Thursday, April 29, 2010

I love blogging

Because I really do, I just love getting onto blogspot and type-type-TYPING AWAYYY something. It could be random, awesome, creepy, seductive, menstrual, boring, crappy, funny or just plain average but I love blogging. I also love waffles. Actually I don't but I like the word waffles. I don't HATE waffles but I don't love them either. =/ hmm... Blogging is awesome, yeah... I love my blog....


Internet Curfew extended/removed


My dad has extended the internet curfew. Of course I have my usual methods of working around that but now because of my grandparents they are extended or possibly even removed, hence, more:

-Study time
-Msn time
-Facebooking time


*high fives everyone*

SO yah! ^_^


Wing Chun update 1

YEAH! I think this is my first wing chun blog! xD
So it's been coming along quite well, self taught and all, practice with Jazer occasionally, YEER!

Horse stance, other stances, stretches, drills, exercises.

Chain punch I need to improve, reflexes I'm extremely satisfied with =D, blocks and redirects, thoroughly satisfied with, just need to improve the force of my strikes.

I wanna get a wooden dummy, it's better than walls and poles and people :S (like using people as a wooden dummy/practicing tool, not an actual person to practice with, thats different)

But they're like $400-$700 and I was like Nooooo, i'm thinking of making one, which would be practical, not the best of course but still good =]

yeah..... need to find a partner(s) I can reguarly practice with. AND.... still need that wooden dummy... :S

I think that's about it,


Five hundred and twenty, that is all.

Cross Country

Woke up, got changed, grandma told me I had cross country, re-changed into sport uniform, played maple, went to school, did method, got my crappy mark back (58%) and then pointed out a place where the teacher stuffed up the marking so I might probably get another 4 more marks (26+4/45) = 30/45 = 66.5%, E+ to D, not bad... well not AS bad, oh right, If i call this blog cross country i should talk about cross country.

Chem we learned about polymers, english we started our orals, CROSS COUNTRY

Weeman (daniel smith) + tub of youghurt + dexter = SPLAT xD
(y) that was awesome

cross country proved to me I am more unfit that last year, well running-wise.
the mob failed... the mob is where we run in a large group. Next year we must do something epic, like... nude or topless at least or topless with a letter on our chest so it reads something like 'MENSTRUATING' or something awesome like that. scrotum was hurting the whole run.....
now its red... and painful and leaking semen everywhere. just kidding ;D just red and painful.

came home, piano lesson, went ok, yeah. Now I'm collating and creating my study notes for psychology to hand in to Mrs Cuddon, I REALLY cbs since I've already done them but HEY! she wants them and....yeah thats it, DAMN HER! I CANT BE STUFFED >< I already did them and lost them/threw them out/gave them to others but I guess it can't be helped, I must do them again =[

Yeah... XCOUNTRY.... get it? cuz the X is a cross? hur hur hur....

This blog is one of my worst blogs yet, so as a reward for reading this crappy blog, I shall give you uncrappy information: The painter saw me nude the other day while I was changing, or at least had the opportunity to see me nude. I didn't freaking realise he was painting the second story until I looked out the window, "WTH!??!?!"

That is all, until the next cross country,
Bye (like I'll still blog but probably not about cross country till the next cross country)

ps: Hoppo wagged the cross country run, what a lazy fatty!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Life sucks

Now I know what Joel Wu meant when he used to always say 'life sucks'. He overused it but the point is those two words describe my current lifestyle and mood, 'life sucks'. In reality, life DOESN'T suck and there are many fun'n'awesome factors and parts of my life that are quite existant but my life has been PHailing recently, with the capital P-H. Yeah... depressing really :/ oh well... that shall be all for tonight,


Open day

Today was open day, only one parent came in through the whole double english. Nothing much really.

I'd expand those two or three lines to like 2 or 3 paragaphs but I got 5 minutes of internet left and one more blog to write

Here I come Open Day 2011,
Until then,

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


This will be my last blog for tonight:

Today in VCE music, we learned about CASTRATI. They are typically italian but can be spanish or english.

They are choir boys that are so good at singing, wealthy people abduct them and kidnap them and take them to another country. These boys (pre-pubescent) have their ballz chopped off (castrated), hence the name, Castrati.

That way their gonads (hormone glands) WHICH I LEARNED IN BIOLOGY! ROFL (hormones) wont make their voice deepen. So they can sing like a freaking soprano woman but they are hairy italian men, WHOAAAAA. not like high pitched men, freaking soprano!!

They are the Castrati, globally admired. This was all in the Baroque era (17th century) but there is still one of them that is existant nowadays, this man is by the name of Justin Beiber!!! DUH DUH DUHHHH!!! (credit goes to Isaac Young for this joke)

Internet goes soon, so yeah, goodnight peoplez and the whole castrati thing is not bullshit, boys DID get kidnapped and their balls DID get cut off just for music. Imagine the 0 sex drive you will get LOL!

Good night.

Changes to my blog

Yes, there are some things I will change or at least have come to conclusion to:

1. There will probably never be hyperlinks (except small rare ones)
2. There will probably never be any pictures or videos and if there are, SUPER RARE, eg two or three times a year or if you're lucky (if videos are considered good) four or five times a year
3. I will most probably NOT publish study notes up since VCE is a rank-based system. That doesn't mean I won't study with my study peeps such as Joel, Natalie, that other random person and whoever else wants to study with me.
4. That doesn't mean I won't put up study notes/guides, it just means I won't put them up within the next 2 years.
6. Pondering over these points, my blog will proabably just be 100% text: blogs, tags and titles, etc. haha xD
7. Did you realise I skipped '5'?
8. I know that's not a change to my blog but meh, none of these are really changes as nothing has CHANGED, blogally, only psychologically on what my aims are for my blog, and to notify you guys about them
9. There WILL be times where I don't blog for like a few days or even a week or two, and there will be other times where I blog rapidly, eg NOW and other times. So it will be like an ejaculating penis as in, it will be in spurts, frequent outbursts of content. By the way, did you know, if you light a few relaxation candles pre-climax and play that string music crap thats romantic? or whatever, this 'mood' can make your ejaculation a gentle stream rather than outbursts of spurts of semen?
You will have to be unstressed too for this to happen.
11. I dont know why I just told you that
12. No wait, I do, because I say that kind of stuff, hur hur hur
13. Did you realise there was no 10? If not, HAHA fail, if so, HAHA fail.
14. Don't get it? I do, ask me if you want to get it, because it means that you read this blog xD
15. ByeByeByeByeBye

Open day tomorrow

So tomorrow is open day, the day where choir performs, orchestra performs, students sing and perform, blah blah, classes change to be more FUN and PERKY and PRESENTABLE and the SRC give scones covered in jam and cream to the parents and grandparents and randoms and family friends and older siblings and younger siblings and blah blah blah blah that walk in and out classrooms, around the school and blah blah blah =.=

we get like no hwk so that's a PLUS PLUS GOOD GOOD thing. And my grandparents and mum and maybe my dad (probably not, he has work) will be coming ><


Something to blog about... because alot of people, namely Ada, Jack, Mellisa (A. J. M = JAM) xD.

Of course there will be the 2 or 3 randoms that stalk my blog/facebook profile but will never ever tell me and never ever talk to me probably. They may be non-existant... but they exist, I know because I used to be one.

So to THOSE people, Your awesome ;D and keep doing what you doing even though I dont know because its awesome, just like you. ;D

BYE AWESOME PEOPLE I come open day >_>

Blog procrastination

Yes... it exists and not just leaving your blog to rot, so it's not BLOGGING procastination, it's literally BLOG procrastination. See... it's just this one blog I do a bit, then draft, then do a bit and save and so on... it's been there for a couple of weeks, it's semi-large blog... and I keep meeaning to do it but I never get round to completing it nor publishing it. "Should be soon..." I keep telling myself and now I'm telling you all: "should be soon" so yah.... expect it within the next 2 or 3 weeks. BTW: It is about the first week back (term 2). There is semi-large quantities of paragraphs and comments and information and content.

So yeah, hopefully soon. bye?


D=D = D= + =D because there were D= moments of my day and some =D moments too xD.

I would go on to tell you what they were but-damn, I got a mindblank midsentence... well that sucks, so I'll just list you them, for each negative event has an equal and opposite positive event. Newton's third law.

Got an eve crappier mark for my chem test on covalent bonding, ionic compounds, metals and hydrocarbons, than my previous test. D=
I passed by a mile (like not close to failing) and it's just chemistry 1/2 =D

Forgot to brin my pencil box to school and had a psychology 3/4 SAC today D=
Joel wu lent me a pen, I found another pen on the floor, found a pencil on a table and Dexter let me borrow his eraser and pencil sharpener prior and during the SAC. =D

Most of my music tuition class didn't turn up because they forgot or didn't know most probably D=
That wasn't me! =D

I was 5 minutes late to music tuition after school D=
The class started 10 minutes later anyway =D

It was just me and Jazer D=
IT WAS JUST ME AND JAZER (advanced chord progressions) =D

I was halfway through peeing on the road when cars kept driving past D=

I was stuck in the rain D=
But it was with Jazer and we practiced Wing Chun =D

I was hungry D=

I was bored D=

I have homework D=
I have time =D

I probably won't do the homework and get screwed tomorrow at maths methods class/tuition D=
MORE BLOGGING FOR YOU ALL!!! HAHAH guys, love you all. A couple of people said my blog was actually good (sidenote) I thought it was crap at first, not to be modest. Like I thought some parts were ok and other parts just crap but people say it's funny/interesting hehe =D

I have to do piano soon and I'm really busy D=
I just took a massive satisfying shit! =D

I'm running out of things to say D=
But I can do another blog after this that's not D=D =D

Bye people D=
I will blog to you all soon =D

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lazer Skirmish

Friday 23/04/2010 7:30 pm Clayton M9-Laser Skirmish (new centre) with mah lifegroup.


Me (Jon)

It's pretty good place. It is only one story but contains different elevations, and several instant death spots as in, if you walk under them it's instant death.

You have 2 guns and can alternate between them:
-Phaser- long ranged, one shot, infinite ammo, requires accuracy
-Blaster- short ranged only, spray shoot so just aim in general direction is adequate, uses 25% of your ammo bar (bar replenishes at 10%/sec)

blaster is awesome ^_^ as you just spam in front of them or run past or creep up behind them.

You have 100 shield and once that is used up (each shot is i think 40 damage taken or something) you 'die'. Your killer is awarded 20 points or so (multiple of 20) and you take 10 seconds to replenish shield, which in this time u cannot shoot nor get shot.

I need to pee and internet is running out and Jack (the awesome jack) wants to read something, so I shall make this short and sweet (the blog, not my pee)

Boys vs girls first game, guys lost
Us, versus randoms in the second game, we lost

Both times marginally.
Umm then we went to nando's and ate chips and then I went home, i will make an edit of this tomorrow adding more description so come back to read if you can be stuffed

for now i need to pee... its like half coming out so yeah, BYE!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Parent Teacher Interviews and other stuff...PART TWO!

I went to the interviews.... with my parents....and was there during feedback.

so here it is, I was telling ada over msn so I'll just copy what i said here cuz I Cant be stuffed re-typing up:

the feedback differed from teacher to teacher but pretty much all teachers (except johnson (music units 1/2) cuz he's awesome and his classes are never boring) said:

Jon* says (7:54 PM):
*"jonathan is a good student, he is a smart student" (sandwich method, start with something good, then bad and conclude with good)
*"jonathan is often VERY VERY tired during class, he is very lethargic and exhausted at times"
*"jonathan has alot of great and enthusiastic and sophisticated ideas and interpretations in his head, he just needs to work on getting that onto paper in a clear and communicateable way"
Jon* says (7:55 PM):
*and then
*"his lethargy and tiredness has been evident in some of his results (60-70%) but when he is not lethargic his grades are quite high (85-100%)"
Jon* says (7:56 PM):
*"jonathan is a good student and with some change to his time management, he will achieve excellent results, thank you mr and mrs cattermole"

Chem (reed): Jonathan gets good marks except for one of the pop quizzes which he got 0/7 (0%) which was quite dissappointing, NO SHIT I HAD A FREAKING PANIC ATTACK DURING THAT POP QUIZ. When you have epic levels of fear and shock its hard to even write a letter, thats why i wrote 2 lines on the damn sheet =.= but i dont really care, nobody noticed me crying and going insane on the back table that day and pop quizzes dont count so meh.

english (bates): he was okay.... yeah, good points and bad points, gave me advice on how to not be tired (exercise =.=) and sleep better or something, bates is funny and he's cool so it's all good.

methods (marks): I was about to burst out laughing. She must've said 'high marks' 'low marks' marks marks marks... which is her surname, i find that funny. Then she is like 'jonathan's methods are good but hard to understand' i was like OMG SHE SAID METHODS DO....NOT....LAUGH but yeah. Then she went on about my lethargy and how she too is a psychology and for half the interview talked to me and my parents about sleep patterns blah blah blah

music (johnson): jonathan's average score is A, he has 96%, 98%, 86% and 60% (pretty much everybody got 60% on that one cuz he made 50% of the SAC a trick question on something we didnt study which he specifically told us wont be on the SAC) =average=A

psych (cuddon): bagged me out for being behind, said i got good-ish scores, since its my 3/4 i better study harder, yeah nothing that much....

bio (delorenzo): i wasnt there for that but my mum told me she wished i was there, but i dont know

YAH! grandparents are here now, they got my room, im sleeping in my brothers room and NO! ada, we are not having gay love =.=

speaking of ada... i am talking to her now, hence i am happy and every time she sees my longest memory cover on webcam she is like PUT THAT SHIT AWAY ITS SO SCARY! =.= racist.... as if thats scary! xD LAWWLLL

so right now besides all that im studying with nat and....before shana but mainly myself 60%, nat 30% and shana 10% i dont know

I got ionic compounds, covalent stuff, metals and metallic bonding and carbons and hydrocarbons to study ><

hydrocarbon/carbon is easy
covalent is even easier
ionic is ehh not as easy but still quite easy
and metals is hard!! (ge it? metals are hard!! hur hur hur x])

My sister got a 'bad report' regarding her science, D: xD but she probz wont do science in VCE so i think she's fine.

chem studying time!!

i may or may not blog later/soon

so umm...

[fancy goodbye]


What do you get when you cross Amanda Ling and Ben Choong? Boong and ling? you get BINGG!!! <3 congrats to both of you.

Weird cuz I usually HATE bing, I mean my first impression regarding bing was WTF is that!?!?! where's my google?!?! I typed in and BING: came up

bing is retarded, GOOGLE FTW

ironic...isn't it?

Still, gratz to you both, I'd buy you a carrot flavoured half broken condom but it hasn't been invented yet. (<--- lame)

umm yeah.... It was pretty surprising though when I first found out, haha. xD

In conclusion: if Google>Bing and I'm happy for BING, what does that make google? google must be orgasmic,


gratz and bye.

Why I like the number '4'

Several people ask me this, on a several basis severally, 'why four?'


It is the only number when spelt with letters it contains the number of letters as its own number. F = one, O = two, U = three, R = FOUR


zero = four
one = three
two = three
five = four
six = three
seven = five

and so on.... there are other reasons, 2x2 = 2+2 = 4, blah blah, to put it simply, the number four is awesome. THE AWESOME FOURSOME, hur hur hur BWAHHHHHHHH

so yeah, four now, goodbye....

Parent Teacher Interviews and other stuff...

Today (22/04) is parent/teacher interviews. My mum is seeing my teachers today at 3:30-4:30 approx and riugt now it is 9am, she will probably drag me along (scary) and the teachers will kick my ass verbally and metaphorically by saying what a crappy student I am (they're mostly right).
So let's think this through:
Methods: maybe a few papers not brought back, but generally adequate-good-ish test scores and Marks doesn't bother with homework so that should be fine
English: (yes my mum sees ALL my teachers, well the 'necessary' ones according to her (academic) LOL, she's asian): so anyway english... should be fine, with the writing in context SAC's.
Psychology: AHHH HAIRRRRRRLLLL NO! Cuddon will abuse me to the point where my metaphorical ass has been raped to 60cm diameter D: METAPHORICAL. during the interview. ><
My SAC's were adequate/average-ish so that should be fine.
Biology: Hmm... delorenzo, some B+, B, C+ and C tests.... but :S nothing that bad i guess.... yeah, I'll just sit through that normal
Chemistry: Hmm... similiar to bio but better results and OH CRAP BOTH BIO AND CHEM I DIDNT HAND IN ONE OR TWO SACS. BLEGH! Nash got me covered for those, im fine. [bastard grin]

Also, today is the day Ada asked me to visit her in Balwyn if possible or if I want, I will most probably (definitely) cannot, becuase I dont know how to get there, not much time and my day is pretty packed the way it is already. I'm sorry Ada, another day.

Today is also the da JonTay invited me to the city I think? with him? AHAHAHAHAHA, no -.-

And then there's wez, ben, jack, matt ong and whoever else is going to ice skating which I am not going to because my piano lesson is from 9:30-10:30 and meet at glen station at 10:30, bit hard, eh?

Also my day is pretty busy with other stuff so yah, 3xturned down D: sorry guys... except for jontay, wth were u thinking of even doing in the city? it will be like awkwardish and boringish, HAH!

SO yeah, piano... starting in 20 minutes.... glehh (like blegh but variant, self explanatory work it out, say it out loud then think of a scenario in which you would say that) No piano for like 1 month and so she is expecting alot from me, i practiced one song alot, so she will (y) that and the rest JONATHAN YOU LAZY PRICK YOU DIDNT PRACTICE! (exxageration)

So yah, I practiced 30min before and will practice soon then later during the day.

Today is also the day my grandparents on my dad's (white/NZ) side come to Melbourne, So my dad is out picking them from airport at the moment and my mum is seeing my sister's teachers (my sis is a 'hardworker' and so she gets good reports, not hard seeing she is year 7-8 (eight this year))

but meh, so umm yeah, my G'parents get my room and I move into my brother's room but since my room is already tidy and vacummed and i got a freakingly awesome double bed open up couch, they sleep on that, i move matrress to bro's room, crash there and ta-da! x] problems solved.

This may mean less blogging but more interesting... actually just more interesting, I'll blog even more, if anything, since I'm starting to like blogging past the first-time-obsessive stage.

HEY LOOK! the painter's van is here, hence, the painter has arrived. and who IS the painter, you may (i know u wont but for the sake of the blog) its Rowena Botrous' Dad, I can see him carrying his ladder right now.

Hmm.... but today I have to complete my large quantity of psychology revision notes/study notes and I can't be stuffed as they are scattered and lost and I have to redo them for Cuddon and BLEGH! just simply cbf, but I have to, so that sums up my day.

If anyone has typed up revision/study notes for Psychology unit 3, GIVE ME THEM!!! I NEEEEED THEM!

I feel strangely happy and content at the moment, no, it should not be strange.

Here's a random/some random thought/thoughts that went through my head yesterday

16/4 Friday = normal = school
17/4 Saturday = weekend = no school
18/4 Sunday = weekend = no school
19/4 Monday = normal = school
20/4 Tuesday = excursion = no school (well day school, in a way)
21/4 Wednesday = half day = Partial school
22/4 Thursday = P/T interviews = no school
23/4 Friday = normal = school
24/4 Saturday = weekend = no school
25/4 Sunday = weekend = no school
26/4 Monday = ANZAC = no school
27/4 Tuesday = normal = school

SO if I skipped friday I would get a 5 day weekend. And by skipping 1 or 2 more days I pretty much get a 9 day weekend with the excursion of my Psychology 3/4 excursion SAC and half a day of school or something like that, nice, eh?

I love Ada
I miss become a fan
I love blogging
I miss Ada

Yeah... become a fan is gone now, facebook sucks. And Ada is at school, feels weird since she is usually on msn same time i'm on :S When she is not online, it doesnt feel right, it feels like something important is missing, like when you forget to put sugar into the cake mix, but I dont cook, so I wouldnt know :S =[

And blogging is awesome... and I feel full (hunger wise)

And now I shall wrap this blog up, not literally, no wait, new idea *postpones wrapping up blog*

Most of the time as in MOST MOST of the time (99%) people don't understand the sexual innuendo hidden under phrases and expressions, but I do and I sort of assume others do and cover up my mistake for example:

me: "are you coming tomorrow"
me: "i mean like not the sexual coming, you know i meant the non sexual attendence coming, u know, to the ice skating"
them: "yeah... i know... im not coming"
me: "k, just making sure"

I realised I should just assume they didn't understand the sexual innuendo as most minds arent as sexually thinky and perverted and weird as mine is. Most.

Speaking of that, I'm compiling a list of messed up short stories and phrases that get more disturbing as you keep reading and the one in which you 'STOP' at, is your grade, something like that, I'll need Wazza's help in putting them in order from least twisted to most twisted, OH! my piano teacher is here, I'll blog later then, bye people

JONATHAN AWAYYY (like the non sexual jonathan away)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I don't know what to write....

so I won't.

Psychology 3/4 excursion SAC in the city

Woke up at 6....went back to sleep...
Woke up at 7....went back to sleep...
Woke up at 7:15......... got up......

got ready, couldnt find wallet, grabbed random money, student ID and clipboard and got into car

picked up dexter
mum dropped me and dex and joel wu's house

joel wu's dad brought me, joel and dexter to pick up SONG JING KHOR!
then brought us to glenny station

by the way guys, sorry about my incorrect paragraphing and grammer and spelling or whatever, im just (n) due to x quantity of y quality of z reasons *sigh* so yeah...back to the blogging...

at glenny's station we bought tickets and waited...

then eunice turned up....
then we continued waiting...

then we called natalie and she was on high street....
2 minutes to departure...
we half panicked and got on the train, then we called natalie and told her, she was pissed

so we got off at syndal and went back to glenny station, where we waited....again
2 minutes to departure
we called natalie, she was somewhere in glenny at somewhere of somewhere
1 minute...
we saw natalie walking toward the platform, so we got on...
natalie gets on and the train leaves...

she was pissed.... dexter cheered her up.... too bad i didnt get a photo when his arm was round her...

then again.... blegh, i was playing must eat birds NOMSTERRZZZZZ and doodlejump on joel's iTouch.... seeing joel has iTouch, josh has iTouch and ada has iTouch, I WANT AN ITOUCH so i might get one.... ^_^

dont know what size to get though... probs 16GB or somecrap around there


im sorry again, im just BLEGH


penis? OH THATS RIGHT! we got off at flinders and discussed the multiverse where we DID leave natalie behind and kept going, what it will be like, we didnt really go into depth but unofficially concluded she will probably be VERY PISSED, esp since we didnt go back for her AAHAHAHAH, yeah....

Then we met up with the others and I talked to Matthew Julius for a little....he told me some jokes... yeah

we didn't have enough time (BECAUSE OF NATALIE!!!) to get macca's so we just went to... the art gallery thingy where we looked at paintings such as that sheepish 30 million dollar painting and the aboriginal MASSIVE white lined painting and other stuff like that.... we sat on stools... and we had this hippi tour guide who was pretty cool...

then we went back to flinders street station to go to umm... wassat place called... PARLIAMENT! yeah... parliament station.... umm... sorry about my stuff, im just half stoned half emotionally unstable half depressed half anxious...

Then we went to st. vincent hospital to eat lunch, where joel wu got ripped off but paid with foreign money so its all good (karma FTW)

i miss ada.....

so we sat with Matthew Julius and Joel Wu, I* sat with matthew julius and joel wu. we bought 3x 600ml coke...(matt got vanilla coke)

....umm....*thinks*....then we went to errr that... ummm science works? no, i mean that other place... melbourne museum thing...

the Ames room was awesome =] but I thought it would be a little better at first but meh, it was alright.

I made a lot of sexual innuendo jokes and disturbed sick messed up images throughout the day verbally to my peers and randoms on trains, should I apologize for that? no.... yes... maybe, i dont know....

so yeah.... errr I completed the sheet and handed it in, then trained back to glenny, met Justin, Tim lee, Melissa, that scary random girl from yr 12, lauren, mel tan, sarah kua and errr, whats that person's name... no that was all... song, natalie, dexter and eunice ditched me and joel >=[

i dont like that random girl from yr 12, she creeps me out....

when we got back to glenny we had happy cup, yam milk tea with pearls FTW, then ughhh, me, song, justin and joel wu and dexter took the 737 croydon back to Wantirna south, they all got off at sevenELEVEN and i got off at knox. bought a choc top, 2 chesseburgers from hungry jacks (1x$1 + 2x$2.15 = $5.30) and then walked home... oh yeah i pissed at hungry jacks, as per usual...

umm... i have a lot of hwk to do tonight...

then i got home and had dinner and here i am.. blogging while slowly eating my cheeseburgers (i ate the ice cream while walking home)

*depressed aura (is that how u spell it?) surrounds joncatt (me)*

man... my grammer is so crap...

well yeah, here is the blog Jack Kelly, enjoy it!

now back to methods/psych work... probz pull an allnighter tonight, even though im exhausted as hell... literally, being awake for eternity in a painfilled location WILL exhaust you...

umm yeha...

damn... yeah* im so depressed i cant even be stuffed correcting it, i just keep typing.... BLEGH!


Friday, April 16, 2010

Brother started Mapling

So now my BROTHER started mapling, LOOOL =D

He created an Aran? This new class that didn't exist since I last played, (alot has been changed).

Now there are adventurers, Cygnus Knights, Legends (Aran/Evan) and in future... donno, but there will probably be more to come ;D

My sister made an Evan too. Dragon master class, you attack with your dragon as your spirits are one. Interesting and good idea, good on yah nexon! (or wizet? :S)

When I saw the pictures I was like "Evan is magic-dragon class" and "Aran is melee-wolf class" but NO! Evan IS magic-dragon class and Aran is melee class but it is more combo related and now I love it. I generally prefer melee classes, you know... the tanks, warriors, fighters, dragon knights, BERSERKER! =D

So I shall play my brother's if I am bored, hehe...



Consequences of rapid blogging

So when I first started blogging, I blogged HEAPS, and I was like nah, I'm cool, they're about work, study notes, diary entry/daily life stuff, Ada, what I do, my hobbies, philosophy, my thoughts, I'm fine.

And Melissa Tiong was like (in different wording) "Oh I did that too, the whole rapid blogging thing for a week, and then I left my blog to rot for a month" So I was like hmm... okay, I'll be careful, and she was right D:, I have been neglecting my blog for some time now, I mean, every 3 or 4 days maybe a blog or two but yeah.... she was generally correct.

So now I shall make an effort to blog consistently, whether alot or a little, I shall blog. And I am, this is my 4th? blog today and I'm still going... Probz do about 6 or something.





Today Phil showed me his vagina. D:

Cleaning the fishbowl

Background Information:

So yeah, I felt pretty bad for killing my fish, I put a guitar ornament into the fishbowl and I neglected the fact it was varnished, then when I checked up on the fish 2 days later they were floating upside down, dead.


Then I was like oh crap.... but I had to go somewhere so I left. Then after 30 hours it started smelling pretty bad so I put a cover on the fishbowl.

1 week later, the water was dark grey, and the the part of the fish above water level (it was half floating) would get mouldy. Then it would make the fish weight later, so it rises ever so slightly to balance it out, then more will start moulding. I eventually wanted just 2 fish skeletons to use as decorations for my next goldfish or whatever fish I get, but.... it would take too long and it would be disgusting (not that it already isn't but.... it would be alot worse)

SO.....6 weeks later or something, 5 weeks later? I cleaned it out, the water was blackishly translucent and I had to walk slowly outside, it was horrible. Then when I tipped off the top of the lid (outside) to pour out the water, a sweet smell arose. I did my research: That means fungal spores, 5 seconds later my chest started getting itchy... on the inside, so I ran away and spent 20 seconds taking deep breaths of fresh air.

Then I carefully spent 1 hour cleaning the fishbowl and now it is clean in my room, HOORAY!

It was a lot more disturbing and lengthy but the details.... errrr, I'll tell you a few:

My light grey rock turned a dark purple, that CREEPY dark purple colour *shudders*
My ornaments (wooden) were covered in a slimy semen-ie thick ooze, but I washed them clean. Of course fungi, mould and other horrible horrible things still exist but... meh.

I still have the goldfish btw, :P hehe... they're somewhere in my frontyard, well at least one of them is, the other one is... I don't know, I didnt see it but I emptied my fishbowl so it should be there too.

While pouring out the liquid, a few tiny specks of it sprayed over several places on my leg and my brother's leg. 1 hour later, marble-hemisphere sized and shaped white lumps sprung up, FROM LIKE 1 TENTH OF A DROP OF THAT LIQUID, oh dear....

So I popped it (thanks Wez ;D) to see what is inside, if its white crap, its BAD, if its just blood then it should be non-lethal.

And I did, and it was just blood, YES! My brother's were alot less in size and number, so he's fine. But MAN, they were ITCHHYYYYY D:

YEER! And now to get more fish.....

-Jon- >=D

Happy one month Ada

Since this is public all I'll say is I love you Ada and happy one month =]
We have been together since 16/3 =]
I give you something when I see you next, hehe. =] <3

Thursday, April 15, 2010

First week back - Term 2, Year 11

Sorry took so long but I have been neglecting this blog for a while now, 4 weeks? Or so, here is the blog:

This blog is titled, 'First day week - Term 2, Year 11'...yeah.


Nothing much happened. I guess I did stuff...? I had an afterschool which Mrs Tremaine told me it was in 0019 and it was in 0010 so I was given a lunchtime detention to make up for the 30 minutes of the afterschool I missed. Which is ridiculous as the reason for getting the afterschool is stupid, in my opinion.
It happened last term, in term 1. It was on my biology excursion to Rickett's point, at some beach I think. Anyway, I picked up a jellyfish and it stung me on my wrist, it was a big jellyfish, a circlish one, about 50cm in diameter. After I noticed my wrist started stinging, a rash appeared and my arm went stiff-ish to move. It was hard to flex my fingers and my vein went prominent.

Then I got worried, so I was like OH CRAP OH CRAP so I ran back to Chalmers who was like YOU MORON 20 times. And I was like oh wait... urine helps jellyfish stings so I got ready to piss but I was like oh yeah, my 35+ biology classmates are in front of me right here, so I went behind a bush, but there were randoms and they would probably complain to Chalmers, so I went to the toilet and started pissing on my arm. Then I accidentally got the stinging crap onto my foreskin and was like OHHH NOOOO! my penis is stung! And it hurt.... alot.... moreso than my arm. When I left the toilet clenching my penis, I realised it would look bad in public, and so I resisted. It was hard, it was very hard, it hurt, alot. It hurt alot.

Now my penis, foreskin, wrist, arm, everything is perfectly fine, but yeah. And after ALL that pain, I get an afterschool for 'picking up the jellyfish' in the first place, yes, it was my fault, but the agonising stinging on my untouchable penis should suffice for punishment, but telling Dekker that would be 20x more stupid than picking up the jellyfish, so I took the afterschool. And did the afterschool on monday, the first day of school. But I missed 30 minutes, So I did the detention the next day.


I stuffed up. I couldn't play my beethoven so I did a Chopin piece instead, only problem was it was only 2 lines, and beethoven was like 6 pages or 8 pages. And so I got a 'C' for professionalism.

And I was last to get assessed and so it ate into lunch (get it? ATE into lunch? hur hur hur) and I missed my lunchtime (read above) Dekker followed up, I told him I had SAC and I'll do wednesday, no biggie, right? RIGHT but there are no lunchtimes on wednesday, so it will have to be thursday (today)

Wednesday: I walked into my english double really tired and cbs attitude. Then I sit down and see its just another handout so I go to sleep. After the first period I wake up and realise it's a SAC. D= and I didn't bring many materials to class. I asked to get excused and ran to the other side of the school to my locker and got some paper and ran back. Then I rushed my SAC and actually finished it! Of course, less detail and quality. But yeah.

HERE IS WHERE I STOPPED. so umm I can't really remember what happened, so that is all,


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tidy room, +1 couch

My room is finally tidy, like really tidy, and I got a couch. SO HARD MAN!

I had to move from one end of house to the other, then up narrow staircase, then turn and do another staircase, then turn and go back down a semi-hall way and then into my room. Me, my sister and my brother managed to do it. =D

And so now my room has a couch, not just any couch, an AWESOME couch. Really. It folds out into a double bed so now I have 3 potential beds in my room *nudge*nudge*wink*wink* But yeah. Also, if we apply the law of the universe: The uglier and worn out a couch is, the more comfortable it is. It applies to all couches, think about it. Those posh new expensive couches.... are they ACTUALLY comfortable? NO! They are horribly BLAH! But MY couch.... ahahahahaha, it is worn out and torn is so many places, the cushioning and spongs is like half destroyed and its over 15 years old, I have BABY photos with that couch. Ahhh, be and my couch, we go WAYYY back. [flashback]

So my couch is HOMELY comfortable, makes my room so awesome and it fits perfectly, sorry no pics, you have to come to my room to see it for yourself ;D

I'm thinking of getting a table/desk/mahjong table for my room xD

Also, the new rearrangement makes my bed really awesome, and I got my electrical stuff set up, everything reaches perfectly. If you see, you will love it, I am in love with my new bedroom setup, it is the BEST. And there are no dead animals anymore =D

I am just superly happily super happy with my room now. :)


Apologies regarding neglection

Yes, due to many things, I have neglected my blog for the past couple of days, so I shall do perhaps four or five blogs today =D

Apologies once again, and keep checking.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pikachu and Hello Kitty

Yesterday, while thinking about what to blog about I asked Justin Choong for a random thing and he responded with 'Pikachu'. Today I asked Ada and she said 'Hello Kitty' so now I'm doing a combined blog.

I don't know much about Pikachu.... at all. Period.
Oh wait, Pikachu has that zig zag penis, its like he got his erection jammed up a grandfather clock, hur hur hur.

Hello Kitty... xD I feel so manly and unfeminine being more expertly at Hello Kitty than Pikachu. Today I was cleaning my room and found this epic Hello Kitty Guitar Clock. I don't have a camera and I dont know how to take pictures with my webcam, actually I'm just lazy, I promise I upload a picture some other time, but yeah xD

So obviously I grabbed my standard circlish grey alarm clock I use and ripped out batteries for the Hello Kitty one, =D the obvious thing to do.

Hmm... I also cleaned my fishbowl today but I'll leave that for next blog, either today or tomorrow. OH CRAP! Forgot to finish off quadratics notes for Ada... ummm ummm blegh, tomorrow it is. Until the next blog


Sister started Mapling

As I type this, my sister is levelling up on Maple Island on the character I helped her create, prior to blogging.

She told me she wants to make a page, so she will probably make a page.

I could go on and write a 14 page guide to pages and white knights dedicated to her but I can't be stuffed typing and she probably can't be stuffed reading, so meh.

The thought occured to me to pick up mapling again, but I dismissed it. The thought of picking up dofus also occured to me, and I pondered over this one a bit longer. After weighing out the pro's and con's, taking into account my social life, my newfound hobbies (parkour and wing chun) and my girlfriend <3 and my studies, I decided not to. So I guess that's it, for a while now I have been over MMORPGing. I noticed that my entire social life started to increase exponentially at the moment I quit MMORPGing (Massive Multiplayer Online Rold Playing Game ing). Huh! =D

Every now and then I might get bored and do some grinding or PQing (party quest ing) on my sister's page, but generally nah, I'm over MMORPG's.... for now, at least ;D

And I was pretty happy I decided not to resume RPG gaming, as my girlfriend randomly brought up how she is really thankful I don't game heaps, and she loved me for that. So now I'm like YEEEER! BOYYYYYY!!!! Go me =D <3 you Ada =] (and no JonTay, you canNOT have her -.-)

[stopped typing for a minute]

....because my sister came in asking me where to find red snails xD and now I'm back to blogging, hmm.... today I'll hopefully clean out my fishbowl, containing different moulds, fungi and my two dead goldfish. They've been dead for over a month now and the water has gone blackly translucent.

I shall blog more today, sooner or later, but for now.....



So I was inspired, by Melissa Tiong's random topic 'pink', to blog about 'pink'.

WELL..... pink is a shade between white and red, yes? So we can express the colour 'pink' mathematically by the expression white < pink < red.

From that expression, we can say if there is a shade of bright red, it is indeed not red, it is pink, and this is why. If there is white with x quantity of black, so long as x>0 it will not be white, it will be grey.
And if there is black with y quantity of white, so long as y>0 it will not be black, it will be grey.
In the same way, if there is red with a quantity of white, so long as a>0 it will not be red, it will be pink.
And if there is white with b quantity of red, so long as b>0 it will not be white, it will too, be pink.

However, the word 'pink' often conjures up an image of something somewhat more or less halfway or so between red and white, not really close to one extreme.

Pink....not my favourite colour, I don't love it, I don't hate it, it's just another colour that appeals to female psychology more so than male psychology, regarding humankind.

I don't know, I'll probably blog again tonight.... hmmm.... what to blog about.
So incase I don't blog again,


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Favourite Numbers

I'm bored, I want to blog, I don't know what to blog about, I shall list my favourite numbers, despite the randomness.

Smallest to largest

Favourite to least

Pointless random blog, so I shall do another shortly, but I felt like writing this.

-Hang in there-

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Today, has not been completely wasted, but most of it has. I just took heaps of 5-20 minute naps throughout the day, on the floor most of the, literally. Just drop to the floor in drowsiness and sleepyness and nap, so lazy. Wake up, MSN, facebook, music, practiced wing chun, taught my brother some very basic and general wing chun.... errr, did some core strength exercises? Yeah.

Oh. And a lot of bleeding/blood. My lower left side especially, those toes *shudder* so many injuries and blood and the foot and leg and the scabs and the blisters. But that's normal.

Umm... piano... Liszt :D

Taught my brother a couple of variations of chess and played cylindrical chess with him, it's where the A and H columns are parallell and one space apart, so its like you're playing on a cylindar as they join up on both sides, I won within 7 minutes. Then he taught me 'Ocean chess' I won't post the rules but it was pretty interesting and a great idea, he made it, my brother made it =D I kicked his ass.

Umm.... Some chores here and there, and I need to post up Quadratics notes for Ada and anyone else that wants them.

I shall do that after this post. I don't think there was much to talk about, Oh yeah, I did piss somebody off today, BIG time. Sorry, you know who you are =/

Missing parkour =/

That is all, if anything, bye.


It has occured to me that my blogs will range from philosophical opinions, daily documentation (diary entries?), random thoughts, questions and problems, notes and revision, disturbing descriptions, goals and dreams and fantasies, lovelife, eating habits, shitting habits, hobbies (is that diary entries though?) and random stuff I find that's funny. Oh yeah...penis ;D

What came first? The chicken or the egg

So today me and Matthew Julius, a philosophical genius, were talking it up over msn regarding as he phrases it, "The somethingest (largest, biggest, deepest?) question of linguistic (hope that's how you spell it) philosophy" which is "What came first? The chicken or the egg" I instantly went on to answer his question which I shall modify and evaluate even deeper here:

As the smartass (smart alek?) says "Chicken begins with C whereas Egg begins with E therefore chicken comes before the egg" This is true.... but not my response, the following is my response:

When we examine this 'paradoxial' question, we shall soon realise, its not very 'paradoxial' because if it was, it wouldn't happen and the universe would explode (or would it? I'll leave this philosophical blog for another time ;D) but it didn't.

This is the 'paradox': The chicken lays the egg, so the egg can't exist unless a chicken existed prior to the egg. But the egg hatches into chicken, so chickens can't exist unless an egg existed prior to the chicken. So which came first? Easy. The chicken did.

The chicken can create eggs without the help of eggs, however eggs need chicken (for warmth, growth) for them to hatch into chickens, so eggs can't become chickens unless there are ALREADY chickens there to 'egg them on' hur hur hur, I guess that's where the term comes from =D

To substitute this information into an actual scenario, if there were 200 eggs, they would all die from no warmth, but if there were 200 chickens they would breed and warm the eggs. You could argue, this doesn't explain where they come from but that is not the question, you could also say "how about if an external factor warmed the egg?", but if you bring in external factors, it gets super messy.

This however, did not satisfy Matthew Julius' question regarding linguistic philosophy, I am no expert, nor will I attempt to quote what he said, so 'refer to Matthew Julius' for further information.



So today (5/3) (yes I am writing this late (12:18AM) past midnight) but it still was 'today'. Speaking of that, think about it, is 'tomorrow' past midnight or when you wake up 'the next day'?

If you go to sleep before midnight and wake up in the morning, it makes no difference and such philosophical questions need not be discussed (but it's philosophy, so no question really 'needs' to be discussed but it's fun and helpful =D) I, personally, see it as the next day as hours are merely an artificial measurement of time. However, days, are not. I'll probably discuss this in future posts to come but back to the topic at hand, FISHING

So I woke up at 5am and went fishing on a boat with my dad and his friend (family friend). We had several bites each but in total only 2 keepers, both flathead. I don't see the details of fishing that blogworthy so I won't go into that much detail. Afterwards had BBQ and finally come home at 6pm (or somewhat around that time).

Yeah..... I also will be posting up study notes and revision notes for the following subjects:

Subjects I wil largely concentrate on:
-Chemistry units 1&2
-Psychology units 3&4
-Methods units 1&2

Subjects I will moderately to small concentrate on:
-Biology units 1&2
-English units 1&2
-Music (solo performance) units 1&2

Subjects I don't do (anymore or never) so it probably will be crappy, super rare and general, in fact probably just blog material:
-Business management units 1&2
-Psychology units 1&2
-Methods 3&4

So yeah, look out for them and copy them at your will ^_^ enjoy

That should be all for today
Goodnight from [stereotypical gameshow host] THE MIND OF JON!!!


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Family Group Three Lifegroup Camp

So I decided to write about my parent's life group camp that I was dragged along to, since... well I feel like it.

Woke up 5:30 to talk to friend but YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE wasn't online ><
(2/4 Friday 8:22 AM) we left the house in the car all the way to Rye, I slept the whole way and then when got there I ate 3 EASTER EGGS for breakfast =] I felt sick.....
Then unpack and blah blah some stuff and then ate lunch at some point, DIY curry laksa, all the different ingredients and you make your own dish =] YUMMY! Missing her though :/

Then we play outdoor games and I teamed up with Derek (High five derek) and we owned. Simply owned. Then played with my dad and we owned too. And then some other game, I forget what but it was fun. Still missing her :/

Then Cranium O_O wow, cranium.... funny game ^_^
LOL.....honeymoon =P
But yeah.... still missing her:/

Then dinner... BBQ.... alot of food, yet she is not there :/
And then decorating eggs x] my egg picture shall be facebooked soon
And yet, I still miss her :/

Then Karoake (that how you spell it?) .... I sang like one song and then went to bed
Missing her heaps now, but I slept nevertheless *sigh*

Next day ate breakfast....went beach, found STARFISH and it was so awesome because they were something about 30 cm in diameter and had 11 legs each. Did you know they eat under the centre of them and shit out shit at the top of their centre? Then the shit flows over their head? I found that fascinatingly awesome, imagine if I COULD EAT FROM BETWEEN MY LEGS AND SHIT OUT THE TOP OF MY HEAD!! Not as awesome but funny ^_^ I found a starfish leg (floating in water somebody must have ripped off one of the legs) and then you put ur finger on the bottom and all the suckers grab onto your finger, SO AWESOME, it sticks on. Then I stuck the whole starfish on my back but no pictures because it was out at sea and it took a while to get the starfish to stick on. Yet it was beach and I was thinking of her :/

Then ate some snacks and head back for lunch where we ate up everything else, which was aLOT of food, I felt stuffed, then we clean the house and go home ^_^

I slept all way back and then got home but she was offline =[ So I offline message and one minute later she online x] hooray! =D

Weird Blog, but yeah, thought I'd share with you guyzz =)

First Blog...Ever

So here I am, making a blog, due to the inspiration, blogs, comments and suggestions of the following people
It's funny, cuz if makes MAX, ahuhuhuhuh *chuckles* don't know what that is related to but yeah. I cbs, attaching blog URL's but matt's is bakamatt, look it up yourself. I realised instead of torturing people by spamming them with my thoughts, etc, I shall blog them, that way they can read themselves and it's alot less depressing than typing it into notepad. So today I was at mah church eating lunch and then i saw this soupy dish and thought "soup.....wez....head....$8" and then started laughing on the spot and everybody stared at me and I'm like i'm sorry and then I zoned out into some cut out scene in my head and imagined wez' (redmond's) head being decapitated, hollowed out and filled with soup then sold for $8 and was like AHAHAHAHAH. Then I saw through his hollowed out eye sockets and into his skull with the small vegetable pieces and spices floating around within the translucent soup and was like awww.... poor wez, then my mind drifted further into the process of decapitating wez and I saw his neck arteries burst and get hacked open by some maniac axeman/chef and was like 'huh.... that guy that's preparing/killing wez looks alot like me' then I was like wait a minute..... OMG WEZ IS GONNA DIE! noooooo'z so then I was like no more ><" .......spurt spurt spurt wez' blood =D

[end of blog 1]