Saturday, May 8, 2010

Chiann and Antonius' wedding.

Antonius Thambrin and Chiann Lim,

Two people from my church, fell in love, got married, etc etc.
The wedding was good... the seats were covered in this white silky thing and it felt so GOOD! and then a brown or white ribbon was tied around the chair, felt soooo good =] I took one home....
....and maybe a second....
....then a couple more....
....actually many more....
....and finally an 8th....

eight ribbon-thingies.... =D

smuggled in my suit.
YES my suit... I'm still wearing it as I blog this.
Anywayz, the ceremony was good, it was actually their first
The line for the food took A WHILE but in the end xD the food was AWESOMEEEW!!!

-Prawn/almond/something-that-taste-GREAT type ball thing
-Fried rice
-Tender beef slices
-Spicy quail
-Bladder soup (I think..?)
-Spring rolls

All with appropriate vegetables, spices and sauces =] YUMM!!
And hot sauces, chilli's, etc all on the side to add.

Dessert was also nice...
-This green, milky jelly thing which was SO AWESOME, that I want some more now D=
-Chocolate wedding cake
-Pieces of oranges
-Something else I can't remember

Drinks were pretty basic, STILL GOOD:

-Other soft drink
-Orange juice
-Other drinks

People that came (youth):

-Jonathan (me)
-Angela (my sister)
-Josh (we played tap-tap PRIOR and POST ceremony, and also 4 in a row and other games)
-Keh See

I choked on a kai lan.... LOL ^_^
Ate alot of cake...
It was a good wedding =]

Congratulations to the both of you,

Antonius and Chiann Thambrin

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