Saturday, June 5, 2010

Baby Jokes 7

What's sexy?
A baby

What's sexier than a baby?
A dead baby

What's sexier than a dead baby?
A dead baby with 10 limbs

What's sexier than a dead baby with 10 limbs?
A dead baby with 10 and 3 quarters limbs

What's sexier than a dead baby with 10 and 3 quarters limbs?
Nothing, that's the sexiest

Just kidding, none of these are sexy, not even a normal alive baby. In fact my baby jokes that I haven't told are decreasing in quantity. Furthermore, feedback suggests I should stop with these jokes, as they're 'not even funny'. Some are, some aren't. Some people find them funny, some don't. "Baby Jokes 7" (this post)I find is not funny at all. Nevertheless I will continue with baby jokes, just much much less often, as of now. Enjoy!

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