Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What came first? The chicken or the egg

So today me and Matthew Julius, a philosophical genius, were talking it up over msn regarding as he phrases it, "The somethingest (largest, biggest, deepest?) question of linguistic (hope that's how you spell it) philosophy" which is "What came first? The chicken or the egg" I instantly went on to answer his question which I shall modify and evaluate even deeper here:

As the smartass (smart alek?) says "Chicken begins with C whereas Egg begins with E therefore chicken comes before the egg" This is true.... but not my response, the following is my response:

When we examine this 'paradoxial' question, we shall soon realise, its not very 'paradoxial' because if it was, it wouldn't happen and the universe would explode (or would it? I'll leave this philosophical blog for another time ;D) but it didn't.

This is the 'paradox': The chicken lays the egg, so the egg can't exist unless a chicken existed prior to the egg. But the egg hatches into chicken, so chickens can't exist unless an egg existed prior to the chicken. So which came first? Easy. The chicken did.

The chicken can create eggs without the help of eggs, however eggs need chicken (for warmth, growth) for them to hatch into chickens, so eggs can't become chickens unless there are ALREADY chickens there to 'egg them on' hur hur hur, I guess that's where the term comes from =D

To substitute this information into an actual scenario, if there were 200 eggs, they would all die from no warmth, but if there were 200 chickens they would breed and warm the eggs. You could argue, this doesn't explain where they come from but that is not the question, you could also say "how about if an external factor warmed the egg?", but if you bring in external factors, it gets super messy.

This however, did not satisfy Matthew Julius' question regarding linguistic philosophy, I am no expert, nor will I attempt to quote what he said, so 'refer to Matthew Julius' for further information.


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