but covered in slime, so slimy....
We got to touch the zebra's penis.... just kidding, we weren't allowed to.

Then we saw the rhinoceroses.... one was shitting as we drove past
Then we saw the bison.... one was peeing as we drove past

I bought a doughnut and bowl of chips (expensive) but I didn't really care, and still don't really care... maybe I have depression again? nah.... it's just food xD

As I walked through that one-way spinny exit thing to leave the zoo when I got out I was like "something is wrong. Something is missing. *feels pockets* Where is my pencil... WHERE IS MY PENCIL?!?! ahh crap" thomas: "I told you you dropped it but you ignored me" me: "haha, whatever, you're bullshitting me"
thomas: "no really, you dropped your pencil and I told you, but you ignored me"
me: "dude, I know you're lying, why do you keep trying?" (I was on my last inch of hope he really was lying)
thomas: "but you really did drop it"
me: "ahhh crap...."

That was a good pencil.... I miss it, So I wrote this poem for it:

On a distant land called Werribee
In a zoo, where the animals are free
To roam as it is open range
There is one thing that is strange

A pencil lies on the ground over there
Not shit, not piss, but a pencil, that's rare!
This pencil belong to none other than
Me, a pencilless lonely man

I miss my pencil, over there in the zoo
Right now, it could be lying in a pile of poo
Or maybe monkeys are using it to
Scratch their head, which I know monkey's do

Oh well, I shall never ever know
What happened to my pencil though,
I know in my heart that, that pencil will be
The only pencil, ever, EVER for me

I miss it ='[

I typed that whole poem on the spot, improvisation. I haven't done that in a while. My friend said I should take up rap. But as if I can rap, I'm crap at that. <--- LOL, xD

But seriously, I haven't got a rapper's instinct, like the on the spot PERFORMING. Rhymes, meh, no problem. But performing, noooo.......

So that's MY day
Lost pencils, bison's peeing, zebra's hanging out their penis, rhino's shitting, and lions getting it on ;D

I like the zoo =]

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Today, I am sick. I have been sick for a couple of days now. It is either a sharp pain in the stomach, or a spiralling crushing pain in the stomach. It hurts.

So I am at home, sleeping, eating, and hwking. I feel kinda bad as I am missing my class orals. =/

I have 2.5 hours to complete about 6 exercises of maths = about 0.4 hours per exercise = 24minutes...D= crap...

Yeahhhhh.... very busy.

On a side note, I've been considering deactivating facebook. I think it's a good idea but I think so long as I facebook in moderation, I should be fine, just like drinking and raping.

Methods.... I'm currently doing 6C (even though my class is up to 7F today) so I got a lot to catch up on. My deadlines are:

All of 6 by 4pm (tuition)
All of 7 by next monday (but I wanna get 7A-E done asap, after my other important deadlines of course)
I have a chapter 5/6 test tomorrow so yeah...

Off to do maths hwk now, bb

Monday, May 10, 2010


There are many things going on in my life at the moment.
I'd elborate but as mentioned in my previous blog, I need to work. much to say, so much to tell....
*sigh* There is only a small handful of people I would tell personally, so ask me and I will tell you if you are or if you're not. If you are, I'll tell you the full story, if you wish.

Mmmm.... well bye for now.


I am oficially exTREMELY behind in the following areas of my life:
-Psychology revision/summary notes
-Biology revision/summary notes
-Maths methods exercises
-English longest memory handout/oral
-Piano practice
-Organisation of folders, handouts, books and booklets
-Fitness (although I don't really care)

Tonight I shall try (in order):
-Read over longest memory one more time
-Complete and print my english handout (which I hope Mr. Bates won't kill me for not giving it to him sooner)
-Do 7A methods
-Do 7B methods
-Do 7C methods
-Do 7D methods
-Do 7E methods
-Do 6E methods
-6M (if it exists)
-Longest memory chapter summaries
-Oral speech
-Fix up methods book (it's has 1 or 2 ripped out pages and most of the pages are halfway to ripping out)
-Fix up chemistry exercise book
-Fix up biology exercise book and handouts
-Organise music booklets, handouts and display folder
-Psychology revision/summary/study notes
-Biology revision/summary/study notes
-Draw, download, print or acquire biology, chemistry and psychology diagrams, flowcharts, labelled pictures/drawings and hand them up all over the walls in my room

And a whole lot of piano practice throughout it.

if I manage to get all that done, then WOW, GO ME!
The handouts MUST be done tonight, but I am aiming for all of chapter 7 (so far) to be completed tonight.

Wish me luck on my catchup endeavours and good luck to any of you who are too, catching up on things that need catchup,


Good luck.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My brother

My brother is REALLY annoying, really, REALLY annoying Dx


happy mother's day, mum =]

On the way to Church...

On the way to church, I saw this korean guy that at the bus stop who I THINK I know, he goes to my school and is either in year 12 or year 10.

I waved at him and grinned and he gave me that "Do I know you...?" eyebrow/eye look.

Then I nodded suggestively and then he felt awkward and looked away and avoided eye contact, then the traffic lights changed and I kept going.



Dekker told me off for my hair too long and then gave me a note that says my hair is too long and that I need a haircut. WTH

I don't WANT a haircut, yet I must get one ><
It's like I REALLY don't want a haircut, but I'd rather not get a haircut than GET a haircut.

So I'm gonna get a haircut ASAP. I think it's gonna be next weekend or during next week.

Yeah.... not sure how much or how little I should cut. Buzzcut, Short hair, Medium hair, random hair, I got no idea.

Oh well, haircut, no haircut....meh

Sound effects

Bang, Boom, Splash. These are the sound effects while firing a gun, an explosion and a person jumping into a pool, respectively.

Swelch, Voom, Dong. Thses are all sounds of hitting someone with your fist, punching.

;D Inside joke....


Wing Chun update 2

Punch combo's
Arm movements
A couple of kicks
Wooden Dummy arm twist around thing (even though I haven't got a wooden dummy)
Simultaneous limb strikes
Chain punching

and that's about it

I read up on these Wing Chun classes in Burwood. BUT the description was like "learn and practice self-defence mechanisms that can be used on the street" or something. So it's probably less martially-arty and more white-person-makes-self-defence-classes with a couple of moves used as a PRACTICAL thing, not the actual martial art =[ that's too bad I guess. =/

Still, it has an extremely convenient location and time so I might try it out....

I want a wooden dummy, if anybody gets me a random present, make it a wooden dummy, PLEASEEEE

That's all for now,


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tomorrow I'll

You're not gonna get away with this
You're not gonna get away with this


Chiann and Antonius' wedding.

Antonius Thambrin and Chiann Lim,

Two people from my church, fell in love, got married, etc etc.
The wedding was good... the seats were covered in this white silky thing and it felt so GOOD! and then a brown or white ribbon was tied around the chair, felt soooo good =] I took one home....
....and maybe a second....
....then a couple more....
....actually many more....
....and finally an 8th....

eight ribbon-thingies.... =D

smuggled in my suit.
YES my suit... I'm still wearing it as I blog this.
Anywayz, the ceremony was good, it was actually their first
The line for the food took A WHILE but in the end xD the food was AWESOMEEEW!!!

-Prawn/almond/something-that-taste-GREAT type ball thing
-Fried rice
-Tender beef slices
-Spicy quail
-Bladder soup (I think..?)
-Spring rolls

All with appropriate vegetables, spices and sauces =] YUMM!!
And hot sauces, chilli's, etc all on the side to add.

Dessert was also nice...
-This green, milky jelly thing which was SO AWESOME, that I want some more now D=
-Chocolate wedding cake
-Pieces of oranges
-Something else I can't remember

Drinks were pretty basic, STILL GOOD:

-Other soft drink
-Orange juice
-Other drinks

People that came (youth):

-Jonathan (me)
-Angela (my sister)
-Josh (we played tap-tap PRIOR and POST ceremony, and also 4 in a row and other games)
-Keh See

I choked on a kai lan.... LOL ^_^
Ate alot of cake...
It was a good wedding =]

Congratulations to the both of you,

Antonius and Chiann Thambrin

Friday, May 7, 2010

No youth

Today I had no youth, so I just msn'ed and practiced Wing Chun Punch and open palm strike combo's.... yeah. no youth O_O

cuz, tomorrow is Chiann's and Anton's wedding xD <3 grats to you both, and IM INVITED! WOOO!!!!

thats about it,


Thursday, May 6, 2010

New shirt

I got a new shirt...
It's a grey round collar, long sleeve shirt that is black rimmed with 3 diagnal black striped and 3 horizontal thin black stripes.

I like it. Very much.

I am wearing it right now as I blog this....



Mr. Johnson!!

So today in VCE music we did stuff, theory and music terminology and stuff like that, but here are the 'immoral highlights' of the day:

Johnson:[name]! CATTERMOLE! why are you late?
Me: Oh, we were at the toilets together...(johnson gives weird look)I mean not TOGETHER together, like we were just peeing together. I mean we weren't PEEING together but we happened to both pee at the same time, like not with each other or helping each other, it was just a coincedence that we were peeing. We were peeing at the same time as individuals. There.
Johnson: sit down.


Johnson: Next word, throbbing.
Me: *laughing*
Johnson: there is just no end in the depth of your sin, is there?


Me: (forgot what I said)
Johnson: I fear the things you do when you are by yourself
Shirin: Yeah, YOU are the reason my parents don't let me have a computer in my room.

and lastly:

Johnson: *tally's up scores on the board*
Whole class: *stares at me in the 'what the hell?!?!' look*
Me: *opens mouth to speak* AHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Whole class: ...
Me: It says sixty-nine AHAHAHAHAhA *clutches stomach* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Jazer: I don't get what's so funny, its just 69.
Me: as if! It implies the simultanous oral sex between 2 partners of any gender
Jazer: Dude! What the hell...
Me: what! it is though...
Johnson: See, that's the thing about wcc. It was funny when I was like 11 or something. HERE......
Me: ahahahaha... yeah... in 20 years time when I bump into me you'll look at me and only relate one word to me, 'perverted'
Johnson: *chuckles* that's probably true

so yeah, x]

By the way, all of this was out loud, like whole class could clearly hear, it's a small class.

He will probably actually REMEMBER me, despite his many students (as teachers have)
because I'm so twisted and perverted and disgusting.

Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs rape you. If they do, however, remember this, it is MORE traumatic for them than for you, use that to your advantage by raping them back. But they're BED BUGS, sif they'll rape you...

well sif they'll rape ME, YOU, ahh...'you' the reader of my blog may be the perfect victim for a bed bug, who knows. But I'm safe from being raped and that's all that matters, unless the bed bugs rape someone I like. If they do that, they're going down, and not 'going down' on me, GOING DOWN TO HELL (i'm implying I will kill them)

DO bed bugs go to hell? We can't ACTUALLY prove it, can we? No we can't. I'm getting sidetracked, goodnight.

LOL, 69!

Science at School

Today I was thinking, So THIS is how it is: S9 (biology), S12 (chemistry), S13 (physics) and that new random one next to the art-technology wing.


4x6periodsx5days a week = 120 science lessons a week.
4 per year 7 class = 16
4 per year 8 class = 16
4 per year 9 class = 16
4 per year 10 class = 16
4 per science elective (9) = 4
4 per science elective (10) = 4

=72 so far

5 per VCE chem 1/2 (x2) = 10
5 per VCE physics 1/2 = 5
5 per VCE biology 1/2 (x2) = 10
5 per VCE chem 3/4 (lets assume x1) = 5
5 per VCE physics 3/4 (let's assume x1) = 5
5 per VCE biology 3/4 (let's assume x1) = 5


8 left.
out of all the VCE science, there probably is at least one more so
3 left.
JUST made it, wcc.

Also, now there are new science goggles and they are AWESOME. as in, it is COMPELTELY clear. COM-PLETE-LY

the previous goggles were all *shudders* scratched and blurry and unclean and worn out, so you didn't wear them half the time, when you had to pour chemicals and stuff, you had to take them off to READ the measurements. When observing chemical reactions, you had to take off glasses just to clearly see the results.

Also, the glasses are not LOOSE, just the best.

Seriously, the school has 'so much money'. Why spend it on some one million dollar arts building. Yes, it is good and yes, the drama, music, etc departments of wcc suck, (music is so-so but needs more rooms) And why $150,000 on the fake oval?
Why so much money on interactive whiteboards??

How about they buy some new lab coats, new goggles, get more chairs/tables and other little things...

I got no idea how I'm going to end this so I will just end midsente

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Potential Society

So here's the number one rule of this society:
If the cost for maintaining survival for an individual exceeds the value of the produce that individual produces, then kill him/her.

If they are diseased or have contagious viruses, kill them.
If they want to 'retire' kill them, no longer useful....
That's the basic plan, that one rule.

Upper class: Of course if you go into detail there are the 'authorities' (top class, firearms, mass power and control)

Middle class: The 'breeding parties' (one for intelligence, fast learning genes) and one for party for physically fit genes. The regulars (intelligent) that do intelligent work in exchange for not being 'killed'. They are allowed to retire (limited).

Lower class: Then the vast majority, are from the 'physical' breeding party, and they are deliberately exposed to radiation at childbirth, to limit their age span and do make them mentally retarded in a way(s). Also, C4 is planted inside of them that can be remotely detonated if they try to overthrow the system, but they can't, they're 'retarded'.

The breeding parties are middle class (same as intelligent group).

Yeah.. that pretty much sums it up, the physical workers are the 'slaves'. But no1 wants to feel like that so we shall treat them like 'normal' people. Any sign of trouble = KABOOM!

before death, their orifices are used as sexual objects of insentive for the higher classes.... yeah, that's my world. =]

It has many MANY flaws: as follows:
Joel wu pointed out that the 'intelligent' class would rebel and overthrow the system. The authorities have firearms.... actually in that case, everybody BUT authorities will have C4 implanted inside them, ha-HA!!


it it just an idea... perfect peace...fascism. (hope I spelled it right)

If I WAS IN IT, where would I go?
Physical class, no, I'm unfit xD
Authorities... maybe, probably not... low chance that would happen
Breeding party, maybe the intelligent breeding party, as im unfit so the other one is out of the question, but I'm just a random, there are definitely heaps more people that could do a better job breeding intelligent people than me.
Intelligent group: I'd probably be here IF I WAS IN IT. Remember, people with none of the qualities are rare due to gene selection. Of course there will definitely be people who are 'average' nevertheless they can work PERFECTLY FINE! and therefore, will NOT be killed. =]

Remember, the better the job you do, the more orifices you are awarded to gratify yourself with.

Today's blog

I slept at 11pm last night and woke up at 1am this morning, 2 hours. Then I HARDCORE METHODS all the way to 7am then I ate breakfast and the corn flakes were accidentally mixed up with horseradish and tasted like shit (figure of speech), so I had to chuck them out and clean up. Then I went into a LONG micro-sleep (not nap) in my room, when I was changing. So I got to school late, and missed the first 15 minutes of my period 0. LOL....period....

Methods re-test.....was easier but I stuffed up at a few spots.


Johnson: *stares at my groin*
Me: Yeah, cool, isnt it?
Johnson: *continues staring*
Me: It resembles a vagina
Johnson: I can't believe you just said that with a girl in our class. When I first saw it I was thinking, "don't say it, don't say it, do NOT say it" and you said it.
Me: what? not like she hasn't seen a vagina before, I mean she has one so what's the big deal?
Johnson: How do you even KNOW what a vagina looks like?
Me: I wikipedia'ed it
Johnson: wikipedia'd 'vagina'....!!???!!
Me: Pretty much I wikipedia everything, EVERYTHING, *under breath: it's a lot more descriptive than google images*

Not exact words but yeah, see... I have this rip around my groinal area of my pants I wore today, and its the perfect shape, size and location for a vagina, also the cloth flaps open so it's like REALLY resembles a vagina.

Math tuition: One word: MICRO-SLEEP

in my next blog i'm going to type up now, I will explain in semi-full detail the structure of my 'society'


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

.....on my mind.....

"Mind of Jon"

here is a blog that says what's on my mind at the moment:
-Oh crap, tomorrow is that blood donation thing for group one? I dont think i'm group one, am i? uh oh, he said drink lots of water D: nah, im not in group one, blegh, i'll be fine
-Hmmmm I feel like a fatass, so much food....
-I feel like eating garlic bread
-Why am I blogging? I should be methoding...
-I should put some music on...
-I wonder how many people read my blog
-Oh that's right, before I forget, everybody give Peter Demajo $5 tomorrow.
-Tomorrow I have a methods re-test, I should REALLY get going on my work.
-Chem Chem Chem...
-AM I GROUP ONE? like not chemistry group 1 elements (even though I would love to be as they are AWESOMEEEE sodium <3 potassium <3) no... I'm fine, stop worrying Jon
-Oh right... music... haha xD
-DAMN! I haven't been doing much piano practice recently, oh well, I'll just go hardcore practice tomorrow
-I need to prepare english handout and write up my english oral and memorise it and make cue cards, all very soon. FML
-My english tutor can't come tomorrow
-YAY! more time for working
-NO! I have to do the english work on my own
-CRAPP chem thing on thursday, finishing up chem SAC >< gahh
-Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog
-this list is long.....well sorta?
-Ada Ada Ada Ada Ada Ada Ada Ada
-I'm bored...
-Does that count? can I BLOG that?
-wth am i talking about, im not bored at all, LOL!
-penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis...
-Its losing quality, I should wrap this up....


I just took a dump and lost 2 kilograms. (read previous blog to understand)xD


Just got back from buffet with whole family: brother, sister, mother, father, grandma, grandad and yeah.

Went to this western buffet.....I ate alot, hence 'fatass'.

15 'rounds' of food.'s a couple of things I did:
-eat all the watermelon from the fruit salad
-eat all the vanilla ice cream from the ice cream thingo. =]
-eat, just plain EATTTT!! OM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM

I had a coke toward the end of my meal, well eating-ish event thing.

I weighed myself before and after, I put on 4 kilograms. xP
Four kilograms of food.... aren't I cool!

Usually I eat till my gut hurts so much I just collapse when I get home and don't get up for 10 minutes (literally) but this time I went easy, only 15.

So now I can keep eating but too bad I'm already at home xD
I am a fatass, 'nuff said.


Sunday, May 2, 2010


As I type this, my sister is in front of me cutting a piece of paper and its making that crunchy sound cuting cardboard makes, with a pair of scissors.

GAHHH sounds so seductive, without the sexuality... so...tempting? yeh, tempting.

meh, I cbs with the scissors shit again (i'd say scissors crap but thats not alliteration).

yeah....hmmm, I reaise I have 2 kinds of blogs in general and those break into 2 subtypes each (can be both):

-short random blogs (boring, eg. this one)
-short random blogs (funny/interesting)
-personal blogs (like diary entries) medium length
-personal blogs (like diary entries) 'extended response' <-- =D

Well something like that, I don't know.

In love with Chemistry

HEAPS of my friends and acquaintances HATE chemistry because:
1. It's 'too hard'
2. They suck at it
3. They don't like it but they take it anyway
4. Any combination of the above.

well I LOVE chemistry:
especially covalent bonding
especially HYDROCARBONS!
<3 <3 <3 <3


etc etc

Polymers are awesome, etc.

Chemistry is just <3


Today is Sunday and therefore I went to church.
At church, I saw many, many people, as I do.
There was Anton's testimony, interesting.
blah blah blah, stuff as per usual:

CHARLES ELLIOT (elliot?) came!
xD been a while, charles.

Nice iTouch by the way, although you don't know my blog 99.69% probz but meh.

Yeah, I had to skip lunch cuz come home so lunching with grandparents but I still ate stuff, that chocolate stuff Samantha makes is so awesome, every time tastes so nice :)


Saturday, May 1, 2010

A pinch and a punch for the first day of the month

May the 1st is today...
Yes it is...
If you (my blog reader) is so awesome that you will read this in the next 45 minutes before midnight. AND if you coincedentally have someone in your household that is sleeping, then pinch them and punch them in their sleep before midnight!

Have fun,


I am cold right now, very very cold.
So I'll probably sleep after my chemistry homework, bye.

Funny surprise

Wasn't a big surprise, my mum went to Glenny to pick my dad and when he walked in through the door he finished the last of his happy cup... my dad drinks happy cup. =]

Hehe ^_^

Youth Group

Me, Warren, Eddy, Tiff, Gen, Wei, Caleb, Angela (my sis), Justin, Corinna


Scrabble, Halo3, Mario multiplayer on wii



lifegroup is awesome.... dungeon level mario xD LOL!