Tuesday, April 27, 2010


D=D = D= + =D because there were D= moments of my day and some =D moments too xD.

I would go on to tell you what they were but-damn, I got a mindblank midsentence... well that sucks, so I'll just list you them, for each negative event has an equal and opposite positive event. Newton's third law.

Got an eve crappier mark for my chem test on covalent bonding, ionic compounds, metals and hydrocarbons, than my previous test. D=
I passed by a mile (like not close to failing) and it's just chemistry 1/2 =D

Forgot to brin my pencil box to school and had a psychology 3/4 SAC today D=
Joel wu lent me a pen, I found another pen on the floor, found a pencil on a table and Dexter let me borrow his eraser and pencil sharpener prior and during the SAC. =D

Most of my music tuition class didn't turn up because they forgot or didn't know most probably D=
That wasn't me! =D

I was 5 minutes late to music tuition after school D=
The class started 10 minutes later anyway =D

It was just me and Jazer D=
IT WAS JUST ME AND JAZER (advanced chord progressions) =D

I was halfway through peeing on the road when cars kept driving past D=

I was stuck in the rain D=
But it was with Jazer and we practiced Wing Chun =D

I was hungry D=

I was bored D=

I have homework D=
I have time =D

I probably won't do the homework and get screwed tomorrow at maths methods class/tuition D=
MORE BLOGGING FOR YOU ALL!!! HAHAH guys, love you all. A couple of people said my blog was actually good (sidenote) I thought it was crap at first, not to be modest. Like I thought some parts were ok and other parts just crap but people say it's funny/interesting hehe =D

I have to do piano soon and I'm really busy D=
I just took a massive satisfying shit! =D

I'm running out of things to say D=
But I can do another blog after this that's not D=D =D

Bye people D=
I will blog to you all soon =D

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