Saturday, May 22, 2010

Why I chose my subjects

Mathematical methods unit 1/2
Chemistry unit 1/2
Biology unit 1/2
English unit 1/2
Music unit 1/2
Psychology unit 3/4

WELL, the reason I'm writing this post is because the other day in methods, Mrs Marks (our math teacher) got really angry at us and frustrated because alot of us were behind in homework (everybody but Catherine Yang....yeah....she's gonna rape us all on the exams D:) and she asked us why we chose methods and/or why we are so behind

Here are the following answers some said:
"I'm doing a 3/4 subject and I put more effort into that?"
"I had a spare slot and because I didn't do year 10 science I couldn't get into any of the sciences so I chose methods to fill it up"
"I wanted a math and methods was in the middle"
"I hope it doesn't offend you but I see methods as not as important as my other 5 subjects"
etc, etc...

so she accepted them all as reasonable answers. She argued some of course how methods 3/4 will be hell if you don't understand methods 1/2, etc, etc....
anyway, these are my reasons:
-I love graphs and methods is pretty much ALL graph (except some probability but that doesn't matter, probability is one of my favourite math topics)
-I use graphs heaps and want to learn more about them
-Methods is one of the pre-requisites for the course I'm thinking of doing
-I needed a math and I didn't really want to do GMA because of the difficulty nor GMB because of the.....well easiness, let's put it that way.
-Subnote: I found out some questions from their test, it was like "x-4=5 what is x?" I'm like O_O not only that, it was multiple choice. Then there was a diagram of an equalateral triangle, square and pentagon and said label the following polygons. I think this was one of the short answer questions. Year 4, much? and the "find x" is year 7. GMB is EASYYY and that's one of the reasons I might take further next year (I'll explain more later on)
-Methods is simply just the subject for me =]

Now for english.....:
-It's compulsory to do english or Lit or ESL, I don't qualify for ESL (english second language), and I suck at lit, well maybe not, but meh.
-I prefer english (over literature), the general stuff I want to learn. essays, creative pieces, persuasive techniques, those are things I want to learn.
-So yeah, I WANT to do english
-It's a pre-requisite for courses, aLOT of courses (Lit is accepted too but....yeah, don't want lit)

And chemistry....
-so fun, so awesome, so ME
-I'm better at chem than those are informational kind of subjects (bio, psych, business, economics, history) Chemistry is a PROCESS subject, you learn the method, the pattern, the rules, the formula's're good to go (like physics and maths) (another reason why I took methods) (I didn't take physics cause..well.....I don't want to do THAT kind of maths and I haven't got enough slots, so yeah.)
-I'm good at chemistry

Then biology....?
-Since I do psychology and chemistry, biology just fits in there (I'll adress this in my NEXT post) (come to think of it...since I'm doing like 10 posts in a row =D) So bio...fits in between chem and psychology and will help me understand the other 2And the other 2 will help me understand BIO. Plus, the cell and respiration and enzymes and all that stuff is AWESOME. Bio is a fun and interesting subject =]
-I was deciding between physics and bio...and chose bio because of the above reason(s)
-Bio is fun and interesting
-You learn about sex
-Sex is fun
-Learning about it I mean
-I mean having sex is fun too but that's not why I chose it

And now for PSYCHOLOGY 3/4!!
-This goes back a little bit to last year which I did NOT take psychology 1/2 but I took business management 1/2. I sucked at busman and I bottomed my class with 52% endyear. I know....I suck heaps. And so I was like busman 3/4 or....psych1/2 And I decided with psych1/2. Then I emailed (in the long holidays) Mr Rouse and was like yeah, I wanna change to psych 1/2, is that ok? "yeap, that's cool, there done, your switched" so I was like ALRIGHT COOL! then my mum was like "you're taking a 3/4 subject....YOUR GONNA DIE IN YEAR 12!" then she made like a heap of family friends to talk to me and convince me to do a 3/4 in year 11. One of them actually made sense and said some logical stuff and why it's better as it frees up a slot and lowers the weight on your shoulders (like decapitation except you don't die)
He's cool... and so I went with him and took psychology units 3/4. Then I found out joel was doing that too and was like "ah =] good choice, jon"
-It's fun, interesting and I really like it
-It's intersting, I really like it and it's fun
-I really like it, it's fun and it's interesting
-I needed a 3/4 subject and busman was a no-no so I took psychology 3/4

and finally MUSIC:
-The thoery is fun, interesting and I'm good at it
-Music analysis and history analysis is fun and I'm semi-good at it
-Practical I SUCK AT, but I CAN play piano so that's something, I'm grade seven by the way. (and thoery grade 3 but now probz 4-ish)
-I was thinking of pursueing a music career at that time

I'm most likely dropping music for further mathematics (GMB 3/4) next year. And just pick up further but I dont know...further isn't MY KIND of maths, still... :/
I got another 6 months to think about that, well not really as music 3/4 needs preparation but yeah. 6 months.

And that's why I chose what I chose, now for the next post... (if you're reading this like downways, from recentmost, to oldest, you're gonna read it in wrong order but oh well, =])

chesmitry FTW....

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