Saturday, May 22, 2010

Chemistry tuition

Just got back from chemistry tuition: we just finished hydrocarbons....polymers, monomers and some year 12 chemistry 3/4 stuff. Teacher (eddy) is REALLY good and really interesting, awesome handouts, 9/10 recommendation (y)

Anyway, I think I'm dropping chemistry (tuition not subject) soon at the end of this term because even though he's cheap ($19 or $21?) I just going out, I think I can handle it, although I SHOULD stay in :/ meh.

Now I'm back and on blogspot....probably another 5 posts or so. I need more people to talk to on msn. blah. nah, it's cool. Just that no-one is talking to me at the moment -_- bleghhhhhhhh.



sorry...randomness :/

Yeah...chemistry is awesome, as So I shall say again in my next post, goodbye.

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