Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I'm rushing.
So I'll go over my day quickly then got on to the stuff I want to say.
Bio: Went over the plant sheet about the documentary we watched yesterday. Simple.

Chem: Watched documentary on water salination, water pollution, water purification, water sources and human effects on water and the environment regarding water. Water.

Methods: no methods today

English: no english today

Music: Mr Johnson called me a pervert. I feel offended. Double period of song analysis. I got better at it now. =D I beat Jazer, YES!! FINALLY! But lost to Shirin. The best part was John Wan's interpretations of the music. Something like "It sounds like a whole church full of unbaptised children. And then the angels and doves descend from heaven onto their shoulders to give them armour to fight in the war." Legen-wait for it...-dary. You're funny, John Wan :)

Psychology: Theory about iconic memory and doing practical stuff. Interesting but boring. More interesting than boring.

So anyway, packing for camp... gonna be fun'n'exciting. Haha. Yeah....

Okay, that's all. Bye.

Ps: Willy bum bum willy willy bum bum Willy bum bum bum bum BUMMMMM
Pss (or is it PPS?): Youtube "willy bum bum" it's a legendary song. But you need to be over 18 and safemode disabled. Yeah, ENJOY!

1 comment:

  1. its Pps,
    because its post-post-script
    not post-script-script :D
