Friday, July 16, 2010

My nicely nice day of niceness.

Those who are in my homegroup this year, especially the ones who were in my homegroup last year too would know that I, Jonathan Cattermole, do not attend homegroup consistently. For those that are reading this and do not know what 'homegroup' is, it is simply the first fifteen minutes of the school day, starting at 9:00am and ending at 9:15am for our school where the teacher makes you recite bible scriptures as the school is Christian, room changes are announced, meetings, excursions and other announcements are read out via the daily news sheet (DNS).

WELL......Last year due to various factors such as insomnia, hypersomnia, depression, laziness, tiredness, disorderliness, etc. I missed a lot of my homegroups. Either I turned up to school at 9:15 and just went to my period 1 class or I turned up between 9:05 and 9:10 and to avoid getting detention, just skip the whole thing while hanging around in the locker bay with people like Jon Tan. Speaking of Jon Tan, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE! x]

So back to the one point I didn't attend homegroup for like 2 months. Finally, Kynoch (year 10 co-ordinator) followed me up and made me go.

But that was back then (last year) where my life was clouded with troubles such as severe depression, the inability to pee straight and 200% neglegence for my schoolwork.

This year, this happened a few times but I only managed to go two weeks at most, it was probably more like eight days, before Dekker (year 11 co-ordinator) yelled at me "OI! Cattermole. If I catch you skipping homegroup one more time you're getting a detention!" Dekker is much more....aware and aggressive. But he's a good co-ordinator. ^_^ Super intimidating though. >_>

So anyway (long introduction, eh?) I told myself this semester I will 'turn over a new leaf' how stereotypical! But meh. I mean it, about methods and bio and chem, and especially psych. Homegroup......I want to get organised so try to get there on time. And soooooooo...I need to set my alarm.

Whether it be my hypersomnia (which I'm pretty sure is gone now), laziness, teenagerlinessment but I don't get up. On the bright side, my alarm clock doesn't beep or ring or make some irregular, dissonant, screeching, ear-piercing ring. It plays music, CLASSICAL MUSIC. I love my alarm clock. However, I do not favour it more than my other clocks in my room. I have a clock about the size of jellybean, literally. I have a pink guitar-shaped hello kitty clock which doesn't tick but moves (seconds hand) in a continuos manner like a rolex watch if you know what I mean. I have a basic clock from one of my school classrooms and a travel sized quartz alarm clock. I have an analogue watch that can act as a stopwatch and a digital watch that is waterproof. :D My dream room would have about 25 clocks of all shapes and sized around my room ticking. But not harmoniously, oh know! And THIS is the reason for my numerous clocks.

I sleep on a bed.
My bed has a bedhead.
My alarm clock (the musical one) sits on that bedhead next to my bed.
My musical alarm clock makes noisy ticking sounds.
My hello kitty clock makes even louder sounds.
My portable alarm clock makes quieter but definitely noticeable sounds.

If I only used one clock, I would not be able to get to sleep as the ticking will bug me and disrupt my number count as the sheep go by. However, if I have two, three or even FOUR (=D) clocks on my bedhead next to my bed which holds my pillow which holds my head then I do NOT get disrupted as it's not a constant ticking noise but together as they tick and make noise out of time (the hello kitty clock plays a large role in this as it does not tick) and this creates a background noise which I can fall asleep to.

(end introduction)
So this morning I set it to seven A.M. I kept pressing snooze and eventually turned it off making up my mind to get up within 2 minutes. I didn't. :/ But I rushed and managed to get to school at 9:00 so I dropped off my bag and then went straight to homegroup.

Biology - Teacher....Absent. Left us with worksheet. Didn't do. Just chatted about the snowtrip (excursion) next week. Probably own Mong (Matthew Ong) with snowballs and make a 12man tobbogan chain. :D

Methods - Mrs Marks made us state actionly (by putting our hand up) who wants to try hard this semester (because last semester 8 people failed! xD not me though). Probability and markov chains....:/ EASY xD

Recess - Phil.Got.Owned. Weeman filled a zip-lock plastic bag with mud (liquid, not mushy) and chucked it at Phil. Exploded on his neck makig a lovely display of splashed water cover his body and clothes.

Double psychology - Some examples. Learning about memory and stuff. Nothin' much.

Lunch - Considering going to detention to make up for the detention I skipped yesterday. That detention was from my chemistry teacher and I had double-chemistry after lunch today. Thinking, she'd crack it at me, I decided to go to detention today instead and just say I forgot yesterday so I went today. I soon found out she was away today and so I decided not to go for detention. (The potential problem is still there.) I'm not even sure if detention is on, on Fridays.

Chemistry - Substitute teacher, I scared off Mong. Eric was unhappy. I talked with Eric then ended up watching a video about acids and bases and pH's and indicators.

That youth group. There WAS lifegroup (family) in my house but I mainly just bummed around on my laptop and yeah.

-Nice day :)

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