Friday, September 3, 2010

Maggot Surprise.

With feedback such as "That is SO gross" and "As if, that's so nasty!!" and my favourite from Jonathan Choong - "That is fucking DISGUSTING!", You have no idea how 'fucking disgusting' my past has been, here's my second story, also true - Maggot Surprise

Dedicated to: Jonathan Choong

I don't remember when this but I was quite young. Like year 6 primary or something?
It was a while ago.

So those of you in Waverley Christian College, my school, imagine the year 12 common area, in front of that, there are some bubblers, drinking taps. As a thirsty year 6 on a hot lunchtime, I spotted the water fountains and went over to drink. I was thisty so I drank a lot, holding my breath. When I finished, I took a deep breath and unfortunately and coincedentally, a large fly was flying past my face and in one breath, I swallowed it whole.

After choking and realising it's down in my belly, I gave up on it and ignored it.

Half a week later, I had stomach pains. By this point, the fly incident was forgotten and I thought it was just slight food poisoning or something else that's insignificant.

That night, I woke up at 4am, with a stomach ache, needing to shit real bad. So I went to the crapper and crapped. At the end of it, I looked down to see if there was anything noticeable in my faeces, that might have caused it.

The horrific imagery I saw, I can still remember PERFECTLY today. About 80% of my shit was covered in white squirming maggots. You could barely see the brown of my shit. It was just COVERED in maggots and I assumed the maggots were within the buttlog too, not just around it.

As a year 6, no, as a human, this terrified me. I panicked. It was 4am. I was speechless. I calmed myself down, deciding to keep this a secret. I mean, it's JUST maggots right? Stupid me...should've gotten a doctor. But I didn't. I was too embarrased about having a bunch of maggots inside me.

THEN, it clicked. The fly 4 days ago. Ahhhh shit. It must've been pregnant or full of maggots or some crap. Now my intestines are full of baby flies.

The next time I shat, I took a look down, it was only about 30% covered this time, how lucky. I mean, that's pretty bad inside, but for a one shit difference, 80% to 30% isn't so bad. I like to be optimistic about things...should only be a few more days before it goes away if it goes away this rapidly, right?

Wrong. But it DID go away. The rate the maggots left, slowed down. It took about 3 weeks before there was no more maggots, so kinda like a y=(1/x) graph. I still checked, JUST to make sure, you know....because it was kind of on my mind, during this month. I mean, how often do maggots cover your shit?

Since then, the maggots have never returned. I can't imagine what would have happened had they bitten through my intestinal wall or if they ate through my flesh. I'm just glad they feasted upon my body waste, not my body vitals.

Thank God,

Until story #3,

Good day.

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