Thursday, April 29, 2010

Cross Country

Woke up, got changed, grandma told me I had cross country, re-changed into sport uniform, played maple, went to school, did method, got my crappy mark back (58%) and then pointed out a place where the teacher stuffed up the marking so I might probably get another 4 more marks (26+4/45) = 30/45 = 66.5%, E+ to D, not bad... well not AS bad, oh right, If i call this blog cross country i should talk about cross country.

Chem we learned about polymers, english we started our orals, CROSS COUNTRY

Weeman (daniel smith) + tub of youghurt + dexter = SPLAT xD
(y) that was awesome

cross country proved to me I am more unfit that last year, well running-wise.
the mob failed... the mob is where we run in a large group. Next year we must do something epic, like... nude or topless at least or topless with a letter on our chest so it reads something like 'MENSTRUATING' or something awesome like that. scrotum was hurting the whole run.....
now its red... and painful and leaking semen everywhere. just kidding ;D just red and painful.

came home, piano lesson, went ok, yeah. Now I'm collating and creating my study notes for psychology to hand in to Mrs Cuddon, I REALLY cbs since I've already done them but HEY! she wants them and....yeah thats it, DAMN HER! I CANT BE STUFFED >< I already did them and lost them/threw them out/gave them to others but I guess it can't be helped, I must do them again =[

Yeah... XCOUNTRY.... get it? cuz the X is a cross? hur hur hur....

This blog is one of my worst blogs yet, so as a reward for reading this crappy blog, I shall give you uncrappy information: The painter saw me nude the other day while I was changing, or at least had the opportunity to see me nude. I didn't freaking realise he was painting the second story until I looked out the window, "WTH!??!?!"

That is all, until the next cross country,
Bye (like I'll still blog but probably not about cross country till the next cross country)

ps: Hoppo wagged the cross country run, what a lazy fatty!

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