Monday, July 26, 2010

Change of Routine.

Analyzing my weekend's productivity, I realise it is next to nothing. So little it could be finished in a car ride to my school. Which isn't saying much since not only is a car ride short and pathetic but I live four minute drive from school (I know, FOUR minutes. It's awesome.)

My weekend was filled with Skype games, Skype, playing video game soundtracks by ear on a piano, playing flash games with my brother and a various incident with an iron.

Iron (noun), the household tool used by females to iron (verb) shirts such as their husband's, brother's, boyfriend's, father's, son's or master's.

Well that day karma punched my sexism in the face. This is how the story goes.

I changed the location of my laptop from the television room to the other common room. The one with the piano it, for those of you who have been to my house. As I placed my laptop down I was pleased by my power adapter already there. (I have two so I don't need to move it unless I want to move to a different location, e.g. my room.)

So I plugged in the power thingy into my laptop like a penis fits into a vagina. A perfect fit. But something was wrong. My laptop screen did not light up like it usually does when it switches from battery to adapter. I leaned over to the wall where a bunch of wires were there from various devices. I subconsciously assumed the one already in the wall was my power plug so I flipped the power on and assumed the laptop brightness instantly increased (although I wouldn't know as I was looking at it because I was turning on the wall power).

30 minutes later, the screen went even darker and I knew that meant it had hit 50% battery. Oops. It insignificantly clicked in my head that what I flipped on was NOT in fact the laptop power (obviously) but something else. I looked to see the iron plugged in. The iron was standing upright on top of the ironing board next to me with the ironing side facing me (about 1m away).

At this time my thought processes went like this:
Oh hello there Mrs Iron.
Lol. Mrs Iron....well it IS a household chore.
Hur Hur Hur. I'm so sexist. :D
HEY! I wonder if there is like some extra switch on the panel side (which I couldn't see) which makes it turn on so the bottom goes hot.
Nah. It probably automatically goes hot.
But then it would be hazardous.
Yeah. Silly me. Of course it isn't hot. I can't even feel the heat.
Well may as well find out.
*reaches over*

At this point I touched the back of it and realised it was indeed, hot. Very hot. So hot I wished I only lightly brushed my finger across it at most instead of pressing my finger onto the hot surface.

After immediately pulling my finger back (reflex arc ;D) I grabbed it with my other hand to try absorb the heat (biology :D), to avoid even more burns. I didn't bother to run my finger under cold water as I was lazily sitting down on my lazy seat lazily.

So I just continued typing (msn) to my friends. I think I was skyping with one of my friends at the time I burned myself and he/they heard me scream in pain.

Back to the story, my weekend, the free-est time of the week for me was unproductive, yet again.

And SOO...I will change my habits.

1. Distractions.
2. Health.

1. By going to sleep straight after dinner (dinner is like 6-6:30 so asleep by 7?) and wake up around 3am I can get more work done as it the house will be quiet and no msn/skype distractions, etc.

2. This plan allows me to get 8 full hours of sleep and also I can go for a jog before breakfast (heard it's good for you).

I probably won't stick to this plan most days but I'm gonna try :D.
Because if I don't fix myself up this year I'm screwed for next year. And not in the good-sex-screwed-way in the bad-crappy-enter-screwed-way.

Piano.....I'll try squish that in along with some textbook reading before I go to sleep, which might actually be 7:30 or 8.

Yeah....wish me luck. Unless you want to talk me on msn/skype. But still wish me luck anyway. C=

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