Thursday, April 22, 2010

Parent Teacher Interviews and other stuff...

Today (22/04) is parent/teacher interviews. My mum is seeing my teachers today at 3:30-4:30 approx and riugt now it is 9am, she will probably drag me along (scary) and the teachers will kick my ass verbally and metaphorically by saying what a crappy student I am (they're mostly right).
So let's think this through:
Methods: maybe a few papers not brought back, but generally adequate-good-ish test scores and Marks doesn't bother with homework so that should be fine
English: (yes my mum sees ALL my teachers, well the 'necessary' ones according to her (academic) LOL, she's asian): so anyway english... should be fine, with the writing in context SAC's.
Psychology: AHHH HAIRRRRRRLLLL NO! Cuddon will abuse me to the point where my metaphorical ass has been raped to 60cm diameter D: METAPHORICAL. during the interview. ><
My SAC's were adequate/average-ish so that should be fine.
Biology: Hmm... delorenzo, some B+, B, C+ and C tests.... but :S nothing that bad i guess.... yeah, I'll just sit through that normal
Chemistry: Hmm... similiar to bio but better results and OH CRAP BOTH BIO AND CHEM I DIDNT HAND IN ONE OR TWO SACS. BLEGH! Nash got me covered for those, im fine. [bastard grin]

Also, today is the day Ada asked me to visit her in Balwyn if possible or if I want, I will most probably (definitely) cannot, becuase I dont know how to get there, not much time and my day is pretty packed the way it is already. I'm sorry Ada, another day.

Today is also the da JonTay invited me to the city I think? with him? AHAHAHAHAHA, no -.-

And then there's wez, ben, jack, matt ong and whoever else is going to ice skating which I am not going to because my piano lesson is from 9:30-10:30 and meet at glen station at 10:30, bit hard, eh?

Also my day is pretty busy with other stuff so yah, 3xturned down D: sorry guys... except for jontay, wth were u thinking of even doing in the city? it will be like awkwardish and boringish, HAH!

SO yeah, piano... starting in 20 minutes.... glehh (like blegh but variant, self explanatory work it out, say it out loud then think of a scenario in which you would say that) No piano for like 1 month and so she is expecting alot from me, i practiced one song alot, so she will (y) that and the rest JONATHAN YOU LAZY PRICK YOU DIDNT PRACTICE! (exxageration)

So yah, I practiced 30min before and will practice soon then later during the day.

Today is also the day my grandparents on my dad's (white/NZ) side come to Melbourne, So my dad is out picking them from airport at the moment and my mum is seeing my sister's teachers (my sis is a 'hardworker' and so she gets good reports, not hard seeing she is year 7-8 (eight this year))

but meh, so umm yeah, my G'parents get my room and I move into my brother's room but since my room is already tidy and vacummed and i got a freakingly awesome double bed open up couch, they sleep on that, i move matrress to bro's room, crash there and ta-da! x] problems solved.

This may mean less blogging but more interesting... actually just more interesting, I'll blog even more, if anything, since I'm starting to like blogging past the first-time-obsessive stage.

HEY LOOK! the painter's van is here, hence, the painter has arrived. and who IS the painter, you may (i know u wont but for the sake of the blog) its Rowena Botrous' Dad, I can see him carrying his ladder right now.

Hmm.... but today I have to complete my large quantity of psychology revision notes/study notes and I can't be stuffed as they are scattered and lost and I have to redo them for Cuddon and BLEGH! just simply cbf, but I have to, so that sums up my day.

If anyone has typed up revision/study notes for Psychology unit 3, GIVE ME THEM!!! I NEEEEED THEM!

I feel strangely happy and content at the moment, no, it should not be strange.

Here's a random/some random thought/thoughts that went through my head yesterday

16/4 Friday = normal = school
17/4 Saturday = weekend = no school
18/4 Sunday = weekend = no school
19/4 Monday = normal = school
20/4 Tuesday = excursion = no school (well day school, in a way)
21/4 Wednesday = half day = Partial school
22/4 Thursday = P/T interviews = no school
23/4 Friday = normal = school
24/4 Saturday = weekend = no school
25/4 Sunday = weekend = no school
26/4 Monday = ANZAC = no school
27/4 Tuesday = normal = school

SO if I skipped friday I would get a 5 day weekend. And by skipping 1 or 2 more days I pretty much get a 9 day weekend with the excursion of my Psychology 3/4 excursion SAC and half a day of school or something like that, nice, eh?

I love Ada
I miss become a fan
I love blogging
I miss Ada

Yeah... become a fan is gone now, facebook sucks. And Ada is at school, feels weird since she is usually on msn same time i'm on :S When she is not online, it doesnt feel right, it feels like something important is missing, like when you forget to put sugar into the cake mix, but I dont cook, so I wouldnt know :S =[

And blogging is awesome... and I feel full (hunger wise)

And now I shall wrap this blog up, not literally, no wait, new idea *postpones wrapping up blog*

Most of the time as in MOST MOST of the time (99%) people don't understand the sexual innuendo hidden under phrases and expressions, but I do and I sort of assume others do and cover up my mistake for example:

me: "are you coming tomorrow"
me: "i mean like not the sexual coming, you know i meant the non sexual attendence coming, u know, to the ice skating"
them: "yeah... i know... im not coming"
me: "k, just making sure"

I realised I should just assume they didn't understand the sexual innuendo as most minds arent as sexually thinky and perverted and weird as mine is. Most.

Speaking of that, I'm compiling a list of messed up short stories and phrases that get more disturbing as you keep reading and the one in which you 'STOP' at, is your grade, something like that, I'll need Wazza's help in putting them in order from least twisted to most twisted, OH! my piano teacher is here, I'll blog later then, bye people

JONATHAN AWAYYY (like the non sexual jonathan away)

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