Monday, May 31, 2010

Music Exam

I am satisfied.

The first part was Aural /20
a) 10 Marks. Johnson plays 10 intervals, 3 times each. One mark per correct answer. Simple. I think I'm going to get 9/10, hopefully. I want at least 8/10 and least 7.
b) 10 Marks. Johnson has you sing 10 intervals to him and 1 mark per correct answer. I got 5/10. Others (I won't name who) got 5/10, 4/10 and 4/10. Freaking Jazer gets 10/10 >_> crazy intervallic singer singaporean malaysian parkouring chinese freerunning sexy pianist!

The second part was Theory /30
There were SOO many freaking questions. Had to write out like 20 different scales!!
Write down the name of like 80 or something intervals eg. Perfect 4th (P4) Augmented Sixth (A4) Major third (M3) minor third (m3) diminished 5th (d5) etc etc. 80 TIMES! -_-
Not only that but create like 25 different triads (perfect, minor, major or diminished) on a basenote.
Then we had to write like 20 key signatures down in BOTH clefs
just SOO much theory. Easy but too much. >_< Not one person finished all the theory.
Hopefully I will get 20 at least.

The third part was analysis1 (LOL ANAL!) /25
He plays 5 songs, once each. And we write down the era, form, style, composer and why it is that composer. 5 marks per song, x5 songs = 25 marks. Im gonna screw up badly here. If I can get 15 marks I'm lucky but I hope I can get at least 10, so yeah, let's say 10.

The fourth part was analysis2 (LOL ANAL AGAIN!!) /25
This part he plays one song three times and we write down era, form, style, composer, why it's that composer, and then 20 full sentences at least and 5 paragraphs at least on the song and it's features using technical musical terminology and language. *BIG SIGH*

I kicked ass. It was Beethoven's 5th symphony and I knew everything about it. WOOO!!
Because I played it before and studied it before it was a PIECE.OF.CAKE.

hehehe =]
I wanna get 24 marks for this but at least 22.
Let's just say 23.

8+20+10+23 = 61
61 marks out of 100. That's a 'C'
BLEGH! When you add it all up....I realise I just SUCK at music D:

nawww =[ And I was feeling so good about my music mark too....

I am not satisfied.

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