Friday, June 18, 2010

Hitler Sucks

No, not really. Well I DO admire him in some ways but I poop on his face in others, I may look up to his characeristics, specifically determination and his passionionate pursuit of his dreams but in the end, he was just another lowlife who epic PHailed. Philosophically, he is a figure of greatness but socially, he is a figure of shit. Do I make myself clear?

Because realistically, he kinda sucks. He caused the death of millions of Jews and even though I admire his passion he dissappointed me with his suicide when he was losing. I would've just stayed to the end and MAYBE if I had to spend years in prison, THEN suicide.

Also, he shagged his niece. If he is going to kill millions of Jews, why not pick the hot ones for himself? It provides a perky reward for his genicidal conquest. But no, he chose the scandulous approach, doing his sibling's child. WHY!! WHY MAN!!!

Also, what's with you sulking about not getting into art school? Just go rage and plant a bombing on the art school's open night or something. Or make BETTER art. Noob.

He was a sexually confused bigot who stole all his anti-semite philosophy from Neitschze.

Even though I admire some stuff about Hitler and he is one of my role models, he has dissappointed in many ways and to simply put it, he sucks.

I shit on you face Hitler. Thanks, That is all.