Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My pet cockroach, Ben.

The title gives much of it away. This is how the story went. I found a cockroach and put it in a plastic bag to give to my friend for his birthday. With no information, or supplies to maintain it as a pet except a packet of tissues to clean it up without getting cockroach guts on his hands, he refused. I put it in my room and after a week, took it out (cockroaches can survive like a month without food) and put it inside a box, poked holes and left it. After 2 days I gave some water and fed it mints, because there was no other consumables in my room at the time. A few days later I chucked out the mints (Cockroaches eat ANYTHING, but mints) and gave it bread and fruit.

It has been 2 weeks. Happy two week anniversary Ben <3.

Ahh crap, it sounds I'm dating a cockroach, makes me sound gay because it's a guy and it's a COCKroach, *chuckles*. I'm not even sure it's a guy. But ever since I gave it proper food, it's....grown rapidly. I cover half the box in paper to give him a choice of shade, or light.

Ben has lost half of one of it's antanae.

My future plans for this cockroach is to upgrade from pastic chinese food takeaway box to shoebox/cardboard box and to give it friends. (I can tell Ben apart by his antanae).

The way I see it, if I bag cockroaches when I find them and add them into my big box of cockroaches then they can live and play together and if any of them dies they can eat that cockroach. The logic is as follows:
-Cockroaches need the list: [A, B, C] to survive.
-Cockroaches will consume [A, B, C]
-Cockroaches will contain [A, B, C]
-Without [A, B, C] cockroaches will die
-The cockroaches will be alive.
-Therefore the cockroaches contain [A, B, C]
-If they die, they will still contain [A, B, C]
-If an alive cockroach eats a dead cockroach they will get [A, B, C]
-When I catch the cockroaches they will be alive
-Therefore they contain [A, B, C]
-So long as I constantly capture cockroaches and add them to my box of pets, there will be a constant source of [A, B, C]
-Without any extra food, some will die of starvation
-There will be an undefended supply of [A, B, C]
-The live cockroaches will eat the [A, B, C] to survive.

So long as I keep capturing cockroaches, I don't need to feed them ;D. But I still will. Because....Yeah. I don't want to see them dying. And how often do I find, capture and bring home a cockroach?

For now, Bye.


  1. Your cockroach logic kind of sucks, because it doesn't apply to humans. Unless you can prove that it works through some biological difference, then what your saying is as silly as this:

    -Humans need the list: [A, B, C] to survive.
    -Humans will consume [A, B, C]
    -Humans will contain [A, B, C]
    -Without [A, B, C] humans will die
    -The humans will be alive.
    -Therefore the humans contain [A, B, C]
    -If they die, they will still contain [A, B, C]
    -If an alive human eats a dead human they will get [A, B, C]
    -When I catch the humans they will be alive
    -Therefore they contain [A, B, C]
    -So long as I constantly capture humans and add them to my box of pets, there will be a constant source of [A, B, C]
    -Without any extra food, some will die of starvation
    -There will be an undefended supply of [A, B, C]
    -The live humans will eat the [A, B, C] to survive.

  2. I never said the logic can be applied to humans. Even though it can. But it doesn't need to. Because I don't plan in capturing humans and making them eat each other to survive.
