Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Today, has not been completely wasted, but most of it has. I just took heaps of 5-20 minute naps throughout the day, on the floor most of the, literally. Just drop to the floor in drowsiness and sleepyness and nap, so lazy. Wake up, MSN, facebook, music, practiced wing chun, taught my brother some very basic and general wing chun.... errr, did some core strength exercises? Yeah.

Oh. And a lot of bleeding/blood. My lower left side especially, those toes *shudder* so many injuries and blood and the foot and leg and the scabs and the blisters. But that's normal.

Umm... piano... Liszt :D

Taught my brother a couple of variations of chess and played cylindrical chess with him, it's where the A and H columns are parallell and one space apart, so its like you're playing on a cylindar as they join up on both sides, I won within 7 minutes. Then he taught me 'Ocean chess' I won't post the rules but it was pretty interesting and a great idea, he made it, my brother made it =D I kicked his ass.

Umm.... Some chores here and there, and I need to post up Quadratics notes for Ada and anyone else that wants them.

I shall do that after this post. I don't think there was much to talk about, Oh yeah, I did piss somebody off today, BIG time. Sorry, you know who you are =/

Missing parkour =/

That is all, if anything, bye.

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