Sunday, June 20, 2010

(8) It is saturday....going on sunday(8)

Lame, I know. But it really is. It's 3:12am right now, technically Sunday. I've had one full cycle of sleep (psychology FTW) which is stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, stage 4, stage 3, stage 2, stage 1, REM, awakeeee... yippeeee.

But no. No yippee, why did I wake up? Because I left my bedhead lamp on. So as I approach the more conscious side of sleep, the receptors in my eyes pick up more light and I am aware of it and so I wake up.... why am I writing about unit 3 psychology at 3am on a weekend when I already did my unit 3 psychology exam a couple of weeks ago? Hmm....

So why not just turn off the light and go back to sleep? Because I didn't want to. I grabbed my laptop next to me and watched some family guy then after a couple of episodes came downstairs to blog and then... I have two choices:
-Bum around the house doing whatever (study, gaming, eating (I probably won't eat though), watching random stuff) or
-Go back to sleep.

I'll pick the former. Because I don't feel like sleeping now that I'm awake. So what should I talk about? Well I guess I should blog about my's night now. But yesterday it was 'day' and It was SaturDAY. Here we go:

I woke up at 7am to the sounds of my brother and my dad getting ready to go off on their father-son camp which they left for at 8am and will be back today (Sunday) at like 3 or 4pm or something. With 2 hours until my chemistry tuition starts, I wondered what I will be doing. So I talked to my brother (Daniel) as I do and then I ate breakfast, a bowl of oatmeal. How nice.

I showered, got my books together, and then waited for my mum and my sister to get ready. My sister took AGESSS. By the time we got into the car it was already 8:52
My tuition starts at 9am and it takes about 15 minutes to get there. AHHHHHH

As we approached the end of the first street (long way) my mum was like 'Why am I wearing this? I forgot to take my jacket'. ('This' was a jumper)
Me: "Oh well, it's not that bad."
Mum: "No." *turns car around and heads back*
Me: "ARGGHHHHH. I'm gonna be lateeee"
[Mum leaves car and goes back inside]
She comes back out again and we set off (8:55am)

I was late for tuition as usual but only 2-5 minutes late, as usual.
I need to start not being late starting from....semester two.

We covered what, how and why solutes disolve in solvent to make solutions. =D
And briefly covered dilution, which we will finish next to term.


After I was dropped off my mum took my sister to Glen Iris and then they took the train (zone 1 only, hence Glen Iris) to the city where my mum waited outside for my sister while my sister took the entrance exam to MacRobb, the 'smartest' female highschool in Victoria.

I'm giving a 0.1% chance she will get in and a 3.9% chance they will follow up on her giving her another task or interview. =96% she will not get in. Good luck sis. ;D

So with nobody to take me home, my mum's friend came and drove me home. Hooray for parents' friends. Thank you Aunty. (not my literal aunt but you know...asian customs and all).

Now it is 10:30am and I have the house to myself till about 6am which is when my mum/sister will be home. (Exam finishes at 4, they train to Glen Iris and drive back home).

I practiced piano, rearranged desk in my room, made bed, ate lunch (4 pies, I know unhealthy and I'm a fatass and I should be ashamed of myself. Well guess what...FUCK you. I WAS HUNGRY....I was hungry...D: But I spread them out over the course of the day, 11am, 12am, 2am, 3am.)

I also played maple every now and then between chores/piano/study. Oh yeah, I studied, haha.

They got home at about 6:30 as the message 'You have played Maplestory for 9 hours. We recommend you take a break from mapling' I didn't actually play for 9 hours, I just left it there ;) running.

Got off, studied, IM'ed with friends. Webcammed for the first time with mah friend. And I....went to bed only to be awoken at about 2:30am (refer to start of post).

One more day and then it's monday again where I shall be seeing school friends just as Joel, KIM JONG IL, Natalie, Melissa, Jazer and of course Jack, the sexy beast.

Then just tuesday. And then WEDNESDAY to FRIDAY is my schoolcamp. But I shall talk about what I will be doing in past tense when I come back from the camp because I want it all in one post. Yeah...then holidays ^_^

If you want to hang out with me for whatever sad, lamentable reason come talk to me and I'll probably say something like "if you want..."

Otherwise, good night to you my sleeping blog-followers. And enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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