Thursday, July 22, 2010


Today, we had no lessons.

Homegroup: BULLYING survey.
1. Who bullies you?
2. Who gets bullied?
3. Who bullies?
4. Where do you feel unsafe?
5. Who is kind?

I didn't fill in any except the last one, Yeremia. He is a nice kid. :) He deserved the 'Christian Conduct' award. Bahaha xD

I mean, I could have filled in something legitamate for ALL of those questions but why bother? It's just a pain having to go to Mr Nash and stuff. It becomes an inconvenience having to see him every one or two weeks. I would know from severe depression/suicidal which I probably wouldn't have anyway. What a waste of time. Saying that, it was kinda fun, a little. Inconvenient, but interesting.

Hope nobody said I was kind, bullied or a bully. I can't be bothered. Just can't be bothered. Too tired, too depressed, too lazy.

Period 1/2: Double Methods
Mrs Marks was away and our substitute just told us 11C, 11D, 12A. And so that was that. Joel, Natalie and Melissa were having a conversation behind me. And I sat in to listen but didn't contribute to the conversation, just like at lunch. Too tired, too depressed, too lazy.

Period 3/4: House drama
Finney - 1st
Spurgeon - 2nd
Tyndale - 3rd (me)
Wycliffe - 4th

They were okay, I guess. What I took out of it was it's funny when you spam hand-kiss wesung. Those who were near me and weeman know what we're talking about.

Period 5/6: Double chemistry
Miss Reed was away so we had substitute. I played tetris half the time on Ji Hyung's Korean/English translator device thingy. Hard to control but still fun. Still fun. :)

Went home. Piano lesson. Falling asleep. Teacher made me get ice blocks. Put it in my mouth. Woke me up. Played better. End of lesson. Open laptop. Blog.

....and here I am. :)

Tomorrow is Friday, the last day of the (school) week (YES!)


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