Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Studying Psychology

Date: 7 June
5pm - Start studying
8pm - Take a break and dinner
9pm - Back to psychology
Midight - Nap
2am - Wake up feeling refreshed
2am - Resume studying psychology
8am - Breakfast and break
9am - Psychology study
1pm - Go to school
4pm - Break and blogging (now)
5pm - Start revising again
Date: 8 June

All in all, I've studied 16 hours in one go with the exception of meals, etc.
I have 7 minutes to blog.
Well I revised all of Area of study 1 which just leaves 2 and 3. Which should be another 32 hours.....great! My exam is in 16 hours >_>

And I said I'll sleep at 9 to catch up on my REM sleep (rapid eye movement) =D
So I have 4 hours....2 hours on visual perception and 2 hours on states of consciousness... ugh...this is so fail!

Cramming = Win
Marks = Fail.

Well my marks will probably asian fail. They'll pass...if they don't, I'm seriously screwed. But should be fine, it's all good...aiming for 80% = A

So yeah. =D
5 minutes to blog.... hmmm....I feel cold, depressed? Nah, too busy. No time for feeling depressed. Pffft, I'm just cold, going to make some continental soup soon.

Good luck to Joel Wu, Natalie, Dexter, Song, Eunice and Matthew Julius. But shame on you, reading my blog when you should be studying for your ENTER-CONTRIBUTING EXAMINATION!
Just kidding, keep reading and fail for life. But at least you'll be faithful to me =]

Visual perception....Ugh!!
States of consciousness should be easy crap.

Visual perception is just too AHHHH!!!

As for area of study 1: Brain and the nervous system.
I'll just read over my notes I prepared. :/

2 minutes to blog....
I feel hungry, I feel like eating chocolate.....
*goes to kitchen* nah, just kidding, but seriously, in 2...2...2....2....2....2...2...2...2...2.1...ONE minute I'm off to the kitchen.

Ok, bye guys, and GOOD LUC TO PSYCHOLOGY 3/4 STUDNET FOR YOUR EXAMINATION TOMORROW. Just kidding, I want you all to fail so my score goes higher, toodle'ooze

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