Friday, July 2, 2010

Peter Chan is Gay

While skyping with peter:
"Hey Peter, I'm going to make a post on my blog called Peter Chan is Gay and give a list of reasons why you are. You don't mind do you?"
"Nah, it's ok" "GOOOOD!!"
"Wait, what did you say? I wasn't listening"
"NO! You'll see when I post it."

So I'm playing 20 questions with Peter and this is how it goes, he's the guesser by the way.

"Can it be anything?" 1
"That's not a question"
"Yes it is"
"Is it sexual?" 2
"It can be"
"Is it tangible?" 3
"Is it a living organism?" 4
"Not by itself"
"So it's a tangible thing that can be an organism?" 5
"Is it associated with an animal?" 6
"Not particularly but yes, it could be"
"Is it hair?" 7
"Does it grow?" 8
"Yes but it will stop growing at a point in time"
"Is it a solid?" 9
"Is it solid?" 10
"You just asked that, yes"
"Is it hard?" 11
"So only yes/no questions?" 12
"Is it coloured white or black?" 13
"It can be, depending on the organism's ethnicity"
"Is it the thing that gives your skin colour?" 14
"Is it a body part?" 15
"Is it below the waist?" 16
"Is it part of the leg?" 17
"Is it on the front?" 18
"Is it male?" 19
"Is it the uretha? 20

The correct answer was vagina. You lose Peter. Vagina doesn't need to be sexual, it can be used to give birth to babies.

This time I was the guesser
"Is it alive?" 1
"Is it part of an organism?" 2
"Is it visible externally?" 3
"Is it below the waist?" 4
"It can be"
"Is it skin?" 5
"Is it hair?" 6
"So I win?" 7

I won in 6. I beat you. You didn't even win.

This time he's the guesser

"Is it tangible?" 1
"Is it an emotion?" 2
"Does it involve mathematics?" 3
"Is it an occurance?" 4
"Is it a constant?" 5
"Is it a theory?" 6
"Is it a variable?" 7
"No, I just said it's constant"
"Does it involve circles?" 8
"Is it a number?" 9
"Is it pi?" 10
"Is it euler's number?" 11
"Is it an integer?" 12
"Is it below 50?" 13
"Is it above 1000?" 14
"Is it above 200?" 15
"Is it above 100?" 16
"Is it above 70?" 17
"Is it above 60?" 18
"Is it 69?" 19

He finally got it.

This time it's MY turn to guess.

"Is it tangible?" 1
"Is it a whole or part of an organism?" 2
"Is it a solid?" 3
"Can it conduct electricity?" 4
"*laughs* I DON't KNOW!!"
"Can it be found inside a household?" 5
"Would most households contain this?" 6
"Should all households contain this?" 7
"Is it sexual?" 8
"Is it furniture?" 9
"Is it stationery?" 10
"Is it stationary?" 11
"Is it clothing?" 12
"Can you own it?" 13
"*laughs* no"
"Can you touch it?" 14
"Is it pornography?" 15
"Is it found in the kitchen?" 16
"*laughs* No, not commonly"
"Is it found in the bedroom?" 17
"Not commonly"
"Is it a game?" 18
"Is it found in the bathroom?" 19
"Is it a toilet?" 20
"No it is not A toilet"

I lost. It was a piece of poo.

4 games of 20 questions. The scores are 1 all. I shall beat him next time in the tiebreaker >=D

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