Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My thoughts today

If we examine the concepts and trace the imagination that ran wildy in my grey matter today, we will soon realise it is just a handful of random thoughts that are either philosophical, perverted, musical or plain boredom.

Psychology = Boredom
As in it was so boring, the content. It was last year's (psychology units 1/2) stuff however I accelerated straight into units 3/4 so I shall have to read over the stuff at least 5-10 nights before the SAC to drill it into my head.

Music = Musical
Not just the obvious but I understood heaps and got my head around alot of music theory today. 7th chords + inversions + naming then and labelling them the iv or IV or IV6/4 or whatever. I UNDERSTAND IT NOW! xD Well I sort of did before but meh not completely. Jazer is better though :/ Must beat him >=D Nah, jks, he's Jazer.

Biology = Philosophical
Not the subject but as I daydreamed I realised those ideas that were impossible to put onto paper WEREN'T impossible to put down on my blog and so I shall write about what I thought on my next post.

Recess = Perverted
I thought about the human centipede trailer I watched last night and I was like I wonder if they used their tongues to lick the person in front's asshole. I was like, AHAHAHA imagine all of them doing that if it was like a 20-person-circle-chain-human-centipede.... then I thought then they all shat while experiencing mind is sick....:/

Oh yeah and I started putting up stuff on my wall, I did some sleep stuff so far and I allocated which walls, doors, etc will go for which subject. =D For those of you who don't know, I'm covering my room walls, doors, etc in pictures, diagrams, tables and flowcharts of chemistry, biology, music, methods, english and psychology. Pretty much all my subjects, ahehehe >=D

On with the next post about philosophy....and if you're lucky, TWO.

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