Saturday, September 4, 2010

1000 unique views!

Hooray! 04/09/2010.

On the 6th of June, I installed my view counter on my blog.

Now it is the 4th of September, Just under 3 months, and I have hit 1000 views.

So, as promised, I shall decorate my page once more. I haven't decided what I'll do, and I'll probably do it some other time, but soon. Also, I will decorate it again at 10,000 every views and 10,000 unique views.

I realised that only me cares about this, and there is a 95% my blog followers couldn't care less, it's just a view counter.

But it's not like I'm replacing any of my posts with THIS post, it's just a 'bonus' post. =D

But yes, as Joel Wu says, "Nobody cares....!!"

Thanks for visiting, come again. (<--LOL!)

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