Wednesday, June 16, 2010


During english a few days ago, my english teacher, Mr Bates said that Hitler was definitely and completely bad and in the wrong. I must disagree. I see the problem with Hitler, he killed millions of jews in an attempt to wipe them out completely. But so what? He had a dream, a goal and he went for it, he tried with all his effort.

He's better than most humans. The actual goal itself is just the details. Most humans don't go for goals as enthusiastically and passionately as Hitler did. How much better would this world be if everybody was like Hitler? The determination and the commitment to individual goals would make this world so much better, wouldn't it?

I look up to Adolf Hitler, I aspire to become more like him. Not in wiping out jews or attempting it, no. But I want to have his consistency in what he pursues.

Hitler may have killed millions of people but so what? People are just comodities, I see nothing wrong with murder. (refer to next post)

In conclusion, Hitler was just another average Joe except he pusued his dreams and they coincedentally fell into mass murder.

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