Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Yesterday I was too tired to blog about my day so today I shall blog about that day.
In fact, I think I'm sick or something, I'm currently in my bed at only 8:30pm and going to sleep soon.

So anyway, Ben said he would come at 10:45 to pick me up to get to Glen station by 11. It was 10:50 and he still wasn't here so I called him and he said give me 10 minutes. 10:50 + 10 mins = 11am. >_>

He picked me up at about 11:25 or something :O
We got there and wez still wasn't there. Jazer, Jere and Jack were there though. When Wez arrived (redmond) the six of us went on TO THE CITYYY.

The first thing we did was to head straight to costco where Wez and Jere used Wez' dad's card to get it. We bought this massive $15 pizza. And split it 6 way. Then we had some fun with the 'gulls.

We went to harbourfront shops thingo and then to typo, a great store I highly recommend. I bought this awesome notepad for only $2! xD

Jazer took a dump too.

We went to the RING park and swung on the spinny thing in a totally non-sexual non-poledancing way.

We went to DFO and me and Jere played Plants vs Zombies on the iPad. SO FUN xD

Jack took his seperate line home and the other five of us took the glen line back. On the way back there was this guy from my school on the next carriage I kept doing sexual gestures to, it was funny. I feel so dirty.

Anyway back in glenny I bought some stuff from asian shop across station then my mum dropped jazer back home. He left his phone in my car and I shall give it back to him tomorrow.

Unless I'm sick because just before I had this massive bruise on my torso then I realised there was no bruise and that there was some internal pain approximately located in my kidneys and I've been cleaning blood off myself for the past half hour
and I've been like drifting in and out of stage one sleep. Each episode feels like 20 minutes but was actually only THIRTY SECONDS!!!

Psychology 3/4 FTW.

Well I've stopped bleeding and I'm tired, I'm going to bed, nights.

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