Wednesday, July 14, 2010

First day back - Term three.

The holidays have been relaxed. In fact, why don't we (rather I) refresh myself on what I did and the products of my holidays. I:
-Tried out half of the Skype games.
-Improved my maximum duration regarding various stances such as horse stance. :D
-Levelled about fifteen times in maplestory.
-Improved significantly on my sleep but that doesn't really count as it's holidays.
-Vacuumed, rearranged and tidied my room.
-Broke my long pole. *sniff*
-Just realised that what I just wrote could be taken sexually. ;D
-Practiced a TON of scales (piano).

So in all, not much. In fact, I'm rather dissappointed in myself :/
Oh well. So I was getting a little bored. So I'm sorta' glad school is resuming. And glad for the two extra days. (Our school has Monday and Tuesday off).

I woke up with a contradictory feeling. It wasn't, "hooray, no more boredom" it was more like "ahhhh shit. School again -.-"
Then I remembered it was a Wednesday and we have periods 5 and 6 (two last periods) free. And I was like HOORAY! :D

And I loved the day once more. I thought it was week one of our two week cycle so I brought my music, english and methods stuff. And left my three sciences (bio, chem, psych) at home. But when I got to school, ALAS! (<-- Always wanted to use that correctly). It was week two of the cycle. So I had music, bio and psych.

Music we had a substitute. It's funny because whenever I hear the word 'substitute' I think of prostitute. And then I'm like NO! Substitute you fag. And then keep going. But it always make my mind hesitate for a second or two when I hear that.

So anyway all we did was discuss Mychonny, go on facebook and play random guitar chords. A good lesson. (Y).

Psychology.....we're back in O104 and umm....yeah. We learned about a few kinds of rehearsal and frequency and how the effect your short-term-memory. The more you rehearse something it should stay in your head. But for the 0-1-2-3-4-5 word-difference exercise. I only got the 0, 1, 2, 3 words. xD I guess I'm different. But then again, Matthew Julius mentioned some novelty factor thing. This paragraph will only make sense to Psychology/WCC people by the way. xP

Biology: We started cells and microscopes. Definitely more interesting than all of unit two combined. :D Just looking at cells under the microscope and sketching them.
OH! And we learned how to correclty use a microscope but I (and I'm pretty sure 80-100% of the rest of the class already knew how to).

Biblical studies: We learned about non-bible things. This semester we're focusing on other reigions/faiths and what makes them so attractive. Today we did Muslims (LOL! I shouldn't laugh....) Was quite interesting. And of course, the religion was attractive in it's own ways. But Christianity...still seems more attractive to me. At least for now. >=D

Afterwards I couldn't be stuffed waiting around so I walked home with Jon Tan. It was raining for half the trip. The second half. So most of the drenching I endured I was alone. But that's okay. Being alone in the cold and wet is sort of nice in a way. But yeah. ^_^ Gonna start walking to and back from school starting week. Or tomorrow. Depends how I feel.

That's pretty much it for now. I'm off to do chemistry soon. :)

In all, today was a warm welcome to the second semester. (Irony implied).

G'night all.


  1. Wow, bible studies... man I miss that.

    Are 5 and 6 your last periods? I thought you had 7 periods in a day.

    By the way, sorry about your long pole.

  2. 1a. You miss bible studies?!? >:O
    1bi. Bible studies changed from homegroups to every second Wednesday having a year level bible studies discussion (every other Wednesday is homegroup personal development)
    1bii. Bible studies discussion is when we discuss religious/christian/spiritual topics and concerns as a year level freestlye. Like one giant discussion. Put your hand up and speak your mind/opinion. It's really good.

    2) They changed it to six. They also gave us a 10-day timetable.

    3) >_> I miss that long pole....but it's okay. I'll just buy a new one if I can ever find one again. Also, I could probably overdo duct tape and fix it like that or stick a stick inside (it is hollow) at the joining part.
