Monday, September 27, 2010

The bubbling arm.

Oh while I'm here, I thought "I'll finalise with a third story". So here I am, with my third story.

Dedicated to: Joel Wu

This happened to my last Saturday, about 9 days ago.

I was loving How I Met Your Mother and decided to watch it in bed.

So I'm watching how I met your mother on my laptop on my blanket on my lap in bed and enjoying it, as it is How I Met Your Mother.

I wake up at 3am feeing a burning sensation on my arm, I'm disorientated and then I remembered "OHH I was watching HIMYM and now I'm waking up." After realising the situation I was in, I decided to check out why my arm felt hot.

The underside of my left arm facing the laptop was directly next to the heat vent, and my arm was bubbling. You know, like when you grill cheese in the oven and it doesn't BOIL but it sorta bubbles like the bubbles go up and down. Yeah, that was my arm. But not as extreme.

Too tired to care, I simply closed my laptop, placed it next to my bed, turned off my lamp and went back to sleep, without hesitation. I didn't feel the pain as I was asleep. Try it yourself, hold your arm directly next to and completely covering the venting system on your laptop. See how long you last. Now hold it there for 3 hours.

In the morning, my arm was in pain and I was like "What the hell?!" Then I remembered. Ah yes, WHOAAA It was a bubble. On my arm ~ a blister.

Next to it were parallel red lines, from the vent on my laptop. So there you have it, a pustulent bubble on my arm.

Oh, and for the record. The contents of the blister were salty with a tangy edge. Yeahhh, damn right I tasted it.

So Joel, HIMYM does have a downside. ;D

A break in blogging

I'm not quitting.
I'm not stopping.
I'm just pausing for a while.

See, I haven't posted in a while, due to a reason I won't mention hear. Right now, I'm at a friend's house posting.

Not being able to post from my house is inconvenient, and therefore, I'm going to stop for a while.

When I do resume, however, I'll announce it on facebook.

Sorry for the inconvenience. :/


Day Ten - One confession

I sleep naked.

Day Nine - Two things that make me smile

1) Dirty jokes - A 20 minute long winded story or a simple "That's what she said" followed by a high-five. Either way, it brings a smile to my face

2) Free food - I'm not cheap, I just like having to not pay for my food. Whether someone is shouting, I'm at somebody's house, I'm stealing, I use coupon, or just not paying for the groceries. FREE FOOD ~ is awesome.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


For those of you that read my last post about my dentist, you would know he verbally attacks me when I can't respond (because he's working on my mouth).

Last time he went on and on about my boyfriend(s) and how gay I am.

This time, he was like "So Jonathan, do you have a girlfriend?" I couldn't respond nor could I move my head to indicate a nod (yes) or shake (no). So he continued, "Well, if you don't have one, I have a few girls I'd like you to meet."

By now, I'm like ?!?!?!

Then he goes on to say "You're in Waverley Christian College right? Have you ever thought of asking out..." And then he went on to list a bunch of girls around my age, that go to my school. Ending with, "They're nice girls, I'll mention you to them next time I see them."


I can't exactly get to anything, because if I do, the joke's on me, I get retarded teeth.

Anyway, I got my wire thickened. Actually, thick wire replacing current wire but yeah. Which's going to hurt like a bitch tomorrow morning.

But that's okay, I'm in a good mood. Because...I had roast duck for dinner. I rarely have roast duck. And I love it. I plan to eat heaps in Singapore at the end of this year when I go back, going to be EPIC.

Just kidding, it won't be epic at all. It will be tasty*.

Duck. Is. So. Nice.

I want more now. D:

I could eat 5kg of duck. Really, I could.

Day Eight - Three Turn Ons.

1. Possession - My girl is mine. (Five pushups - Inside joke) and that makes me happy.

2. Perversion - Veryyyy nice. :D

3. Triangular nipples - This just comes down to whether you're lucky enough to be born with these, but if you are, give me your number. ;D

Stomach Ache

Okay, my posts are a bit messy....but they're all here.

This one occurred after school.

So me and Joel went to charcoal chicken to eat up on some food.
I bought the half chicken and chips with gravy, he bought the drink and potato scallops.

We....ate a lot.

We were both hungry and by the end of it, both full.

After Joel bought small chips and gravy to take home for his brother, we walked back to Joel's house, you he can give it to his brother. His brother had "big sharp pains" in his stomach, blaming the chips. I...had similar pains but not as sharp and big. Easily bearable. Once I got home, however, it got painful. And now I'm left with a stomach ache.


How I Met Your Mother

The show that everybody is talking about, with the legen-wait for it-dary suited up Barney and it's 'awesomeness'. I had my doubts. I mean, I didn't doubt it would be THAT great of a T.V. program, with the feedback from the general public, I KNEW it probably BE legen-wait for it-dary.

But people quoting that line every 10 seconds is ridiculous.

I watched the first episode today (Gotten off Joel Wu). It WAS indeed legen-wait for it-dary. :D
Better than I thought it would be.

And I'm probably going to continue watching it and finish it by the end of the holidays....maybe.
It depends how many seasons there are.

Anyway, I'm getting off JonathanC4 now to do chemistry and watch more HIMYM.

Oh wait, it's past midnight, may as well do my next 10 day thingy, since it's turn-on's which is related to turn-off's.

Conclusion: HIMYM, is a good show, I recommend it. Saying that, all of my followers probably already seen all the episodes and are thinking how slow I am. I'll adress this issue in another post soon...

Until then,

Monday, September 6, 2010

I'm not pregnant.

Just because I had an ultrasound, it doesn't mean I'm pregnant. Nor, does it mean I have penis cancer. It's JUST an ultrasound.

So here's the story:

I had to see a doctor because of my heart. There's nothing wrong with it, I'm pretty sure, but I have to run these tests because....well, just 'cause.

First, an X-Ray which I blogged about the other day. And today, an ultrasound. I had those sticky circles things stuck all over my body that are wired up to a monitor to check pulse and all that stuff. Then the doctor, who shared the same birthday as me (h5), used this device to see inside me.

So on the screen, you know, that screen which looks like a segment of a doughnut, the ultrasound, showed my heart beating. Fascinating, really...

Afterwards I cleaned myself up and left the room, penis-cancer free.

So yeah, late to school aaaaand, not pregnant. -_-

Day Seven - Four turn offs

1. Dobber-ins. Tattlers? What do you call them....those people who turn you in, yeah...don't like that.

2. Smoking - Yeah, no.

3. Silent treatment - Hate this. Makes me feel soo bad yet I don't know what I did wrong. I guess that's the point of it, oh well. Okay, half of the time I do know what I did wrong but meh. xD (n) Turnoff.

4. Excessive makeup - If it's obvious or makes you look super fake, it's not good. >_> (<--LOL nipples) But yeah, I prefer no makeup or little makeup.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Chat box!!

So, this is my present to my readers for helping me reach 1,000 unique views. A chat box. I even customized the colours to match my blogskin!! :D



Day Six - Five plans for the future

I know some of these things will be more like "I want to do this before I die" rather than "I plan to do this in the future" But meh - Here are the five:

1. Take biomedicine - Hopefully, if I get 95 ENTER, Melbourne University. Otherwise, I'll go Monash. If I can't even get into that...I don't know. I plan to get in to Melbourne University, so umm....YEAH!

2. Have kids - Marriage is implied. But yeah, this is one of the things I want to do. I mean, I don't want to 'do' the kid, he's my kid. I mean she's* my kid. (I'm not gay). Not like it'll matter anyway, I wasn't even planning to 'do' the kid in the first place...

3. Go on a freestyle parkour run. As in, building top, sidewalk, oncoming traffic, any style. I don't care what it is, I just want to have that awesome adrenaline rush, and it has to be somewhere I'm not familiar with.

4. See somebody die in real life. I don't want to sit back in front of a T.V. or some illegal video website watching filmed deaths and murders, I don't even want to be in a hospital watching somebody die, I want to see a street murder/accident in real life happen! Oh, the excitement. If I'm lucky, it'll happen a few metres in front of my own eyes, if I'm luckier, I'll be on one of the ends - The murderer or the victim.

5. Die, epicly - If I don't die, well then I'll get pretty bored now wouldn't I? I don't want to commit suicide, no, that's silly, but I DO plan to die at some point, AND, I want it to be epic. Just like Mr Bates - My English Teacher who actually teaches me English, said, "Why do people value dying painlessly and peacfully in their sleep? I mean you're going to get to heaven and there will be a group of people sharing the only story they have left, their death. And there will be Jesus leading the discussion with his dragged out, crucifixion. I want to be able to tell some interesting story, not 'I died in my sleep' You only die once so may as well make it worth while!" I COMPLETELY agree. It's not like you're going to live with the pain. It's DYING, for goodness sake, so I want my death to be epic and painful and LONG and horrific, AAAAAND Gory. Very, gory. >=D

Saturday, September 4, 2010

1000 unique views!

Hooray! 04/09/2010.

On the 6th of June, I installed my view counter on my blog.

Now it is the 4th of September, Just under 3 months, and I have hit 1000 views.

So, as promised, I shall decorate my page once more. I haven't decided what I'll do, and I'll probably do it some other time, but soon. Also, I will decorate it again at 10,000 every views and 10,000 unique views.

I realised that only me cares about this, and there is a 95% my blog followers couldn't care less, it's just a view counter.

But it's not like I'm replacing any of my posts with THIS post, it's just a 'bonus' post. =D

But yes, as Joel Wu says, "Nobody cares....!!"

Thanks for visiting, come again. (<--LOL!)

Day Five - Six things I wish I'd never done.

Neglect piano during my primary years - If I hadn't, I could have finished grade 8 before VCE and make my life a whole lot easier.

Screw up my friendships - Biggest one of them all, I've done it multiple times, wish I never did. Don't really wanna say much on this but yeah....complete regret.

Dig holes in my arms - Because in job interviews and when meeting new people, it's going to be a hassle having to explain my scars on my right arm.

Play runescape - Oh the hours I wasted....this one isn't something I'm like "MANN HATE THIS SO MUCH, HOW COULD I BE SO STUPID?!?!" Runescape had the perfect balance of boring and addictiveness. If a game is too boring, you quit. If a game is too fun/addictive, you play it until it gets boring. Runescape had that balance that made you drone over it for hours and for me - years. Simply put, I could've done more productive things.

Not starting my blog earlier - Blogging is amazing, I wish I'd started it like 3 years ago, or even in primary. :D

Let me goldfish die - They were good goldfish, and fun too.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Off to Youth

Finished dinner and now headin' for youth.

Pay it forward.

The past week has been pay it forward week.

The concept is quite simple. Somebody does something nice for you (or to you ;D) and instead of paying them back with a good deed, you do something nice for someone else and then tell them (and explain if you need to) to "pay it forward".

Not a bad concept. It started on monday, we had a special assembly in which we were all given chocolate slices and then told to pay it forward. I was late, so I didn't get any, but that's okay.

Anyway, all I did was give out 12 loose leaf pieces of paper to people in English and Biology to my classmates.

So to all of you reading this....PAY IT FORWARD

Day Off

Today is my day off. With my external at David's house getting filled with one piece, I have no one piece...

I stayed up to about 3am last night watching scrubs, slept in till 11am, went out for lunch with my family, practiced piano, facebooked and now blogging.

Soon, gonna print out some more posters for my wall, :D

Today has been a semi-productive day. But the best part is YOUTH TONIGHT. >=D

Can't wait. xP

Maggot Surprise.

With feedback such as "That is SO gross" and "As if, that's so nasty!!" and my favourite from Jonathan Choong - "That is fucking DISGUSTING!", You have no idea how 'fucking disgusting' my past has been, here's my second story, also true - Maggot Surprise

Dedicated to: Jonathan Choong

I don't remember when this but I was quite young. Like year 6 primary or something?
It was a while ago.

So those of you in Waverley Christian College, my school, imagine the year 12 common area, in front of that, there are some bubblers, drinking taps. As a thirsty year 6 on a hot lunchtime, I spotted the water fountains and went over to drink. I was thisty so I drank a lot, holding my breath. When I finished, I took a deep breath and unfortunately and coincedentally, a large fly was flying past my face and in one breath, I swallowed it whole.

After choking and realising it's down in my belly, I gave up on it and ignored it.

Half a week later, I had stomach pains. By this point, the fly incident was forgotten and I thought it was just slight food poisoning or something else that's insignificant.

That night, I woke up at 4am, with a stomach ache, needing to shit real bad. So I went to the crapper and crapped. At the end of it, I looked down to see if there was anything noticeable in my faeces, that might have caused it.

The horrific imagery I saw, I can still remember PERFECTLY today. About 80% of my shit was covered in white squirming maggots. You could barely see the brown of my shit. It was just COVERED in maggots and I assumed the maggots were within the buttlog too, not just around it.

As a year 6, no, as a human, this terrified me. I panicked. It was 4am. I was speechless. I calmed myself down, deciding to keep this a secret. I mean, it's JUST maggots right? Stupid me...should've gotten a doctor. But I didn't. I was too embarrased about having a bunch of maggots inside me.

THEN, it clicked. The fly 4 days ago. Ahhhh shit. It must've been pregnant or full of maggots or some crap. Now my intestines are full of baby flies.

The next time I shat, I took a look down, it was only about 30% covered this time, how lucky. I mean, that's pretty bad inside, but for a one shit difference, 80% to 30% isn't so bad. I like to be optimistic about things...should only be a few more days before it goes away if it goes away this rapidly, right?

Wrong. But it DID go away. The rate the maggots left, slowed down. It took about 3 weeks before there was no more maggots, so kinda like a y=(1/x) graph. I still checked, JUST to make sure, you know....because it was kind of on my mind, during this month. I mean, how often do maggots cover your shit?

Since then, the maggots have never returned. I can't imagine what would have happened had they bitten through my intestinal wall or if they ate through my flesh. I'm just glad they feasted upon my body waste, not my body vitals.

Thank God,

Until story #3,

Good day.

Day Three - Seven things that cross my mind a lot

Close friends - I mean, all my friends cross my mind, but in terms of a LOT....close friends.

My health - It crosses my mind OFTEN but it doesn't spend much time on my mind. Nor do I care particular much for this. But it crosses often.

Sex - I'm a 16 year old male in today's generation, what do you expect? Plus it's me...Jonathan Cattermole

Biomedicine, biochemistry and biomolecules - I have a passion for this, hence, my preferred university course.

Music - That I want to be able to play, or write. I should let it cross my hands more than my mind...

Martial arts - Probably one of the bigger ones. I want to master, well not master, but be adequate at the five animal styles. For those of you reading this and think it's the five from Kung Fu're close, not quite: Tiger, Mantis, Snake, Crane, Dragon. Not monkey, dragon. Wushu FTW!!

Fantasy/Fiction games/animes/stories. Ones I want to make, or write or play or watch. Like One Piece...or the story I'm working on right now...or some RPG game I will never make but jot down ideas for.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day Three - Eight ways to win my heart

The following eight dot points are under the assumption it is in a romantic manner:

1) Talk to me - The more you talk, the closer you are? Well the closer you are in that direction, if that's what you're aiming for, anyway.

2) Spend time with me - Same principal but much greater. Even if you don't talk, so long as you spend time, you're gonna get results.

3) Be a female - It's surprising how many people get this one wrong. I'm not going to fall in love with you, unless you're a female. That means you have a vagina, without the use of surgery. I do NOT want some transvestite, I'd rather fall in love with a guy, than a tranny.

4) Do any activity on a regular basis - Whether it be studying, jogging, oral sex or just plain hanging out, if it's on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis, it's good. (y) Even better if it's productive unless the product are babies. Yeah, I don't want babies during VCE.

5) Trust me, or even better, have me trust you. - Because....I don't trust anybody so if you manage that, you pretty much got me.

6) No lying, cheating, gossipping, backstabbing or any of that stuff. Even though I do lie, I don't lie to my 'significant other'. Loyalty, honesty, that kind of stuff is what I'm looking for. (y) Because then I can really connect with that someone.

7) Flexibility - I don't mean physically (although that DOES open the door to a whole new realm of sexual position) I mean routinely. So I can 'pop in' to visit or randomly decide to meet up. That kind of thing.

8) A repeat, spend time with me, physically, virtually, reguarly, it doesn't matter what. Just talk to me and spend time with me. Then from there you can figure out what to do next because....

Happy 18th, Phil.

That's all. You can now get your P's (although you haven't even got your L's), drink in a bar, buy alcohol.

On the downside, you'll be considered a pedophile if you grab my ass at school, even if it's just for fun, like how all the guys grabs all the guys' asses. (we're not gay, it's just for fun)

But hey! It just makes it THAT much more exciting. ;D

Happy birthday dude.


Was my highlight of the day. By FARRR. Let's see where to begin....ah yes.

Double methods...just how to move the y axis on a sin or cos graph.
English...just writing rape stories.
Double chemistry...just some boring redox prac.

CHAPEL....the make poverty history group came up and presented a multimedia presentation. Me, Joel, Hoppo, Phil, Wez, Weeman and I think one other person, started clapping and eventually we got a lot of people clapping! :D doens't sound as great in text format, it was a lot funnier at the time...

2000 views. (general)

General views though. Not unique views.

I thought my unique views would hit 1000 before my general views hit 2000. Since at the time my general views were 1000, my unique views were about 650. But no, I was wrong. However, over the upcoming long weekend (for me, you see we have a day off tomorrow) I shall reach 1000 unique views, so it's all good.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day Two - Nine things about me.

1) I'm a bad cook. Never ask me to cook. When I have to cook for myself I live off instant noodles, toast, cereal, water, continental and 'heat it up' asian foods or leftovers.

2) I'm a liar. It's not like I want to lie to people. I just have a habit of doing it. Saying that, these 9 things aren't lies, neither will everything else I write on my blog. I mean they might be but yeah, I'm a liar.

3) I like bubble tea. It tastes nice, really nice.

4) I like doing physical activities like parkour, freerunning, sexual intercourse, jogging, playing at playgrounds and sparring.

5) I'm manipulative. Furthermore than lying, I'm manipulative. No further comment on this one...

6) I'm a pervert. Apparently. It's not like I'm sexually immoral, I'm just imaginitively immoral. :) That's a much nicer way to put it. But really, my mind is twisted, so very twisted.

7) I help people if they ask me for help. Unless they're in a funny situation or if they deserved it, or if....well yeah. Then I'll laugh at you, but I'll still help you.

8) I have trust issues. I trust pretty much nobody. And because of that, I keep good secrets. Because I cannot trust others with my secrets, others' secrets or even secrets of those they don't even know.

9) I follow logic. Because logic beats everything. EVERYTHING. If you poke a hole in my logic, I will use more logic to fix it, if you poke a hole through ALL of my logic, I will have sexual intercourse with that hole. ;D


My former favourite month of the year, you remind me of relaxation.

There was meant to be atheletics day in which I have no events so I planned to sleep in then go to Joel Wu's house to study. So I stayed up till 5am studying, watching anime and writing a the whole day today I was sleepy.

It rained. It got cancelled. My dad got a text and he forced me to go to school.

I hoped Joel also would go to school too but he stayed home waiting for me, I feel like an ass now. But that's okay, I'll just make it up another day (<-- LOL, rhymes. =] )

English...Mr Bates forgot his stuff so we just watched youtube.

Music....we played a game with the ending scores something like:

-900 Hans
-90 Jazer
2 Me
105 Jere
1400 Isaac
3500 Shirin


So did I, but at least I was positive.


Methods.....just some boring next exercise.

Pinch and a Punch for the first day of the month, no returns,

Good afternoon.