Friday, June 11, 2010

Food Filled Friday

The day started with me waking up by my alarm clock, wanting to sleep and dreading school.

Just kidding, I actually woke up naked in my bed with half the sheets off wondering WTH was going on. Then I remembered. "I always sleep naked" and "Oh yeah, I was watching the inbetweeners". Hold a minute, where is my laptop?

*lifts covers*

Oh there you are Mr Laptop. *opens laptop*

Haha, It was paused on where I stopped it.

*rewinds 1 minute*


So I finished the episode, watched half of the next episode, paused, had a shower, went to school, and told Mr Johnson I'm doing Music 3/4. Well not engaging in intercourse 'doing' music 3/4 but I'm taking it as a subject.

He was.....reallly...REALLLY happy. And highfived me then comenting on my sticky hand. I was like yeah, You should've highfived my left hand. His face showed the comprehension of mr masturbation joke yet his eyes showed disgust and the BACK of his eyes showed fear.


Then it was lunch time and I bought hot chocolate + 2 wafer sticks thingys (those white/milk choc swirl long things) and 2 marshmallows for only $1.50. good value.

Then I bought a sausage (with bread, etc) for $1.00 Better value.

Then bought another one for 50 cents. Best value.

And bought some more random sausages and random stuff for Ji Hyung.


Came home and ate food. Ate more food. Went to youth group with we (boys) played pictionary and beat them (girls) showing our superior gender. Face it girls, you have X chromosomes but we have X AND Y. And we (males) are awesome.


I'm eating a pie right now, chewing it as I type this line.

.....time to find that laptop in my room and finish the rest of the episodes, inbetweeners is hilarious. ;D Gonna bring it to camp.

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