Monday, July 19, 2010

Mr Bates made my day.

Last night I was feeling not too good, as I was today.
Was it that I was cold?
Last night I was cold....but today, no, not really.
Tired? No.
Exhausted? Yeah.
Depressed. Maybe a bit. :/
My eyes were itchy but meh.
Anyway I got to english and Mr Bates was finally there. Still haven't got back my english exam paper let alone the percentage. >_< I know that I got a 'B' (70-74%) from my report. But that's all. >_> lazy Mr Bates. But that's okay. Because he made my day twice when:
1) He gave me question FOUR to do in english.
2) He pointed out that the back row was Jon-Jon, Mel-Mel. We were in S14 and it was like this: Melissa, Melanie, empty, empty, Jon (me), Jon Tan. Awesome, yeah? xD
3) I owned him

"The Jews were throwing all the dead people off the train but Elie wouldn't allow them to throw his father off and Elie was slapping his father trying to wake him up to prove it."
"Why didn't they just eat the dead people. They were really hungry, weren't they?"
"First of all, there would be no nutrition in them. And also, they wouldn't eat each other"
"But they would have a least SOME nutrition so I don't see why not. It's to survive, right?"
"Jews already don't eat pork as they believe pigs are dirty and unclean. So I'm pretty sure they won't eat each other"
"So you're saying Jews are dirty?"
".....don't be smart with me. It doesn't suit you."
In my head: "Whatever, you got owned. Racist."

After school I grabbed a loaf of bread with Jon Tan and Wez R which we split. We gave some to Wiggie too. I walked home with Jon Tan. At his house, he left and I continued onto my house. While walking a white girl from another school (different uniform) walked the other way and said to me, "你好"
Do I REALLY look THAT chinese? O_O
I mean I know I look more asian that white (you look more like your parent of opposite sex) but as if she didn't think I could speak English. Meh.
She probably just said that for fun.

Plans for tonight: Study, blog, work on a board game I'm making.

Things I've been thinking recently:
-Quitting msn (unlikely)
-Reducing msn (likely) maybe so I only go on msn 5-10% of what I usually do
-Reducing skypeing. (50/50) Maybe I only skype 20-50% of what I usually do

Yah. That's all. Cya.....SHEEEYAH!!!

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