Monday, June 7, 2010

Exam goals:

I wrote a goal in P.D. (personal developement - some pointless class my school holds to be more 'christian' or whatever) I wanted a total of 500% for all my 6 subject combined.

So far:

Music - 67% (total 67%)
Biology - 75% (total 142%)
Methods - 62.5% (total 204.5%)
Chemistry - 81% (total 285.5%)
If I have English and Psychology to go I need a total of (500-285.5)% more. Which is 214.5% more which means I need to get about 107.5% on both english and psychology.

I think I just failed my goal.
New goal:

English: 75%
Psychology: 80% (but hopefully 85% or above)


155% + 285.5% = 435.5%
which will average out to (440.5 / 6)% which is 73.5%, a B

For the record, I'm on 285.5% average right now which is 71.375% which is about 71.5%, a B.

Fellow classmates, I am a 'B' student.
And my new goals will make me up my average by 2%. TWO PERCENT. Still a B.

I am definitely a 'B' student. However, next year I plan to be an A student. So I guess I need to make my end year 2010 results a B+ xD

That is all,

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