Monday, June 21, 2010

The pudding was nice.

It was chocolatey. If you don't know what I'm talking about refer to the post below. It was delicious. Crispy at some places and covered in chocolate sauce. A good dessert. A hot one too.

Then I watched mythbusters and came back on to the computer to blog. This post seems to be rather short so I suppose I should talk about my day.

I had a shower just after midnight and then went to bed at 2am (I was studying chemistry). I woke up super tired at 8'o'clock today at wanted more sleeping time like a slut wants cock. Horny and hungry for more cock. I was sleepy and tired for more snooze time. But no, I had to get up and so I did and got dressed, etc. And went to school.

Double bio - Watched a video and got detentions for not completing homework. Totally forgot just like my friends :D except for Eunice, she remembered. >:[

The video was on plants. I think it was called "the secret life of plants" or "the amazing life of plants" or something. I can't really remember. Which is ironic as we learned about memory in psychology today. xD

Anyway, the video was SUPER AWESOME. PLANTS ARE SO COOl now. =] Helicopter seeds with six blades or even ONE blade. And some have no blades. :O but one of the best were the brambles. (y)

Music - Mrs. Tabone was analyzing Mr Johnson while he taught us so it meant no game from him and no perverted/dirty gestures/jokes from me. He didn't have to tell me, I understood the situation. He still made jokes though. The class started late, the whiteboard was just 'a board' and the whiteboard rubber-outerer was broken and misfunctional. I hope he doesn't get fired, if he does, then music 3/4 will just SUCK. He's a really good teacher :/

Methods - Probability. Enough of that, Mrs Marks bagged out JonTay again. So funny. Made him stand up, etc.

English - Ever since Ji Hyung left my english class, my usual person I sit next to has been non-existant (one period only LOL) because he moved to GMA. Well guess what? Somebody from GMA (general maths advanced) moved to my english class. Hooray! Jon Tan. =] He's cool....

Mr Bates still hasn't given our english exam papers back and it's been 3 weeks >=[

Lunch - Detention with Joel, Melissa, Ji Hyung and Natalie. DOUBLE PEN WRITING xD. Something I need to perfect. Holding it so they are spaced 2 lines apart. And the same colour pens. But oh well. Natalie got to 30 lines (30 lines or 30 minutes, the lesser) yet she had to stay. I think Joel and Melissa got to 30 too. I got to 23 and Ji Hyung not sure. We couldn't talk, of course. The detention teacher was not Mr Hicks who is the detention teacher a lot of the time as he is lazy despite his triathlon proness and he doesn't like to walk around doing yard duty. I don't blame him, you have to tell off secondary kids for doing shit to the school. He prefers to have dominance over minors where they have to sit quietly in detention as he punishes them as he pleases.

Oh look, Jon Tan is calling me on Skype. I can't hear anything he is saying, if any. And neither can he, but the difference between the former and latter is that the latter is because the speaker has no mic. Yes, I have no mic and I REALLY MUST GET ONE, AHHHHH. Sorry Jon Tan, Sorry Jere, Sorry Xiyi. Sorry everyone else that wants or at least wanted to talk to me via skype and AUDIBLY. Oh well, someday...soon I hope. I'll get in the holidays. I'll try, kay guys? :)

So yeah, dinner was nice. I had rice, pork, rice, beef, rice, vegetables, rice, soup, rice. My favourites. The soup was like REALLY pepper-y. That was nice. The beef strips was with vegetable and that was nicer. But the nicest (how awesome is my vocabulary here?) was the pork. Yeah...pork chops? Or something, really nice. Second favourite, coming after rice. Yes, rice is my favourite food. This doesn't make me asian, nor try-hard asian, nor weird. Even though I may be weird. I REALLY like rice. In large quantities with chili is good. Meats, vegetables even fruits maybe. No, not fruits but meat and vegetables goes well with rice. Salty peppery water (soup) with rice is ok. I think that's porridge. I used to despise porridge and hated it, now it's ok. Although I prefer to keep my rice out of that quantity of liquie. I don't like my rice soggy, I like it moist.

Enough about rice, for dessert I had pudding. It was chocolatey. If you don't know what I'm talking about refer to the post below. It was delicious. Crispy at some places and covered in chocolate sauce. A good dessert. A hot one too.

Then I watched mythbusters and came back on to the computer to blog, and here I am now. Blogging away....BLOGBLOGBLOGBLOGBLOG! Oh yeah, Ji Hyung showered me this kickass video of a guy doing chinups safety-gear-free off a pole like 50 storeys or something (I don't know) above the ground. Crazy stuff.
here is the link. WATCH IT. Because I don't post vids on my blog. So you'll have to follow the link for yourself.

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