Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mr. Johnson!!

So today in VCE music we did stuff, theory and music terminology and stuff like that, but here are the 'immoral highlights' of the day:

Johnson:[name]! CATTERMOLE! why are you late?
Me: Oh, we were at the toilets together...(johnson gives weird look)I mean not TOGETHER together, like we were just peeing together. I mean we weren't PEEING together but we happened to both pee at the same time, like not with each other or helping each other, it was just a coincedence that we were peeing. We were peeing at the same time as individuals. There.
Johnson: sit down.


Johnson: Next word, throbbing.
Me: *laughing*
Johnson: there is just no end in the depth of your sin, is there?


Me: (forgot what I said)
Johnson: I fear the things you do when you are by yourself
Shirin: Yeah, YOU are the reason my parents don't let me have a computer in my room.

and lastly:

Johnson: *tally's up scores on the board*
Whole class: *stares at me in the 'what the hell?!?!' look*
Me: *opens mouth to speak* AHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Whole class: ...
Me: It says sixty-nine AHAHAHAHAhA *clutches stomach* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Jazer: I don't get what's so funny, its just 69.
Me: as if! It implies the simultanous oral sex between 2 partners of any gender
Jazer: Dude! What the hell...
Me: what! it is though...
Johnson: See, that's the thing about wcc. It was funny when I was like 11 or something. HERE......
Me: ahahahaha... yeah... in 20 years time when I bump into me you'll look at me and only relate one word to me, 'perverted'
Johnson: *chuckles* that's probably true

so yeah, x]

By the way, all of this was out loud, like whole class could clearly hear, it's a small class.

He will probably actually REMEMBER me, despite his many students (as teachers have)
because I'm so twisted and perverted and disgusting.

Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs rape you. If they do, however, remember this, it is MORE traumatic for them than for you, use that to your advantage by raping them back. But they're BED BUGS, sif they'll rape you...

well sif they'll rape ME, YOU, ahh...'you' the reader of my blog may be the perfect victim for a bed bug, who knows. But I'm safe from being raped and that's all that matters, unless the bed bugs rape someone I like. If they do that, they're going down, and not 'going down' on me, GOING DOWN TO HELL (i'm implying I will kill them)

DO bed bugs go to hell? We can't ACTUALLY prove it, can we? No we can't. I'm getting sidetracked, goodnight.

LOL, 69!

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