Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Jonathan Tay in Methods

So this is how it went, I went up to the front to talk to Mrs Marks and then when I came back, Jazer and Peter were explaining something to Jonathan Tay, so I assisted them since I'm more 'familiar' with the topic Jon Tay needed help on:

Jazer: So you get the gigabyte (or something) which neutralizes it...

Jonathan Cattermole: Jontay, you don't get it. You know how it's b, right? Well b is for byte, 1000 bytes is a kilobyte, 1000 kilobytes is a megabyte and 1000 megabytes is a gigabyte, which is what Jazer was trying to explain. Now have a look at the question see the negative 2 and the positive 2? WELL..... if you add them together you get -2+2 which equals zero. And that is why it is neutralised. There is another method, the b in the denominator, since it is positive, we put it in the TREBLE clef, which is on b, the centre note, and that is another reason why it is neutralised. However, the -b in the numerator is negative so we put it in the BASS clef, which is two spots below the centre so we go -2 and ...that is why there is a negative two in the equation, get it? Also.... If you look at the note, you will realise it is a semibreve which goes for four counts and the what is the square of four?

Jontay: 2?

Jonathan Cattermole: And negative 2 as -2 squared is 4, as well right? Look at the question again, notice the positive two AND negative two? yeah...

Jontay: AHHH SHUT UP!!!

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