Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My holidays so far.

So when does holidays start?
Monday, as that's the first day of a week where there is no school. Or
Sunday, as some say that's the start of the week. Or
Saturday, as that is the start of the weekend, which is school-free and before the weekdays free of holidays. Or
Friday, (1pm) as that was when school finished and we finished early. Or
Wednesday, as that was when we had camp and that is sort of holiday-ish, right?
Tuesday, (3:35pm) because we finished school then and after that was camp and that's it.

Either way, it's holidays now and I shall tell you what happened from 2 days ago (monday) to right now.

Monday: Nothing much. Just slept in and then mapled taking turns with my brother on our Aran. Some random chores here and there, a little bit of studying (chemistry). Piano practiced too. And of course martial art drills and stances, work out, etc. But these are daily things so I shall leave them out in future.

Tuesday: Peter Chan's birthday party. Everything else was as usual: working out, stances, martial art drills, piano, chores, etc. The only thing that was different was I studied psychology this time

Wednesday: Same as monday but I didn't sleep in. Instead I took a nap from 12:30pm-3pm approx. And I studied methods and music.

That is all about my holidays so far. Good night.


I'm lazy, hence the absence of posts recently. Of course there are other reasons. I mean I just went on my year 11 camp, surely THAT should bring about at least 1 significantly sized post. It will. It's so big (that's what she said) that it's taken me a while. 2-3 days at max I thought but due to my laziness and the overwhelming quantity to type regarding my camp, it just discouraged me and I have been neglecting that one post-draft. I will try to finish it by Friday. Until then, I shall keep posting. Sorry and goodnight.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

P'etta's birthday party

I was invited to P'etta A.K.A. Peter Chan's birthday party. As I considered submitting my attendance I skimmed over the details of his party.

Glen Waverley
Lunch and possibly a movie which I haven't decided yet.


10 and a half hours....seriously? But no, he changed it, it actually was flexible and you could leave when you liked.

As for the movie, he put it to a vote, majority rules and we ended up watching toy story 3 -.-"

So anyway, I got to the place (Novotel) at 11:54am. Peter introduced me to the rest of them (4), Taqi, Alex, Jacky and David, in that order.

We went to the arcade and played random games then went into the movie. Toy Story 3, I have to say, was actually a REALLY good movie. Whoever wrote the script did a really good job.

After the movie we went to an asian shop where I bought a spring roll and a red bean sesame bun. Then went to food court where I ate Large cheezeburger meal from hungry jacks and then a soft serve. I like soft serves. They taste nice.

Then bought peter a drink from another asian shop for his birthday and his mum drove me home.

Happy birthday P'etta

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I'm rushing.
So I'll go over my day quickly then got on to the stuff I want to say.
Bio: Went over the plant sheet about the documentary we watched yesterday. Simple.

Chem: Watched documentary on water salination, water pollution, water purification, water sources and human effects on water and the environment regarding water. Water.

Methods: no methods today

English: no english today

Music: Mr Johnson called me a pervert. I feel offended. Double period of song analysis. I got better at it now. =D I beat Jazer, YES!! FINALLY! But lost to Shirin. The best part was John Wan's interpretations of the music. Something like "It sounds like a whole church full of unbaptised children. And then the angels and doves descend from heaven onto their shoulders to give them armour to fight in the war." Legen-wait for it...-dary. You're funny, John Wan :)

Psychology: Theory about iconic memory and doing practical stuff. Interesting but boring. More interesting than boring.

So anyway, packing for camp... gonna be fun'n'exciting. Haha. Yeah....

Okay, that's all. Bye.

Ps: Willy bum bum willy willy bum bum Willy bum bum bum bum BUMMMMM
Pss (or is it PPS?): Youtube "willy bum bum" it's a legendary song. But you need to be over 18 and safemode disabled. Yeah, ENJOY!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Random stuff today

Watched more Krav Maga. Pretty practical martial art. Not sure how it would rank versus other martial arts in a sparring match. But it looks pretty good.

Anyway, me and my brother were eating mandarins today, as we do. And my brother looked at the mandarin then was like "Hello Mr mandarin, and how are you today?" *presses his ear against the fruit* "I can't understand you, hey mum, can you interpret the mandarin for me? I can't speak mandarin" I was like LOL!! and couldn't stop laughing. The joke wasn't funny but my brother made it REALLY FUNNY.

Tonight has been blog-filled. Time for me to pack my bags for camp. Goodnight everyone! For the last time.


I have not gone to camp and even though I said I'll write everything in a post post-camp. I will just write what I think camp will be like.

Low ropes/Intiatives course. Helping each other and going solo to overcome obstacles and achieve aims. Parkour would be very helpful here =] I think this one will be really fun.

High ropes. Self explanatory. Doing stuff on ropes probably with safety gear about 2-3 metres above the ground.

Survivor course. Getting down, dirty, messy and having heaps of fun. I'm gonna go crazy on this and not care about the state of my cleanliness or what is left of it when I finish. >=D

Flying fox. Most of the time will probably be waiting in line and therefore it will be 95% socialising and 5% flying fox. But that's just what I think.

Peter Demajo
Jazer Lee
Matthew Ong
Ji Hyung Kim
Eric Tian
Wesley Ung
David Reed
Jeremiah Cheong
Jonathan Tan

A good cabin with good people, it's gonna be fun =D

The whole socialising component should be ok. Might have a few dramas or conflicts and I probably won't be involved but meh. It'll all be laughed at 10 years down the track if one party hasn't stabbed the other party to death yet.

My views on fascism.

Besides Fascism, I like communism too. Does this make me a totalarian? Perhaps, but so what? To me, communism is ideal, fair, ownage, etc. Fascism is ideal and effective creating an ultimate world. Unfortunately our world generally dislikes fascism and especially in Australia. I mean, with SUPER effort I could try and might be able to convince some mobs, etc. But in the end, it will be very difficult to convince the world to allow me to go ahead with my plans such as mass farming stem cells, aborting retards or babies with mutations. And some hardcore fascists may take it to the next level and kill off who they don't like, like Hitler. This is not my style. Racism is pointless to me. The majority would hate me and overthrow, if for some impossible reason I did manage to take charge. However, in my world I wouldn't be the leader, I'd be in a lower level doing my part in the fascist world.

I love communism too and the main problems with fascism is that it is infamous. In a vote of communism versus fascism I would vote for communism as I know fascism has already lost by miles.

Both are good, and I support both. Some will say I can't but meh.



The pudding was nice.

It was chocolatey. If you don't know what I'm talking about refer to the post below. It was delicious. Crispy at some places and covered in chocolate sauce. A good dessert. A hot one too.

Then I watched mythbusters and came back on to the computer to blog. This post seems to be rather short so I suppose I should talk about my day.

I had a shower just after midnight and then went to bed at 2am (I was studying chemistry). I woke up super tired at 8'o'clock today at wanted more sleeping time like a slut wants cock. Horny and hungry for more cock. I was sleepy and tired for more snooze time. But no, I had to get up and so I did and got dressed, etc. And went to school.

Double bio - Watched a video and got detentions for not completing homework. Totally forgot just like my friends :D except for Eunice, she remembered. >:[

The video was on plants. I think it was called "the secret life of plants" or "the amazing life of plants" or something. I can't really remember. Which is ironic as we learned about memory in psychology today. xD

Anyway, the video was SUPER AWESOME. PLANTS ARE SO COOl now. =] Helicopter seeds with six blades or even ONE blade. And some have no blades. :O but one of the best were the brambles. (y)

Music - Mrs. Tabone was analyzing Mr Johnson while he taught us so it meant no game from him and no perverted/dirty gestures/jokes from me. He didn't have to tell me, I understood the situation. He still made jokes though. The class started late, the whiteboard was just 'a board' and the whiteboard rubber-outerer was broken and misfunctional. I hope he doesn't get fired, if he does, then music 3/4 will just SUCK. He's a really good teacher :/

Methods - Probability. Enough of that, Mrs Marks bagged out JonTay again. So funny. Made him stand up, etc.

English - Ever since Ji Hyung left my english class, my usual person I sit next to has been non-existant (one period only LOL) because he moved to GMA. Well guess what? Somebody from GMA (general maths advanced) moved to my english class. Hooray! Jon Tan. =] He's cool....

Mr Bates still hasn't given our english exam papers back and it's been 3 weeks >=[

Lunch - Detention with Joel, Melissa, Ji Hyung and Natalie. DOUBLE PEN WRITING xD. Something I need to perfect. Holding it so they are spaced 2 lines apart. And the same colour pens. But oh well. Natalie got to 30 lines (30 lines or 30 minutes, the lesser) yet she had to stay. I think Joel and Melissa got to 30 too. I got to 23 and Ji Hyung not sure. We couldn't talk, of course. The detention teacher was not Mr Hicks who is the detention teacher a lot of the time as he is lazy despite his triathlon proness and he doesn't like to walk around doing yard duty. I don't blame him, you have to tell off secondary kids for doing shit to the school. He prefers to have dominance over minors where they have to sit quietly in detention as he punishes them as he pleases.

Oh look, Jon Tan is calling me on Skype. I can't hear anything he is saying, if any. And neither can he, but the difference between the former and latter is that the latter is because the speaker has no mic. Yes, I have no mic and I REALLY MUST GET ONE, AHHHHH. Sorry Jon Tan, Sorry Jere, Sorry Xiyi. Sorry everyone else that wants or at least wanted to talk to me via skype and AUDIBLY. Oh well, someday...soon I hope. I'll get in the holidays. I'll try, kay guys? :)

So yeah, dinner was nice. I had rice, pork, rice, beef, rice, vegetables, rice, soup, rice. My favourites. The soup was like REALLY pepper-y. That was nice. The beef strips was with vegetable and that was nicer. But the nicest (how awesome is my vocabulary here?) was the pork. Yeah...pork chops? Or something, really nice. Second favourite, coming after rice. Yes, rice is my favourite food. This doesn't make me asian, nor try-hard asian, nor weird. Even though I may be weird. I REALLY like rice. In large quantities with chili is good. Meats, vegetables even fruits maybe. No, not fruits but meat and vegetables goes well with rice. Salty peppery water (soup) with rice is ok. I think that's porridge. I used to despise porridge and hated it, now it's ok. Although I prefer to keep my rice out of that quantity of liquie. I don't like my rice soggy, I like it moist.

Enough about rice, for dessert I had pudding. It was chocolatey. If you don't know what I'm talking about refer to the post below. It was delicious. Crispy at some places and covered in chocolate sauce. A good dessert. A hot one too.

Then I watched mythbusters and came back on to the computer to blog, and here I am now. Blogging away....BLOGBLOGBLOGBLOGBLOG! Oh yeah, Ji Hyung showered me this kickass video of a guy doing chinups safety-gear-free off a pole like 50 storeys or something (I don't know) above the ground. Crazy stuff.
here is the link. WATCH IT. Because I don't post vids on my blog. So you'll have to follow the link for yourself.

A cake of feelings.

How would I describe my current mood?
-Nostalgic. Reading over past convo's and items of memory. *sigh* Miss those times.
-Depressed. Just am. Don't know why. Maybe it's just a mixture of feeling cold and exhaustion. Yeah probably.
-Cold. Well I was. I just moved into my bed so it's not as bad. But in general, my room is pretty cold. I have a heater but I usually can't be stuffed.
-Tired. Sleep deprivation. Last night slept at 2. The night before I had 2 hours sleep.
-Exhausted. Combination of tiredness and just being unfit in general.
-Happy. In my warm bed blogging and chatting to friends. Life could only be better if I magically was brought ice cream.
-Craving. I wasn't but the moment I typed ice-cream I MUST HAVE ICE CREAM AHHHH!!
-Depressed. Because I have no ice-cream and even if I go downstairs, there will be no ice-cream.
-Optimistic. Who cares if I don't get ice-cream. I still have my anal virginity.
-Fearful. But if some rapist breaks through my window and anal rapes me.
-Pessimistic. I will have to clean the glass up and that's gonna waste my time and then I will have less time to blog.
-Grateful. For my awesome brother and my awesome friends. And my laptop.
-Excited. Camp is coming up. So exciting.
-Whiny. But it will be time consuming to back....
-Meh. Meh.
-Curious. Considering getting anal beads....
-Regretful. Should not have said that on my blog.
-Confused. So why aren't I backspacing it? Meh. Probably because it's my blog and I just write what is on my mind.
-Happy. I scolled to my blog on getting a viewcounter and divided the number of unique views by the number of days since (225/15) which equals 15! I get 15 views per day to my blog. =D
-Love. Because I love you all, my blog-followers.
-Hungry. My mum is making some pudding downstairs. And I want it NOW!
-HAPPY! My brother just came to my room to tell me it's ready. BYE GUYS BLOG LATER. *heads downstairs*

Sunday, June 20, 2010

(8) It is saturday....going on sunday(8)

Lame, I know. But it really is. It's 3:12am right now, technically Sunday. I've had one full cycle of sleep (psychology FTW) which is stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, stage 4, stage 3, stage 2, stage 1, REM, awakeeee... yippeeee.

But no. No yippee, why did I wake up? Because I left my bedhead lamp on. So as I approach the more conscious side of sleep, the receptors in my eyes pick up more light and I am aware of it and so I wake up.... why am I writing about unit 3 psychology at 3am on a weekend when I already did my unit 3 psychology exam a couple of weeks ago? Hmm....

So why not just turn off the light and go back to sleep? Because I didn't want to. I grabbed my laptop next to me and watched some family guy then after a couple of episodes came downstairs to blog and then... I have two choices:
-Bum around the house doing whatever (study, gaming, eating (I probably won't eat though), watching random stuff) or
-Go back to sleep.

I'll pick the former. Because I don't feel like sleeping now that I'm awake. So what should I talk about? Well I guess I should blog about my's night now. But yesterday it was 'day' and It was SaturDAY. Here we go:

I woke up at 7am to the sounds of my brother and my dad getting ready to go off on their father-son camp which they left for at 8am and will be back today (Sunday) at like 3 or 4pm or something. With 2 hours until my chemistry tuition starts, I wondered what I will be doing. So I talked to my brother (Daniel) as I do and then I ate breakfast, a bowl of oatmeal. How nice.

I showered, got my books together, and then waited for my mum and my sister to get ready. My sister took AGESSS. By the time we got into the car it was already 8:52
My tuition starts at 9am and it takes about 15 minutes to get there. AHHHHHH

As we approached the end of the first street (long way) my mum was like 'Why am I wearing this? I forgot to take my jacket'. ('This' was a jumper)
Me: "Oh well, it's not that bad."
Mum: "No." *turns car around and heads back*
Me: "ARGGHHHHH. I'm gonna be lateeee"
[Mum leaves car and goes back inside]
She comes back out again and we set off (8:55am)

I was late for tuition as usual but only 2-5 minutes late, as usual.
I need to start not being late starting from....semester two.

We covered what, how and why solutes disolve in solvent to make solutions. =D
And briefly covered dilution, which we will finish next to term.


After I was dropped off my mum took my sister to Glen Iris and then they took the train (zone 1 only, hence Glen Iris) to the city where my mum waited outside for my sister while my sister took the entrance exam to MacRobb, the 'smartest' female highschool in Victoria.

I'm giving a 0.1% chance she will get in and a 3.9% chance they will follow up on her giving her another task or interview. =96% she will not get in. Good luck sis. ;D

So with nobody to take me home, my mum's friend came and drove me home. Hooray for parents' friends. Thank you Aunty. (not my literal aunt but you know...asian customs and all).

Now it is 10:30am and I have the house to myself till about 6am which is when my mum/sister will be home. (Exam finishes at 4, they train to Glen Iris and drive back home).

I practiced piano, rearranged desk in my room, made bed, ate lunch (4 pies, I know unhealthy and I'm a fatass and I should be ashamed of myself. Well guess what...FUCK you. I WAS HUNGRY....I was hungry...D: But I spread them out over the course of the day, 11am, 12am, 2am, 3am.)

I also played maple every now and then between chores/piano/study. Oh yeah, I studied, haha.

They got home at about 6:30 as the message 'You have played Maplestory for 9 hours. We recommend you take a break from mapling' I didn't actually play for 9 hours, I just left it there ;) running.

Got off, studied, IM'ed with friends. Webcammed for the first time with mah friend. And I....went to bed only to be awoken at about 2:30am (refer to start of post).

One more day and then it's monday again where I shall be seeing school friends just as Joel, KIM JONG IL, Natalie, Melissa, Jazer and of course Jack, the sexy beast.

Then just tuesday. And then WEDNESDAY to FRIDAY is my schoolcamp. But I shall talk about what I will be doing in past tense when I come back from the camp because I want it all in one post. Yeah...then holidays ^_^

If you want to hang out with me for whatever sad, lamentable reason come talk to me and I'll probably say something like "if you want..."

Otherwise, good night to you my sleeping blog-followers. And enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Hitler Sucks

No, not really. Well I DO admire him in some ways but I poop on his face in others, I may look up to his characeristics, specifically determination and his passionionate pursuit of his dreams but in the end, he was just another lowlife who epic PHailed. Philosophically, he is a figure of greatness but socially, he is a figure of shit. Do I make myself clear?

Because realistically, he kinda sucks. He caused the death of millions of Jews and even though I admire his passion he dissappointed me with his suicide when he was losing. I would've just stayed to the end and MAYBE if I had to spend years in prison, THEN suicide.

Also, he shagged his niece. If he is going to kill millions of Jews, why not pick the hot ones for himself? It provides a perky reward for his genicidal conquest. But no, he chose the scandulous approach, doing his sibling's child. WHY!! WHY MAN!!!

Also, what's with you sulking about not getting into art school? Just go rage and plant a bombing on the art school's open night or something. Or make BETTER art. Noob.

He was a sexually confused bigot who stole all his anti-semite philosophy from Neitschze.

Even though I admire some stuff about Hitler and he is one of my role models, he has dissappointed in many ways and to simply put it, he sucks.

I shit on you face Hitler. Thanks, That is all.

Friday night

Stuck at home,
Lifegroup cancelled,
Homework to study,
Study to study,
Games to play,
Fat to burn,
Food to eat,
Bed to sleep,
Blog is tempting,
Friends (online) are replying slowly,
What to do....

I'll just blog some more and then go study some chemistry probably. x]


I realised I have a lot more blog-followers than formspring-followers. So drop by my formspring sometime at:

and hit me with some questions, ANY KIND.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Timezone is Fixed

I fixed the timezone everyone! Now the timezone for my blogs is CORRECT afterall.
And not only will it change future post timestamps, it changed the PAST ones too. =D

I am happy. My day has been made. Still not as good as that lovely shit I took earlier on. But yeah,


Shits and Braces

The clock struck eleven in english and I had to take a shit. We were in the multimedia room, the closest room to the toilets. But since the boys toilets are either covered in urine, shit or both I decided to pass. The urge wasn't so big so I thought "after school will be fine".

Lunchtime and I was like....yeah should be fine.

Then for double music, it got worse exponentially. Till my stomach hurt. BUT I WON THE GAME FOR MUSIC and got a book on how to make salads, and I got a biscuit, so it's all good.

After school, should I just go to the Gymnasium toilets (clean) but NO! I had 4 o clock dental appointment in vermont south and so I went straight there. I got into the waiting room and had a look at the time. It was like 4 minutes or something to wait. NO TIME FOR SHITS

So there I was, sitting in the dental cheeks, tightening my sphincter and then the dentist was like "what colour" I spontaneously replied "DARK PURPLE!"

So here I am, blogging about "shit" with purple braces in my mouth. Anyway, back to the story.

My favourite colour was purple, the reason why I probably just said out loud PURPLE! Without deep thought regarding my choice. I wanted a dark purple, almost black but instead I was given a lighter shade. it sort of looks like grey but purple can be made out if you look close enough. No Jack, you cannot stick your eyes in my mouth for a 'closer look' >_>

That wasn't the worst part. As I sat there, open-mouthed and unable to speak all I heard was:

Assistant (female): "what colour"
Dentist (male): "pass me the purple one"
Assistant: "Awww don't be mean"
Dentist: "What are you talking about, he chose purple"
Assistant: "WHAT!"
Dentist: "I don't know either, probably to impress his boyfriend."
Assistant: "Or girlfriend"
Dentist: "Mum, does he have any girlfriends?"
My mum: "I don't know" *giggles*
Dentist: *works on it* "Wow, all the boys will really love your mouth. They might even go out with you"
My brother: *laughs*
Mum: "If you're lucky, you might even impress some girls"
Assistant: "not me, I'm taken" "plus, he's probably into boys, picking purple and all"
Dentist: "don't be mean"
Assistant: "YOU STARTED IT!"
Dentist: "I just wanted to have some fun"
Mum: "Get him while he can't talk, HAHAHAHA!"

The whole time I'm like F YOU ALL >_<
But I don't regret getting purple, it makes me look sexy ;D

So after the dentist I got home and I was like FINALLY. But no, I had a piano lesson next. hour later AFTER my piano lesson, I finally shat the shit I had been anticipating all day.

And it was worth it. The end.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Humans are selfish

Humans are selfish creatures. We tell ourselves "I giving my lunch to a person I dislike in my class even though I dislike them and I am hungry and want my lunch for myself" ...only to make us feel good about ourselves. To BELIEVE we are unselfish.

All our actions are done ultimately to make us feel better about ourselves. Or maybe we feel satisfaction if we feel depressed. It's still satisfaction. Humans are deep down selfish after all. No, not just deep down but all around selfish, Ahaha.

In the end, everything we do is voluntary and so it is selfish. And don't say those paralyzed people or retards who can't control their actions because then they don't aid society and merely consume others' time and resources and so they are being selfish and should just do something productive or die.

The difference between selfishness and unselfishness is that unselfishness is SELFISHNESS but not only acquaints the individual's satisfaction but others' satisfaction in the process.

Humans are selfish.

Murder is neutral

There is nothing bad or wrong about murder itself. The only reason why we consider it to be is because somebody or something else tells us so or perhaps because most of the time there are negative consequences and so we associate them as one thing and generalise all murders to have negative consequences following.

Murders and killing are not bad things. They can only be judged (just like every other action) by the negative consequences that follow. I slit an old lady's throat, the blood goes all over my couch, it makes a mess that needs to be cleaned up. Is that a negative consequence? No.

Then what makes a consequence negative? For a bloody couch is a consequence as a consequence is just a second event that follows a first event because of the first event. Human emotion is what makes it negative. If 1,000 cows go through torture, I do not see what is wrong with it, it is NOT 'unethical' as some people put it, it's merely 1,000 cows going through alot of pain. So what? They're not human. Yes, they can feel, but so what? They're COWS.

Some use the analogy, 'Then what if a more intelligent and physically stronger race captures you and treats you like an animal, torturing you and running experiments on you. How would YOU feel?'

Well technically I AM an animal compared to them. Just like a cow is less intelligent than me, so am I to this superior race. So them doing that to me is wrong on human terms but neutral on their terms. Just as torturing cows is bad on cow terms but neutral on human terms. Make sense?

To answer their question, 'I would feel similar to the cow, just on a higher scale. I probably would know the torture going on, just as the cow would but I won't be able to escape, just like the cow. I probably would not know why they are doing it but they probably have good or better reasons since they are more intelligent than me.' As humans, human emotions are used as the judge for the positivity/negativity of a consequence.

The blood on the couch is merely a consequence, say I LIKED to clean my furniture. It made me feel useful and happy, then the bloody couch would be a positive consequence as it made me happy and therefore the killing of the old lady is positive.

Once the old lady is dead, she cannot feel and therefore the 'You're taking away life from a living thing' arguement is redundant. Simply because it will be NO LONGER LIVING! Too many people see humans as people of infinite value or a value you cannot put a number on. Humans are merely comodities. There are over 7 billion humans walking this earth. 7,000,000,000. That's alot. Humans are not rare, a few of them killed shouldn't make much of a difference. Humans are SPECIAL, why? They are just a bundle of psychological mechanics, aren't they? Humans are overated. We're just chunks of intelligent organic matter. And we're not that rare.

If the old lady had no friends and no family then the killing of the old lady would have ultimately been a positive action. 'Good' as somebody could put it. Of course in most cases, killing somebody would cause many many tears and a lot of emotional pain. A clearly negative consequence.

If there was a 13 year old schoolboy and you stabbed him to death while you and him were alone, that is a very bad thing to do, because he will be experiencing pain. The moment he DIES however, it is merely a neutral act, the murder, I mean.

Once his classmates find out, the murder once again becomes a negative or 'bad' action. Once you kill the classmates too, it becomes neutral once again. This chain reaction will echo throughout the school, into the families and eventually all over the world. If somehow you managed to kill all humans (except yourself of course) the first murder, and all the murders are neutral. It is EXTREMELY bad, because of the pain all the humans would have to endure.

But if somehow you did it and now they are dead, the deaths are in the past now. It is all neutral. HOW CAN THE EXTINCTION OF THE ENTIRE HUMAN POPULATIONS, A WHOLE SPECIES DONE BY ONE MURDEROUS MAN BE A NEUTRAL ACT?!?! many will ask. Well, WHY is it bad? Because I'm wiping out an entire species? Pfft, so what? Stop assuming I share the beliefs you do, EXPLAIN to me WHY it is such a bad thing!

Don't use religion on me, religion cannot be proved with facts and solid evidence and so all religions will have to be taken into account, even the non-religious humans.

Why is murder is an innate belief that ALL humans naturally resent?
For the continuation of the human species, of course. That is fairly obvious. But I see nothing wrong with the extinction of humans. Anyhow, BACK to murder....

The only reason we consider murder wrong is because in most cases negative consequences follow and so we group them as one and generalise that to all murder cases.

Take for example the holocaust. Yes it was a 'bad' thing. WAS. Now it is a relevantly good thing, what if it never happened? Then what? We wouldn't exist. An alternate timeline would have occured. There are many good things that came out of the holocaust.

Take for example, me. This is my blog, I wrote all the posts, I wrote this post. And how about YOU, you're reading my blog. You exist. Probably wouldn't if it weren't for the holocaust. It is in the past, the pain is over. We cannot change the past, we can only view it in a positive or negative way. If we view it as a negative event, it will impact our emotional state negatively. Be optimistic, it's not that bad afterall, right?

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger and if it does kill us, who cares? We can't, WE'RE DEAD! Bahahahahaha. In the end, everything will end up positively (y)

Murder is not as bad as people make it out to be.


During english a few days ago, my english teacher, Mr Bates said that Hitler was definitely and completely bad and in the wrong. I must disagree. I see the problem with Hitler, he killed millions of jews in an attempt to wipe them out completely. But so what? He had a dream, a goal and he went for it, he tried with all his effort.

He's better than most humans. The actual goal itself is just the details. Most humans don't go for goals as enthusiastically and passionately as Hitler did. How much better would this world be if everybody was like Hitler? The determination and the commitment to individual goals would make this world so much better, wouldn't it?

I look up to Adolf Hitler, I aspire to become more like him. Not in wiping out jews or attempting it, no. But I want to have his consistency in what he pursues.

Hitler may have killed millions of people but so what? People are just comodities, I see nothing wrong with murder. (refer to next post)

In conclusion, Hitler was just another average Joe except he pusued his dreams and they coincedentally fell into mass murder.

My thoughts today

If we examine the concepts and trace the imagination that ran wildy in my grey matter today, we will soon realise it is just a handful of random thoughts that are either philosophical, perverted, musical or plain boredom.

Psychology = Boredom
As in it was so boring, the content. It was last year's (psychology units 1/2) stuff however I accelerated straight into units 3/4 so I shall have to read over the stuff at least 5-10 nights before the SAC to drill it into my head.

Music = Musical
Not just the obvious but I understood heaps and got my head around alot of music theory today. 7th chords + inversions + naming then and labelling them the iv or IV or IV6/4 or whatever. I UNDERSTAND IT NOW! xD Well I sort of did before but meh not completely. Jazer is better though :/ Must beat him >=D Nah, jks, he's Jazer.

Biology = Philosophical
Not the subject but as I daydreamed I realised those ideas that were impossible to put onto paper WEREN'T impossible to put down on my blog and so I shall write about what I thought on my next post.

Recess = Perverted
I thought about the human centipede trailer I watched last night and I was like I wonder if they used their tongues to lick the person in front's asshole. I was like, AHAHAHA imagine all of them doing that if it was like a 20-person-circle-chain-human-centipede.... then I thought then they all shat while experiencing mind is sick....:/

Oh yeah and I started putting up stuff on my wall, I did some sleep stuff so far and I allocated which walls, doors, etc will go for which subject. =D For those of you who don't know, I'm covering my room walls, doors, etc in pictures, diagrams, tables and flowcharts of chemistry, biology, music, methods, english and psychology. Pretty much all my subjects, ahehehe >=D

On with the next post about philosophy....and if you're lucky, TWO.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Yesterday I was too tired to blog about my day so today I shall blog about that day.
In fact, I think I'm sick or something, I'm currently in my bed at only 8:30pm and going to sleep soon.

So anyway, Ben said he would come at 10:45 to pick me up to get to Glen station by 11. It was 10:50 and he still wasn't here so I called him and he said give me 10 minutes. 10:50 + 10 mins = 11am. >_>

He picked me up at about 11:25 or something :O
We got there and wez still wasn't there. Jazer, Jere and Jack were there though. When Wez arrived (redmond) the six of us went on TO THE CITYYY.

The first thing we did was to head straight to costco where Wez and Jere used Wez' dad's card to get it. We bought this massive $15 pizza. And split it 6 way. Then we had some fun with the 'gulls.

We went to harbourfront shops thingo and then to typo, a great store I highly recommend. I bought this awesome notepad for only $2! xD

Jazer took a dump too.

We went to the RING park and swung on the spinny thing in a totally non-sexual non-poledancing way.

We went to DFO and me and Jere played Plants vs Zombies on the iPad. SO FUN xD

Jack took his seperate line home and the other five of us took the glen line back. On the way back there was this guy from my school on the next carriage I kept doing sexual gestures to, it was funny. I feel so dirty.

Anyway back in glenny I bought some stuff from asian shop across station then my mum dropped jazer back home. He left his phone in my car and I shall give it back to him tomorrow.

Unless I'm sick because just before I had this massive bruise on my torso then I realised there was no bruise and that there was some internal pain approximately located in my kidneys and I've been cleaning blood off myself for the past half hour
and I've been like drifting in and out of stage one sleep. Each episode feels like 20 minutes but was actually only THIRTY SECONDS!!!

Psychology 3/4 FTW.

Well I've stopped bleeding and I'm tired, I'm going to bed, nights.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Super Simplistic Sunday

Woke up...
Decided not to go to church troublesome the transport and my mum would be late for her service, she went to this other church in the city today.

My day was made up of:
-Playing piano
-Studying chemistry
-Playing with my brother outside
-Re-watching (Yeah, I finished) the inbetweeners

Now I'm blogging while MSNing to random people.

I'm too depressed to go into alot of detail...sorry guys.
Actually stuff it, I'm going to divulge into my day:

My mum wanted to go to either the 9:00 or 11:00 (am) sunday service in this random church in the city. She was gonna drop me and my brother as my dad is in new zealand and my sister is sick but then she would be late to go to the city. I felt really tired and transportation would be a bother so I just stayed home.

I ate 4 packets of continental soup. 2xItalian minstrome (I think that's how you spell it) and 2xSeafood Bisque.

Then I ate 8 pieces of toast, 4 with Jam, 4 with nutella.

I put alot. I was being a fatass.

Mapling....just me and my brother taking turns so it's constant training.

Now my mum is in the other room with about 8 of her girlfriends as one of them is moving to queensland. They're conversing while eating from a steamboat. Two actually.

Mmm.... the food was nice.

Okay, that's all, I think I'm not in a bloggy mood.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Food Filled Friday

The day started with me waking up by my alarm clock, wanting to sleep and dreading school.

Just kidding, I actually woke up naked in my bed with half the sheets off wondering WTH was going on. Then I remembered. "I always sleep naked" and "Oh yeah, I was watching the inbetweeners". Hold a minute, where is my laptop?

*lifts covers*

Oh there you are Mr Laptop. *opens laptop*

Haha, It was paused on where I stopped it.

*rewinds 1 minute*


So I finished the episode, watched half of the next episode, paused, had a shower, went to school, and told Mr Johnson I'm doing Music 3/4. Well not engaging in intercourse 'doing' music 3/4 but I'm taking it as a subject.

He was.....reallly...REALLLY happy. And highfived me then comenting on my sticky hand. I was like yeah, You should've highfived my left hand. His face showed the comprehension of mr masturbation joke yet his eyes showed disgust and the BACK of his eyes showed fear.


Then it was lunch time and I bought hot chocolate + 2 wafer sticks thingys (those white/milk choc swirl long things) and 2 marshmallows for only $1.50. good value.

Then I bought a sausage (with bread, etc) for $1.00 Better value.

Then bought another one for 50 cents. Best value.

And bought some more random sausages and random stuff for Ji Hyung.


Came home and ate food. Ate more food. Went to youth group with we (boys) played pictionary and beat them (girls) showing our superior gender. Face it girls, you have X chromosomes but we have X AND Y. And we (males) are awesome.


I'm eating a pie right now, chewing it as I type this line.

.....time to find that laptop in my room and finish the rest of the episodes, inbetweeners is hilarious. ;D Gonna bring it to camp.

the GAT

I walked into the GAT, not really caring about it but gonna do my best, of course.

I sat down and got FRONT ROW SEATS! Not only that, it was IN FRONT OF THE CLOCK! How awesome is that?!?! =D

To my left is Natalie Alfonso. To my right is Min-En Ng. Behind me is Jonathan Herrmann.

The 70 multiple choice were ok....VERY INTERESTING MATERIAL. Totally keeping it. xD
Decibel (that how you spell it?) really interested me and the snowflakes were good too.

The ocean question was hard. :S Warren did Squid vs Whale or something. I wish I did something awesome like that.

Next year I've decided to make some really detailed graphic rape horror and wound it into the information given. It will be epic.

The cities question was not hard to do, very easy. Mine went something like this:

Cities are harmful to the environment and are only as good as their surroundings as they devour the surrounding resources and give back pollution and wastage. In the end when there are no more resources, the cities will die and humanity will be dragged down with it to the deep abyss of hell clutching with us the only thing we have left - A large entanglement of cement.

That went OK I think...GAT...quite happy. Except I was sick.

I felt like vomitting for the first 1 hour (major) and felt sick for the 2nd hour. 3rd hour was fine though. 20 minutes into the exam I through up but instead of letting it pour all over the VCAA bitch in front of me (which I regret not doing) I swallowed the vomit and continued with my paper.

All in all, 'twas a good exam and I am looking forward to next year's.....>=D

Psychology exam

For a 3/4 exam....relatively easy. Though I've never done a 3/4 exams before..I thought it would have been a bit harder haha xD

Aiming for an A.
Yeah, >80%

I put stage 2 for this question then changed it to stage 3 then left it. I remembered the tip 'If you are unsure of a question and change it, chances are it's what you first put'.

So I changed it back to stage 2.

Then stage 3.

After the exam I asked my friends what they put, most of them put stage 2. I asked the teacher and she said if she did it, she would have put stage 3. WIN!!!!

But it may be stage 2, I guess I'll just wait for the results.

Multiple choice were pretty easy, really.

And think I harccore studied 15 hours in a row pulling all-nighter for this helped me heaps.

...This blog post lacked enthusiasm, mmm.....let's try make the GAT post better.

I'm back.

Exams are over. (hardcore) Studying has stopped. And now I'm back to my blog. =]
Apologies regarding neglection, but hey. EXAMS! xD

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


It is 9:33. I have exceeded the 9:00 time limit I gave myself. It is time for me to go to bed. Good night and good luck for the psychology 3 exam tomorrow.


....I have 45 unique views. That's at least 45 readers of my blog. I would guess about 10 are regular/consistent. Well bye.

Studying Psychology

Date: 7 June
5pm - Start studying
8pm - Take a break and dinner
9pm - Back to psychology
Midight - Nap
2am - Wake up feeling refreshed
2am - Resume studying psychology
8am - Breakfast and break
9am - Psychology study
1pm - Go to school
4pm - Break and blogging (now)
5pm - Start revising again
Date: 8 June

All in all, I've studied 16 hours in one go with the exception of meals, etc.
I have 7 minutes to blog.
Well I revised all of Area of study 1 which just leaves 2 and 3. Which should be another 32 hours.....great! My exam is in 16 hours >_>

And I said I'll sleep at 9 to catch up on my REM sleep (rapid eye movement) =D
So I have 4 hours....2 hours on visual perception and 2 hours on states of consciousness... ugh...this is so fail!

Cramming = Win
Marks = Fail.

Well my marks will probably asian fail. They'll pass...if they don't, I'm seriously screwed. But should be fine, it's all good...aiming for 80% = A

So yeah. =D
5 minutes to blog.... hmmm....I feel cold, depressed? Nah, too busy. No time for feeling depressed. Pffft, I'm just cold, going to make some continental soup soon.

Good luck to Joel Wu, Natalie, Dexter, Song, Eunice and Matthew Julius. But shame on you, reading my blog when you should be studying for your ENTER-CONTRIBUTING EXAMINATION!
Just kidding, keep reading and fail for life. But at least you'll be faithful to me =]

Visual perception....Ugh!!
States of consciousness should be easy crap.

Visual perception is just too AHHHH!!!

As for area of study 1: Brain and the nervous system.
I'll just read over my notes I prepared. :/

2 minutes to blog....
I feel hungry, I feel like eating chocolate.....
*goes to kitchen* nah, just kidding, but seriously, in 2...2...2....2....2....2...2...2...2...2.1...ONE minute I'm off to the kitchen.

Ok, bye guys, and GOOD LUC TO PSYCHOLOGY 3/4 STUDNET FOR YOUR EXAMINATION TOMORROW. Just kidding, I want you all to fail so my score goes higher, toodle'ooze

Monday, June 7, 2010

Exam goals:

I wrote a goal in P.D. (personal developement - some pointless class my school holds to be more 'christian' or whatever) I wanted a total of 500% for all my 6 subject combined.

So far:

Music - 67% (total 67%)
Biology - 75% (total 142%)
Methods - 62.5% (total 204.5%)
Chemistry - 81% (total 285.5%)
If I have English and Psychology to go I need a total of (500-285.5)% more. Which is 214.5% more which means I need to get about 107.5% on both english and psychology.

I think I just failed my goal.
New goal:

English: 75%
Psychology: 80% (but hopefully 85% or above)


155% + 285.5% = 435.5%
which will average out to (440.5 / 6)% which is 73.5%, a B

For the record, I'm on 285.5% average right now which is 71.375% which is about 71.5%, a B.

Fellow classmates, I am a 'B' student.
And my new goals will make me up my average by 2%. TWO PERCENT. Still a B.

I am definitely a 'B' student. However, next year I plan to be an A student. So I guess I need to make my end year 2010 results a B+ xD

That is all,

Exam Results


So far I have told you all, my awesome blog fans, that my music result was 67%.
If you have not read it you can read it by reading the previous respective post.

Today I got my Biology results, Methods results and Chemistry results. Now only english left which I didn't get to find out because the teacher was absent (so we just did some GAT preparation which most of the class (including me) didn't do.

SO....I have to hardcore study psychology, make revision notes and go through past papers so I have to make this short and sweet. Actually no, I'll write a long post but I'll type fast. >=D

Music = 67% = C+
Biology = 75% = B+
Methods = 62.5% = C
Chemistry = 81% = A
English = Don't know yet = Don't know yet
Psychology = Taking exam in two days and it's a 3/4 and I am FREAKING OUT!!! GAHH!!

For bio, I beat most of my friends, except for Joel Wu, who got 83% =D Congratz man.

[Edit: it was actually 87%!!! GRATZ!!!]

For Methods, 8 people in my class got a UG which means <39% and so I beat the class average. I could've done better though in methods, but I didn't work fast enough. With another 15-20 minutes I could've turned that 62.5% (C) into a B+ (75-79%)

But nevermind, I shall do better at the end of the year. To those of my friends that either failed or asian failed, don't worry. It's just unit 1 methods. Just study harder and it'll all be ok ;D

For Chemistry, my mum for some reason dissappeared from the car afterschool for 1 hour so I ate my sandwich then talked to randoms then went to the staff room and miss Reed told me I got an 81% (A) HOORAY! (high five) Tomorrow we shall go through that exam >=D
Even chemistry I rushed the last 15 minutes, So if I had more time I could probably make that 81% (A) into about an 86% (still A)



Sunday, June 6, 2010

View Counter

Hooray, I haz a view counter now xD
I always wondered how many people view my blog and now I shall find out. =D

Why? You may ask:
-Considering putting up one or two ads on my blog to get $$$. However, I don't want to overdo it with the ads as I like my blog simplistic

That is all,

Saturday, June 5, 2010


As he approached the pit,
Thoughts and curiousity bubbled from within him.
He HAD to see what lied within.

Noises he had never heard,
That he only thought could exist in another dimension,
Arose from what seemed could be an abyss.

A couple more steps...
Now fear and feeling of regret were penetrating him,
He shouldn't have come.

Once at the edge,
He peered over but couldn't see due to the sun hiding behind the clouds.
He began to perspirate in anticipation.

The sun creeped back out from behind the clouds,
And he wish he never looked,
Because there below him, was.....

Nothing, the title refers to the nap which I just woke up from, a four hour nap and it felt GOOD. I can't remember the last time I had such a good nap. *happy relaxed sigh*

=] Then I ate dinner which was this seafood spaghetti thing then I ate 2 of my sister's cupcakes and then I came on to blog before I went back to studying. xD

Life is the moment. Hehe...

Note to self: Take more naps.

...and I shall. I will take many more naps. Now I'm considering going back to the everyman cycle, instead of monophasic. Or perhaps biphasic, that one was ok too... Nah, everyman FTW. =D

(everyman cycle refers to a sleep cycle where you have one main body of sleep per day, except this is only about 4 hours long or something. And you have 3 naps (but you could survive with 2) and these naps are ONE sleep cycle (stage 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, REM or something) and yeah, it's awesome.

Check them out at (scroll down for pie graphs)
and for the record....I've tried them all out ;D
The uberman is too hardcore for me, Dymaxion is alright, everyman is my favourite, biphasic is good too and monophasic is adequte but I need to get alot of sleep to feel perfect, which I like NEVER get so yeah.

If you want to try them out, go for biphasic if you are interested, everyman if you're REALLY interested, and dymaxion if you want to go hardcore. But I would recommend to attempt Dymaxion behind attempting Uberman.

In conclusion, this nap has AWOKEN me to the awesomeness of polyphasic sleep, here I come EVERYMAN! (I'm not gay)

the GAT

The G.A.T. .....
General achievement test (I think)

Is week, this coming up week. It comprises of 77 multiple choice questions I think and two essays or something like that. On ALL subjects or something.

I plan to OWN THIS EXAM, BWAHHH!!!!!


But I have psychology 3/4 to study so yeah,

*exits blog*

Baby Jokes 7

What's sexy?
A baby

What's sexier than a baby?
A dead baby

What's sexier than a dead baby?
A dead baby with 10 limbs

What's sexier than a dead baby with 10 limbs?
A dead baby with 10 and 3 quarters limbs

What's sexier than a dead baby with 10 and 3 quarters limbs?
Nothing, that's the sexiest

Just kidding, none of these are sexy, not even a normal alive baby. In fact my baby jokes that I haven't told are decreasing in quantity. Furthermore, feedback suggests I should stop with these jokes, as they're 'not even funny'. Some are, some aren't. Some people find them funny, some don't. "Baby Jokes 7" (this post)I find is not funny at all. Nevertheless I will continue with baby jokes, just much much less often, as of now. Enjoy!


Just ate lunch (2 pies) This morning I went to chemistry tuition and Jasmine (the other girl) wasn't there, so we just did like tests and stuff.

We = me and eddy. (tutor)

Came home....played a game with my brother. It's called pass the pigs, really fun game actually. =] Simple but fun.

Then I studied psychology 3/4 by sumarrising like crazy (trying to summarise unit 3 today) and yeah.

Now I'm blogging and taking a break and soon back to Psychology...

It's going to be a lazy Saturday,



No, I do NOT hate babies. Stop accusing me, these baby jokes are just jokes. In reality, I don't hate babies at all. In fact, I LOVE babies. I love them very much. Their whole little body, it's so....cute. I just loooooooove babies.

Ice Skating (+Lifegroup)

Woke up at 9:50 and was like ugh....whoa, I have to pick up Ben at 10:15. So I got dressed, breakfast and all that, by 10:10. Then the phone rang. And my mum talked on it till 10:20 at which we picked up Ben. We got to the station and we weren't late, so it was all good.

Glen station: Me, Ben, Jack, WezR, WezUng, Amanda, Brenda, Josh, Jeremiah, Annie

At flinders street station we went to McDonalds where we met up with Ada and Wendy, but they left after that.

Then we took a tram to Docklands, Icehouse and went in. It costs $20.50 for the concession entree+Hocket skates (better than normal skates unless you're beginner, then normal skates are more suitable).

I got size 9. It was too small. I went back and got size 10. The left skate was perfect, the whole day. The right one took ages to put in and REALLY hurt my right foot. So after about 3 or 4 laps I went out and redid, loosening the skate. This time, it was still too tight and one certain point. After going back onto the rink and coming back out to re-do, I settled with this: ALl the laces loose (not excessively) except the very top lace (farthest from my toes), and THAT lace was done up tightly. So the whole skate was wobbly in a way, but it was adequate.

Ice skating was fun. Shana came late but she came. Toward the end of the session, we got the opportunity to play with the PENGUINS. =D =D =D.

...and so we played with the penguins. Passing them to each other and pushing each other on them. xD

After that we took a tram to DFO. But then we got off randomly and went to Gloria Jeans instead and then climbed a random giant black bunny statue. Then we walked to a playground where we played on the playground and took group photos on (and in) these large metal circly ring things.

After which we actually WENT to DFO (via tram) and then walked around. Annie was anxious her mum would kill her, which made the fact funny that she missed the train back to Glen Waverley because she was behind us about 20 metres? she caught the next train. On the way back to Glen Waverley, Brenda confused Mount Waverley for Glen Waverley and got off. The funnyness could only be matched by Amanda yelling at her WRONG STOP COME BACK. xD

Once back at Glen Waverley, we split up (those that were still there, people like Jack took a different route home). Annie went with her mum. Umm....Amanda/Brenda/Josh went with.... one of their parents, I think...

Me, Shana, Wez, Ben and....Wesung, AND JERE, went for dinner at Glen. But I had no time, so I called my mum to pick me up instead.

So my dad picked me up. And.....I went home. Quickly checked facebook, said BRB to Joel Wu, had dinner, had no time to go back, went straight to lifegroup. Sorry Joel....I did not be right back. D=

Lifegroup was fun, me, Simone, Warren, Eddy, Justin, Corinna, and two of their relatives staying at their house that were in the kitchen next to us but not joining in so they don't really and I don't know their names either so yeah, I won't count them.

We played Taboo. The teams were Me, Simone and Warren one TEAM ONE. And Eddy and Corinna on TEAM TWO.

We one (won) 20 to 17. =D
I like that game. =]

Then we had this EPIC philosophical discussion (that was unfinished) on the justification of actions. We are yet to finish that >=D

Then I called my dad, he picked me, I came home, he went to sleep, I'm on the computer blogging and the rest of my family aren't home which is weird since it's 12:47. OMG, just as I typed that, they knocked on the door and I just let them in. They brought back cake and pineapple tarts, mmmmm....pineapple tarts.

So now I am blogging while eating cake.
Tomorrow I shall hardcore at least 8 hours on psychology.

10 words to describe today:

Today would be one of those days I will remember for a while. xD
...and to think I contemplated staying home and studying.

And to top it off, I get an awesome 10 hours sleep to perfect it, JK, I have to wake up for chemistry tuition tomorrow. FML.


Friday, June 4, 2010


It is 3:37am. I have been brooding over several matters over the last couple of hours. Feeling quite depressed. Very. Yeah....thinking about heaps of random things. Feeling shitty, I know, I'm using the word shitty.

Odd, I never use this kind of language but that describes it best. Actually it doesn't but if I DID use words that are better at describing I would sound like an emo. And a certain somebody doesn't want that so yeah. I'll stick with 'shitty'.

I cbf....I'm going,


Thursday, June 3, 2010


Yeap, I'm back. With my hot chicken and vegetable pie, my milo, my sprite, my family guy, my hoodie, my earphones.

Time to neutralise my negative mood with positive factors.
Maybe I'll exceed that neutralisation and make it positive by overdoing it.

Although, that'll only make me more negative if we are talking chemistry-wise (chem people will get it)

Family guy time,

Bye :D



so depressed
so cold
so miserable
such a git
such a downer
such a pain in the ass
so annoying
so self-centered
so me
such a liability
such a retard
such an attention-whore
so useless
so pointless
so purposeless
such a noob
such a waste of time
such a waste of space

well maybe not all of them are entirely true.
BLAH! I'm gonna go put on a hoodie, get some (hot) food, put on some family guy and get my bottle of sprite and just binge in front of the laptop.

Let's see what can lighten my mood....Oh yeah, I have ice-skating tomorrow, YAYYY

Okay, bye guys, hope my blog didn't ruin your mood. BRB

Music Exam Result

Out of the seven in my class, I came third. I got 67%, a C+

1st - Jazer - 75%
2nd - Shirin - Don't know
3rd - Jonathan (me) - 67%

Did better than my guessed 61%, Lol. I guessed C, I got C+. I'm happy. For the Aural part (section one) That was worth marks. Remember how I got 5/10 for the singing part. Well.... I got 10/10 for the LISTENING part! WOO!! so happy =] didn't think I would do so well.
15/20 so far. (75%)

For theory I got 22/30 so umm, that was better than I expected seeing I didnt do heaps of it.
37/50 so far (74%) damn, dropped by one percent.

For short answer (bulletpoint) History Music Analysis I got 10/25 because I stuffed up so bad. I guessed heaps and made random crap up. It was....yeah. But most people got low for it.
47/75 so far (62+(2/3)%) Hey look, very close to the 61% prediction I made a couple of posts ago. So yeah, 'C'

For essay History music analysis I got 20/25 YEAHH!! Not as good as I super hoped but actually a very good mark. DUN DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN....DUN..DUN...DUN.....DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
67/100 (67%) my final grade, 'C+'

All in all, the exam was ok, 'twas ok....not sure If I'm going to take music 3/4 though. Blegh, Thank you music exam,


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Incorrect blog times

Whatever time it says next to my blog that I posted it, add 17 hours and that is the actual time. For some reason, it's stuffed up. I don't know how to fix it. So yeah, jus telling you I do NOT blog at 3/4/5am. Well not usually =]

Baby Jokes 6

What's the difference between a baby and a watermelon?
One is fun to smash with a sledgehammer, the other is just a fruit.

What's the difference between a pile of one thousand dead babies and a Mercedes?
I don't have a Mercedes in my garage.

What's the difference between a baby and cocaine?
One is illegal but fun to do, the other is just a drug.

What's the difference between a baby and gigantic water slides?
Nothing, they're both fun to do when you go down on them with your ass rubbing on them the whole time.

Love is Chemistry

Yes, let the 'chemistry' begin. Chemistry can also taken as a metaphor for love. ALL kinds of love.

Love between a boy and a girl is like ionic bonding. One person COMPLETES the other. If one partner is sodium (Na) and the other is chlorine (Cl) then they are compatible, since one needs to gain electron and the other needs to lose one electron. However, at times it may seem they are compatible as one may need to gain 2 and the other to lose 3. But you will end up with one too many electrons (relationship issues) and it will go nowhere and you both will fail and the relationship will fail. In the same way if one needs to gain 2 electrons and the other needs to lose 1. The first person will feel something is missing and will 'break off' (break up) from the other electron. Those who are looking for a perfect guy or girl will never find one for them as the perfect partner has no problems and no needs and therefore is already compelte. For example Xenon, Neon, Helium, Argon. All these have a full outer shell and will NOT need you since they are already perfect and complete. Some people just don't understand this. Just because the perfect guy/girl does not work with you, does not mean they are not perfect. They are just as perfect as you are, except they are already complete and you've gotta find that special cation or anion to compelte you <3. Argon electrons are the singles that live their life single. Hehe....

Friendships are covalent. It is the sharing of electrons which represents having something in common, for example a hobby such as LANing or dancing or soccer, etc.
These mutual activites are the shared electron. You can have more than one friendship because you can share with more than one electron. You may get small peergroups such as Ozone which is like a friendship threesome or perhaps cyclohexane, a large friendship group. Maybe you even have such good friends they seem like family, these are diamond friendships. Not because they're valuable, no, even though they are. But they are diamond because:
-They are rare
-They are valuable
-They consist of a 'network' or friendships
-It is super strong
They may seem like family because of the strength but later I will explain what family relationships are really like.

Acquaintance are friends which aren't REALLY friends. That random classmate at school you say hi to maybe once a fortnight and have a small chat to occasionally. You're friendly with them but they're not close enough to REALLY call them your friend. These are dispersion forces. They occur between particles. Between atoms. They are not as strong as covalent and can break easier. Nevertheless they can hold together a substance quite well. The larger peergroups (hydrocarbon) are , the more acquaintances (dispersion forces) they have between other peergroups (neighbouring hydrocarbons). And the stronger the substance is in general. Social groups that consist of numerous small groups (methane) boil easier because the dispersion forces are weaker. However, with LARGE peergroups (octane) it takes alot more tention between friends/atoms before the substance will boil. Large peergroups easily form more acquaintance (dispersion) bonds with other peergroups, than smaller peergroups that tend to just hangout by themselves.

Hydrogen bonds are the bonds between a hydrogen atom and a nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine or chlorine atom. These bonds are covalent (friendship) and are the strongest because the hydrogen only have one friend. (nawwww =[) They get too attached to that one friend and seem to connect to that sole person only. That is why it is the strongest. Consequently the person with one friend (the hydrogen atom) tends to be weak in their personality and that is why they are so small. (hydrogen is the smallest atom). These bonds are super hard to break, but still possible.

Family relationships are like metallic bonds. The WHOLE family are close together and they share the delocalized electrons (food, money, water, shelter, house, etc)
When one family joins with another family it is called an alloy. These are not as metallic and familyish as the properties of the metals are not as significant. For example metals are malleable as in they can be shaped with a beating or rolling. This resembles a family being moved around or seperated with a beating or rolling (events such as financial difficulty) yet the family can still hang on. Families are lustrous as in they can be reflective and 'attractive' when freshly cut or polished. This means that families can be quite fun when everything is going well. When two or more families merge (alloys) this is rare and significantly reduces all the metallic properties. Metals have a high melting temperature and are hard to seperate. This is because it takes a LOT of tention to split up a family. Families are alot stronger than friendships and bf/gf relationships, etc. Families are also good conductors of electricity, meaning they can handle issues and tackle hurdles as a whole.

As a side note, ionic substances when dissolved in water can conduct electricity too =]. Work it out for yourself. ;D

I hope you enjoyed my metaphor on love. This is also my chemistry revision. Let's hope it improves my chemistry mark for my chemistry exam tomorrow. =D

Good luck to those doing their chemistry exam tomorrow,

Bye and hope my metaphor helped many, many, atoms. ;D