Monday, June 7, 2010

Exam Results


So far I have told you all, my awesome blog fans, that my music result was 67%.
If you have not read it you can read it by reading the previous respective post.

Today I got my Biology results, Methods results and Chemistry results. Now only english left which I didn't get to find out because the teacher was absent (so we just did some GAT preparation which most of the class (including me) didn't do.

SO....I have to hardcore study psychology, make revision notes and go through past papers so I have to make this short and sweet. Actually no, I'll write a long post but I'll type fast. >=D

Music = 67% = C+
Biology = 75% = B+
Methods = 62.5% = C
Chemistry = 81% = A
English = Don't know yet = Don't know yet
Psychology = Taking exam in two days and it's a 3/4 and I am FREAKING OUT!!! GAHH!!

For bio, I beat most of my friends, except for Joel Wu, who got 83% =D Congratz man.

[Edit: it was actually 87%!!! GRATZ!!!]

For Methods, 8 people in my class got a UG which means <39% and so I beat the class average. I could've done better though in methods, but I didn't work fast enough. With another 15-20 minutes I could've turned that 62.5% (C) into a B+ (75-79%)

But nevermind, I shall do better at the end of the year. To those of my friends that either failed or asian failed, don't worry. It's just unit 1 methods. Just study harder and it'll all be ok ;D

For Chemistry, my mum for some reason dissappeared from the car afterschool for 1 hour so I ate my sandwich then talked to randoms then went to the staff room and miss Reed told me I got an 81% (A) HOORAY! (high five) Tomorrow we shall go through that exam >=D
Even chemistry I rushed the last 15 minutes, So if I had more time I could probably make that 81% (A) into about an 86% (still A)



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