Thursday, July 29, 2010

Brooding in chemistry.

[Straight out of my notebook]

Time: 10:29am
Date: 29/July
Content: now in chemistry. Forgot my textbook but too...out of it to take notes anyway. Can't understand what's on the board. I'll just go through it with Eddy, my chemistry tutor and go over questions. But not now. After SPD.

Maybe that's what's bothering me. Nah. Over that already. Not over but not stressed. I guess there are other troubles in my life. Psych-related, work-related, friend-related? Perhaps. Yeah. Probably.

This post seems depressing. Maybe that's only because I'm depressed, it seems depressing. Or maybe it's not depressing at all and I just feel depressed.

I think I get what's on the board now. I'm gonna go take notes. 10:36am....not bad.

Time: 10:49am

Okay....I'm back. I understand the content. Just not when taught from miss Reed. Eddy taught me the same thing, but from him, I can understand. So I'm back here, in my notebook, writing posts to blog later.


I NOT know what to write. =.= How boring.


The bell is ringing. I'm going. Goodbye.

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