Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Remnants of Apples.

Dedicated to: Audrey Soo
My first story post...
This is a true story.

So this was back in 2009 when I was in year 10. I was 15 years old and it was around the time of Easter. I was at my church camp in Philip Island resort or was it adventure resort? Anyway, I was feeling hungry and so I went over to the kitchen (actually dining room) and casually grabbed two mandarins from the free fruit bowl that camps generally have as a default unlimited food source.

On the last day of camp, about half an hour before I went home I chose about a dozen apples and chucked them into a green plastic bag I had. It was those rectangly bags used for branded clothes with handles except there was no symbol and it was green.

After the 90 minute journey I got home and as I stumbled into my bedroom, exhausted from the camp I just experienced. It was a good camp. It was spiritually and physically stimulating (LOL! But yeah) And I just propped the bag of apples I took home onto the top shelf of my bedhead. The bag was folded down and creased and the bag was opaque so you couldn't see what was inside.

I thought to myself a couple of days later, "oh yeah, the apples. Well I'll just keep them here for another time I don't know when if I'm in my room hungry and too lazy to go downstairs."

Six months passed and this situation never dawned upon me, and if it did, which it probably have been, I must've forgotten to take the apples. Well at this point in time I walked over to my room and it was about 3 in the afternoon on a saturday. I was bored and aimlessly walked into my room to see if there was anything I could kill my time with when I saw the bag as always. Having the bag on my bedhead everyday means it was just background stimuli and I never really noticed it and even though I subconsciouslly knew there were apples in there I never really made the connecection, until now. I connected old apples with a relative significant duration of time and then I realised, "Damn. What a waste of apples!"

I sighed and at my regular pace walked over to the bag and then grabbed the fold at the top with a clenched fist so that the bag wouldn't be exposed to the air, as it must stink and without hesitation powerwalked down the staircase, down the hall and walked outside, to dispose of the apples.

Now for whatever reason, which I still do not completely understand the logic behind it, but it seemed somewhat logical at the time to do, I stuck my hand in to grab an apple. I felt the spherical shape and as I tried to pick it up my fingers penetrated through the skin and into the squishy core.

I withdrew my hand with immense disgust and horror which was only topped by the sight I had seen because it was only when I peered into the bag did I realise the apples were long gone but mould and fungi had slowly consumed the apples bit by bit and diminished the 'solid' factor of the apples. However the bacteria was so strong that on its own it maintained the apple's spherical shape. I had just stuck my fingers into a ball of very likely harmful bacteria. And I only reached a centimetre or two into it. And there were eleven more balls of mould and fungi which had once each been a piece of fruit.

There were twleve balls of harmful organic matter growing for six months about 30cm away from my sleeping head. The thought made me shudder, and then I went back to my room (after thoroughly cleaning my hand multiple times and even showering to be sure) to find something else to do...

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