Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Potential Society

So here's the number one rule of this society:
If the cost for maintaining survival for an individual exceeds the value of the produce that individual produces, then kill him/her.

If they are diseased or have contagious viruses, kill them.
If they want to 'retire' kill them, no longer useful....
That's the basic plan, that one rule.

Upper class: Of course if you go into detail there are the 'authorities' (top class, firearms, mass power and control)

Middle class: The 'breeding parties' (one for intelligence, fast learning genes) and one for party for physically fit genes. The regulars (intelligent) that do intelligent work in exchange for not being 'killed'. They are allowed to retire (limited).

Lower class: Then the vast majority, are from the 'physical' breeding party, and they are deliberately exposed to radiation at childbirth, to limit their age span and do make them mentally retarded in a way(s). Also, C4 is planted inside of them that can be remotely detonated if they try to overthrow the system, but they can't, they're 'retarded'.

The breeding parties are middle class (same as intelligent group).

Yeah.. that pretty much sums it up, the physical workers are the 'slaves'. But no1 wants to feel like that so we shall treat them like 'normal' people. Any sign of trouble = KABOOM!

before death, their orifices are used as sexual objects of insentive for the higher classes.... yeah, that's my world. =]

It has many MANY flaws: as follows:
Joel wu pointed out that the 'intelligent' class would rebel and overthrow the system. The authorities have firearms.... actually in that case, everybody BUT authorities will have C4 implanted inside them, ha-HA!!


it it just an idea... perfect peace...fascism. (hope I spelled it right)

If I WAS IN IT, where would I go?
Physical class, no, I'm unfit xD
Authorities... maybe, probably not... low chance that would happen
Breeding party, maybe the intelligent breeding party, as im unfit so the other one is out of the question, but I'm just a random, there are definitely heaps more people that could do a better job breeding intelligent people than me.
Intelligent group: I'd probably be here IF I WAS IN IT. Remember, people with none of the qualities are rare due to gene selection. Of course there will definitely be people who are 'average' nevertheless they can work PERFECTLY FINE! and therefore, will NOT be killed. =]

Remember, the better the job you do, the more orifices you are awarded to gratify yourself with.

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