Saturday, May 29, 2010

Psychology 3/4 Seminar

Got to glen station at approximately 8-ish. Eunice's mum, Eunice and Natalie were already there. Now to wait for joel and song. Joel was picking up Song up but it was 8:05 and they weren't here yet.

Apparently (as we found out later) Joel's mum went to cook Joel noodles so she and Joel were running late. It was 8:08 and both of them still weren't here and the train was to leave at 8:10. 8:30 would be the next train. 8:09:00 and then I saw then walking across the road so I told them to hurry. 8:09:40 and they started to buy their tickets. We missed the train by 20 seconds and so we had to wait 20 minutes for the next one. Once we got into the train, we just listened to music and talked about random stuff until we reached Flinder's street station. Then we took tram to near-melbourne-uni.

We walked to melbourne uni and when we got there, there were 3 queues:
-"A through E" as he said many times (first name) which we discussed whether first name meant given name or surname, LOL (in the end, it meant given name)(Eunice)
-"F through N" (me, Joel, Nat) (by far, the longest line)
-"O through Z" (song)

When we got in, we had no freaking seats and had to sit at the back T_T I got sleepy, and must've microslept at least 20-30 times throughout the whole day. Ironic since we actually studied sleep in the seminar, lolololol.

For lunch, we went to this cafe place but me and Eunice already had packed lunch so we just ate that while Song, Nat and Joel ordered food. As we came back (late) we realised the 'Eateries' were within the campus. ARRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, Joel was told to "can you please shut up" by some white girl he had previously been (probably negatively) acquainted with, LOLOLOL.

Yeah, we just highlighted stuff and talked about stuff, yeah....

Good guy (y) good advise (y)
too bad he was super boring...
so he said I'm going at 4:00 and for the last half an hour some other person will come and continue, so we ditched :D

By the way, the WHOLE day I needed to go toilet so many time and really badly and each time held it in like super tightly ><"

In fact, right NOW I need to piss but I'm gonna neglect that till midnight, literally, I really canNOT be stuffed getting up to piss...

Anyway, we went to Macca's where I ran to the unclean toilet to relief myself then after washing hands, went down to buy cheeseburgers and leech nuggets off Joel. That's why he buys them, for us, really, he does.

Then we trained-I LOVE TRAINS!!!-to glen waverley where joel's mum picked me, Song and Joel up and then dropped me back home. Hooray for Joel's mum!

And now I'm at home. mmm.....

Goodnight fellow blog-readers and psychologists/psychology-studiers,

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